Software Engineering Final Assignment -- Contribution

Software Engineering Final Assignment -- Contribution

Website for repositories:

What is it?
Produce and submit a non-trivial modification or extension to an open-source project. If accepted, +6% bonus points on HW6b.

  • one large task or several smaller tasks. (If you are working with a partner, choose twice as much.)
  • each team member spends at least ~24 hours each on the project: ~7 hours to identify a project and get the lay of the land; ~12 hours to create a work list, design, and execute your changes; and ~5 hours to reflect and prepare your report.
  • work breadth first to ensure that you cover all of the reporting elements

What should do?

  • Create any necessary documentation to enable acceptance of your code
  • Keep track of how you actually spend your time while you are performing the task. The final report requires you to submit a “what actually happened” schedule.

a - Task Selection Report


DYC(documenting your source code) –

b - Project Report

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