
Part1. Introduction to DataCleaner  介绍DataCleaner

  • |--What is data quality(DQ)  数据质量?
  • |--What is data profiling?   数据分析?
  • |--What is datastore?      数据存储?
  •   Composite datastore    综合性数据存储
  • |--What is data monitoring?  数据监控?
  • |--What is master data management(MDM)?  主数据管理?

What is data quality (DQ)?

Data Quality (DQ) is a concept and a business term covering the quality of the data used for a particular purpose. Often times the DQ term is applied to the quality of data used


in business decisions but it may also refer to the quality of data used in research, campaigns, processes and more.


Working with Data Quality typically varies a lot from project to project, just as the issues in the quality of data vary a lot. Examples of data quality issues include:


      1. Completeness of data  数据的完整性  
      2. Correctness of data   数据的正确性 
      3. Duplication of data    重复的数据
      4. Uniformedness/standardization of data  数据的标准性   

A less technical definition of high-quality data is, that data are of high quality "if they are fit for their intended uses in operations, decision making and planning" (J. M. Juran).

对高质量数据的一个不太技术性的定义是,数据具有高质量,“如果它们适合于其在运营、决策和规划方面的预期用途”(J. M. Juran)。

Data quality analysis (DQA) is the (human) process of examining the quality of data for a particular process or organization. The DQA includes both technical and non-technical


elements. For example, to do a good DQA you will probably need to talk to users, business people, partner organizations and maybe customers.


This is needed to asses what the goal of the DQA should be.


From a technical viewpoint the main task in a DQA is the data profiling activity, which will help you discover and measure the current state of affairs in the data.


What is data profiling?

Data profiling is the activity of investigating a datastore to create a 'profile' of it. With a profile of your datastore you will be a lot better equipped to actually use and improve it.


The way you do profiling often depends on whether you already have some ideas about the quality of the data or if you're not experienced with the datastore at hand. Either


way we recommend an explorative approach, because even though you think there are only a certain amount of issues you need to look for, it is our experience (and reasoning behind a lot of the features of DataCleaner) that it is just as important to check those items in the data that you think are correct!


Typically it's cheap to include a bit more data into your analysis and the results just might surprise you and save you time!


DataCleaner comprises (amongst other aspects) a desktop application for doing data profiling on just about any kind of datastore.


What is a datastore?

A datastore is the place where data is stored. Usually enterprise data lives in relational databases, but there are numerous exceptions to that rule.


To comprehend different sources of data, such as databases, spreadsheets, XML files and even standard business applications, we employ the umbrella term datastore .


DataCleaner is capable of retrieving data from a very wide range of datastores. And furthermore, DataCleaner can update the data of most of these datastores as well.


A datastore can be created in the UI or via the configuration file . You can create a datastore from any type of source such as: CSV, Excel, Oracle Database, MySQL, etc.



Composite datastore

composite datastore contains multiple datastores . The main advantage of a composite datastore is that it allows you to analyze and process data from multiple sources in the same job.


What is data monitoring?

We've argued that data profiling is ideally an explorative activity. Data monitoring typically isn't! The measurements that you do when profiling often times needs to be continuously checked so that your improvements are enforced through time. This is what data monitoring is typically about.

Data monitoring solutions come in different shapes and sizes. You can set up your own bulk of scheduled jobs that run every night. You can build alerts around it that send you emails if a particular measure goes beyond its allowed thresholds, or in some cases you can attempt ruling out the issue entirely by applying First-Time-Right (FTR) principles that validate data at entry-time. eg. at data registration forms and more.

As of version 3, DataCleaner now also includes a monitoring web application, dubbed "DataCleaner monitor". The monitor is a server application that supports orchestrating and scheduling of jobs, as well as exposing metrics through web services and through interactive timelines and reports. It also supports the configuration and job-building process through wizards and management pages for all the components of the solution. As such, we like to say that the DataCleaner monitor provides a good foundation for the infrastructure needed in a Master Data Management hub.

What is master data management (MDM)?

Master data management (MDM) is a very broad term and is seen materialized in a variety of ways. For the scope of this document it serves more as a context of data quality than an activity that we actually target with DataCleaner per-se.

The overall goals of MDM is to manage the important data of an organization. By "master data" we refer to "a single version of the truth", ie. not the data of a particular system, but for example all the customer data or product data of a company. Usually this data is dispersed over multiple datastores, so an important part of MDM is the process of unifying the data into a single model.

Obviously another of the very important issues to handle in MDM is the quality of data. If you simply gather eg. "all customer data" from all systems in an organization, you will most likely see a lot of data quality issues. There will be a lot of duplicate entries, there will be variances in the way that customer data is filled, there will be different identifiers and even different levels of granularity for defining "what is a customer?". In the context of MDM, DataCleaner can serve as the engine to cleanse, transform and unify data from multiple datastores into the single view of the master data.


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