SAP License:SAP FI/CO—Questions and Answers

SAP Basics 12
SAP License:SAP FI/CO—Questions and Answers
1 What is ‘SAP”? 12

2 Tell Me More About (The History Of) SAP 13

3 What are the ‘Solutions’ Currently Available from SAP? 13

4 What are the Components of the ‘SAP ERP’ Solution? 13、

5 What is the Significance of the ‘SAP NetWeaver’ Platform? 13

6 What are the Components of ‘NetWeaver’? 14

7 What are the Components of the ‘SAP Business Suite’? 14

8 What are the Most Recent Releases of the ‘SAP R/3″ Solution? 15

9 What ‘Industry Solutions’ (IS) are Available from SAP? 15

10 What is ‘SAP xApps’? 15

11 What are all the Components of ‘SAP xApps’? 15

12 What is known as ‘Duet’? 16

13 Explain the ‘SAP Document Builder’ 16


作为SAP的资深合作伙伴,赛锐信息是一家专业提供SAP行业化管理软件解决方案的顾问公司,致力于为企业提供SAP ERP系统咨询服务、IT规划、业务流程优化、信息系统实施、行业信息系统方案开发,运营外包及售后维护等全面的服务方案。已服务1000+家不同行业、规模的大中小型企业客户。在电子高科技、汽车零部件、印刷包装、医疗器械、快消品、专业服务等行业信息化管理领域具有领导性地位。


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