Python jupyter notebook简易上手使用教程(vscode+python extension)

Python jupyter notebook简易上手使用教程(vscode+python extension)


Python jupyter notebook简易上手使用教程(vscode+python extension)

Jupyter Notebook 解决的问题和自我定位



对,Jupyter Notebook就做了这样的一件事:

The notebook extends the console-based approach to interactive computing in a qualitatively new direction, providing a web-based application suitable for capturing the whole computation process: developing, documenting, and executing code, as well as communicating the results

看一眼jupter notebook的结果展示:
Python jupyter notebook简易上手使用教程(vscode+python extension)
还有更好的图标展示,我就不在这推广他了,毕竟这是一个教程,以上只是为了让你刚好的理解jupyter notebook的产生目的,下面开始介绍环境搭建

VS code + Python + jupyter notebook 搭建


1 安装python环境

2 安装vs code

3 vs code 安装Python extension

此处无需安装其他jupyter 拓展,有截图可看出,Python extension以及原生支持了Jupyter Notebook
Python jupyter notebook简易上手使用教程(vscode+python extension)

4 创建Python文件(跳过此步不操作,从第五步操作)

编辑python文件时添加一些特定格式,Python extension 便可以使得jupyter运行
# %%:python 代码
# %% [markdown] : 支持markdown格式的注释说明

Python jupyter notebook简易上手使用教程(vscode+python extension)

5 创建jupyter notebook文件

建议后续步骤参照Working with Jupyter Notebooks in Visual Studio Code
  1. 按 Ctrl+shift+P 输入Python: Create Blank New Jupyter Notebook,创建.ipynb文件
    Python jupyter notebook简易上手使用教程(vscode+python extension)
    如果此时你的python环境没有安装 jupyter notebook 模块,vscode会自动给你安装,并且同时安装一个MicroSoft Python Language Server,在vscode最下面可以看到安装进度(可能会比较慢)

  2. 创建成功可以看到
    Python jupyter notebook简易上手使用教程(vscode+python extension)

6 开始愉快的编辑

  1. 默认会有一个空的代码格,输入python代码便好
    Python jupyter notebook简易上手使用教程(vscode+python extension)
    Python jupyter notebook简易上手使用教程(vscode+python extension)

  2. 添加代码格(code cell)Python jupyter notebook简易上手使用教程(vscode+python extension)

  3. 运行代码格
    Python jupyter notebook简易上手使用教程(vscode+python extension)

  4. 运行多个代码格
    Python jupyter notebook简易上手使用教程(vscode+python extension)

  5. 移动代码格
    Python jupyter notebook简易上手使用教程(vscode+python extension)

  6. 删除代码格
    Python jupyter notebook简易上手使用教程(vscode+python extension)

  7. 转换代码格为 支持markdown的文本格
    Python jupyter notebook简易上手使用教程(vscode+python extension)
    Python jupyter notebook简易上手使用教程(vscode+python extension)
    Python jupyter notebook简易上手使用教程(vscode+python extension)

  8. 安装在vscode安装IntelliSense插件,支持代码补齐
    Python jupyter notebook简易上手使用教程(vscode+python extension)

  9. 程序变量 和 数据查看器
    Python jupyter notebook简易上手使用教程(vscode+python extension)

  10. 图形查看器
    Python jupyter notebook简易上手使用教程(vscode+python extension)

  11. 将.ipynb文件转为.py 文件
    Python jupyter notebook简易上手使用教程(vscode+python extension)

7 jupyter notebook 实现逻辑

jupyter notebook由服务器端和浏览器网页显示组成

  • A web application:
    a browser-based tool for interactive authoring of documents which combine explanatory text, mathematics, computations and their rich media output.

  • Notebook documents:
    a representation of all content visible in the web application, including inputs and outputs of the computations, explanatory text, mathematics, images, and rich media representations of objects.

  1. 启动 notebook server,你就可以在浏览器打开网址 查看浏览器显示

jupyter notebook

  1. vscode 应用本身基于一个浏览器chromium内核实现的web桌面应用,所以vscode可以很好的支持jupyter notebook,观察vscode的cosole输出,其逻辑是:
    • 命令行启动notebook server
    • vscode连接到notebook server
    • 显示,加载内容


Python jupyter notebook简易上手使用教程(vscode+python extension)Python jupyter notebook简易上手使用教程(vscode+python extension) TowerOs 发布了17 篇原创文章 · 获赞 1 · 访问量 1万+ 私信 关注

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