English Alphabet: 7 sounds
- A H J K
- B C D E G P T V
- F L M N S X Z
- I Y
- O
- Q U W
- R
Lesson 01 - Greetings and Introducations
Formal Greeting
A: Hello.
B: Nice to meet you.
A: Pleased to meet you.
A/B: Good morning/ Good afternoon/ Good evening.
Informal Greeting
- Hi/ Hey/ How are you?
- Moring/ Afternoon/ Evening.
- How's it going? (How is it going?)
- What's up? (What is up?)
- How are you doing?
- How are things?
Lesson 02 - Aphabet & Spelling
Example 1
- My name's David.
- I am David.
- I am British. I am from Cambridge.
- I live in London and Cambridge. (
I am live)
- I live in London and Cambridge. (
- I'm a teacher. I am an Enlish teacher.
Example 2
- What's your name? (
What your name?) - Where are you from? (
What you from?) - Where do you live? (
What you live?) - What do you do?/ What's your job?
Example 3
- What's your first name?
- Jessica.
- How do you spell that?
- J.E.S.S.I.C.A.
- What's your last name?/ What's your surname?
- Cambio.
- Can you spell that please?
- C.A.M.B.I.O.
- Have you got a middle name?
- Yes I have. Rose. R.O.S.E.
Lesson 03 - Countries, Jobs, Verb "To Be"
Where's he from? (Where is he from?)
- He's (He is) from France. He's French.
Where's she from? (Where is she from?)
- She's (She is) from Chian. She's Chinese.
Is he from France?
- Yes, he is.
Is she from China?
- Yes, she is.
Is he from China?
- No he isn't. (No he is not.)
Is she from France?
- No she isn't.
What's her job? (What's is her job?)
What does she do?
She's a police officer. (She is)
What's his job? (What is his job?)
What does he do?
He is a footballer.
What are their jobs?
What do they do?
They are actors.