SQL>select * from database_properties where property_name='DEFAULT_TEMP_TABLESPACE';
SQL>select file_name,tablespace_name,bytes/1024/1024 "MB",autoextensible from dba_temp_files;
SQL>create temporary tablespace TEMP2 TEMPFILE 'D:\oradata\temp02.dbf' SIZE 10M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 1M MAXSIZE UNLIMITED;
SQL>alter database default temporary tablespace temp2;
SQL>drop tablespace temp including contents and datafiles;
/**重新创建临时表空间temp **/
SQL>create temporary tablespace TEMP TEMPFILE 'D:\oradata\temp01.dbf' SIZE 512M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 1M MAXSIZE UNLIMITED;
SQL>alter database default temporary tablespace temp;
/**删除中转用临时表空间 **/
SQL>drop tablespace temp2 including contents and datafiles;
/**重新指定用户表空间为重建的临时表空间 **/
SQL>alter user yhm temporary tablespace temp;