

今天看完了simple-faster-rcnn-pytorch-master代码的最后一个train.py文件,是时候认真的总结一下了,我打算一共总结四篇博客用来详细的分析Faster-RCNN的代码的pytorch实现, 四篇博客的内容及目录结构如下:

1 Faster-RCNN的数据读取及预处理部分:(对应于代码的/simple-faster-rcnn-pytorch-master/data文件夹):https://www.cnblogs.com/kerwins-AC/p/9734381.html

2 Faster-RCNN的模型准备部分:(对应于代码目录/simple-faster-rcnn-pytorch-master/model/utils/文件夹):https://www.cnblogs.com/kerwins-AC/p/9752679.html

3 Faster-RCNN的模型正式介绍:(对应于代码目录/simple-faster-rcnn-pytorch-master/model/文件夹):         尚未完成

4 Faster-RCNN的训练代码部分:(对应于代码目录/simple-faster-rcnn-pytorch-master/train.py,trainer.py代码):https://www.cnblogs.com/kerwins-AC/p/9728731.html






1 def inverse_normalize(img)函数代码如下:

 def inverse_normalize(img):
if opt.caffe_pretrain:
img = img + (np.array([122.7717, 115.9465, 102.9801]).reshape(3, 1, 1))
return img[::-1, :, :]
# approximate un-normalize for visualize
return (img * 0.225 + 0.45).clip(min=0, max=1) * 255



2 def pytorch_normalize(img) 函数代码如下:

 def pytorch_normalze(img):
return appr -1~1 RGB
normalize = tvtsf.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406],
std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
img = normalize(t.from_numpy(img))
return img.numpy()


函数首先设置归一化参数normalize=tvtsf.Normalize(mean=[0.485,0.456,0.406],std=[0.229,0.224,0.225]) 然后对图片进行归一化处理img=normalize(t.from_numpy(img))

3 def caffe_normalize(img)函数代码如下:

 def caffe_normalize(img):
return appr -125-125 BGR
img = img[[2, 1, 0], :, :] # RGB-BGR
img = img * 255
mean = np.array([122.7717, 115.9465, 102.9801]).reshape(3, 1, 1)
img = (img - mean).astype(np.float32, copy=True)
return img


caffe的图片格式是BGR,所以需要img[[2,1,0],:,:]将RGB转换成BGR的格式,然后图片img = img*255 , mean = np.array([122.7717,115.9465,102.9801]).reshape(3,1,1)设置图片均值


4 def preprocess(img, min_size=600, max_size=1000)函数代码如下:

 def preprocess(img, min_size=600, max_size=1000):
"""Preprocess an image for feature extraction. The length of the shorter edge is scaled to :obj:`self.min_size`.
After the scaling, if the length of the longer edge is longer than
:param min_size:
:obj:`self.max_size`, the image is scaled to fit the longer edge
to :obj:`self.max_size`. After resizing the image, the image is subtracted by a mean image value
:obj:`self.mean`. Args:
img (~numpy.ndarray): An image. This is in CHW and RGB format.
The range of its value is :math:`[0, 255]`. Returns:
~numpy.ndarray: A preprocessed image. """
C, H, W = img.shape
scale1 = min_size / min(H, W)
scale2 = max_size / max(H, W)
scale = min(scale1, scale2)
img = img / 255.
img = sktsf.resize(img, (C, H * scale, W * scale), mode='reflect',anti_aliasing=False)
# both the longer and shorter should be less than
# max_size and min_size
if opt.caffe_pretrain:
normalize = caffe_normalize
normalize = pytorch_normalze
return normalize(img)


图片处理函数,C,H,W = img.shape 读取图片格式通道,高度,宽度

Scale1 = min_size/min(H,W)

Scale2 = max_size / max(H,W)

Scale = min(scale1,scale2)设置放缩比,这个过程很直觉,选小的方便大的和小的都能够放缩到合适的位置

img  = img/ 255

img = sktsf.resize(img,(C,H*scale,W*scale),model='reflecct')将图片调整到合适的大小位于(min_size,max_size)之间、


5 class Transform(object):代码如下

 class Transform(object):

     def __init__(self, min_size=600, max_size=1000):
self.min_size = min_size
self.max_size = max_size def __call__(self, in_data):
img, bbox, label = in_data
_, H, W = img.shape
img = preprocess(img, self.min_size, self.max_size)
_, o_H, o_W = img.shape
scale = o_H / H
bbox = util.resize_bbox(bbox, (H, W), (o_H, o_W)) # horizontally flip
img, params = util.random_flip(
img, x_random=True, return_param=True)
bbox = util.flip_bbox(
bbox, (o_H, o_W), x_flip=params['x_flip']) return img, bbox, label, scale



__call__函数中 从in_data中读取 img,bbox,label 图片,bboxes的框框和label

然后从_,H,W = img.shape读取出图片的长和宽

img = preposses(img,self.min_size,self.max_size)将图片进行最小最大化放缩然后进行归一化

_,o_H,o_W = img.shape 读取放缩后图片的shape

scale = o_H/H 放缩前后相除,得出放缩比因子

bbox = util.reszie_bbox(bbox,(H,W),(o_H,o_W)) 重新调整bboxes框的大小

img,params = utils.random_flip(img.x_random =True,return_param=True)进行图片的随机反转,图片旋转不变性,增强网络的鲁棒性!


6 class Dataset 代码如下

 class Dataset:
def __init__(self, opt):
self.opt = opt
self.db = VOCBboxDataset(opt.voc_data_dir)
self.tsf = Transform(opt.min_size, opt.max_size) def __getitem__(self, idx):
ori_img, bbox, label, difficult = self.db.get_example(idx) img, bbox, label, scale = self.tsf((ori_img, bbox, label))
# TODO: check whose stride is negative to fix this instead copy all
# some of the strides of a given numpy array are negative.
return img.copy(), bbox.copy(), label.copy(), scale def __len__(self):
return len(self.db)

class Dataset

__init__初始化设置self.opt =opt ,self.db = VOCBboxDataset(opt.voc_data_dir)以及self.tsf = Transform(opt.min_size,opt.max_size)


7 class TestDataset 代码如下

 class TestDataset:
def __init__(self, opt, split='test', use_difficult=True):
self.opt = opt
self.db = VOCBboxDataset(opt.voc_data_dir, split=split, use_difficult=use_difficult) def __getitem__(self, idx):
ori_img, bbox, label, difficult = self.db.get_example(idx)
img = preprocess(ori_img)
return img, ori_img.shape[1:], bbox, label, difficult def __len__(self):
return len(self.db)


TestData完成的功能和前面类似,但是获取调用的数据集是不同的,因为def __init__(self,opt,split='test',use_difficult=True)可以看到它在从Voc_data_dir中获取数据的时候使用了split='test'也就是从test往后分割的部分数据送入到TestDataset的self.db中,然后在进行图片处理的时候,并没有调用transform函数,因为测试图片集没有bboxes需要考虑,同时测试图片集也不需要随机反转,反转无疑为测试准确率设置了阻碍!所以直接调用preposses()函数进行最大值最小值裁剪然后归一化就完成了测试数据集的处理!最后将整个self.db返回,至此,dataset.py介绍完毕


下一篇:非极大值抑制(NMS,Non-Maximum Suppression)的原理与代码详解