Algorithm in Practice - Sorting and Searching

Algorithm in Practice

Author: Zhong-Liang Xiang

Date: Aug. 1st, 2017

不完整, 部分排序和查询算法, 需添加.


生成随机整数数组,打印数组, 元素交换.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std; #define MAX 10 // 数组最大长度 void initList(int *, int len, int m);
void printList(int *, int len);
void swap(int *, int *); int main() {
int L[MAX];
initList(L, MAX, 100);
printList(L, MAX); return 0;
} // 初始化 a list with len 个(0, m)之间的随机数
void initList(int *L, int len, int m) {
srand((unsigned) time(NULL)); //初始化随机数种子
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) //产生len个随机数
*(L + i) = (rand() % m); //0-m之间随机数
} //打印1维数组;
void printList(int *L, int len) {
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
cout << *(L + i) << ' ';
cout << endl;
} void swap(int *l, int *r) {
int temp = *l; *l = *r; *r = temp;

0. Searching

0.1. Sequential-Search

// 无序数组顺序查找
int search_Seq(int *L, int len, int key) {
int result = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (*(L + i) == key) {
result = i;
if (result < 0)
result = -1;
return result;

0.2. Binary-Search


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

lo                             hi

Binary Search 算法描述:

while(lo <= hi):
mid = (lo + hi)/2 = 4
若 key == mid, 输出mid;
否则 若key < mid, 调整 hi = mid - 1;
否则 若key > mid, 调整 lo = mid + 1;
返回 -1;
// 有序数组二分查找
int bin_Seq(int *L, int len, int key) {
int lo = 0, hi = len - 1, mid; while (lo <= hi) {
mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
if (key == L[mid])
return mid;
if (key < L[mid])
hi = mid - 1;
else if (key > L[mid])
lo = mid + 1;
// 循环退出,说明没找到key,返回-1
return -1;

1. Sorting


  • 插入排序
    • 直接插入排序
    • 二分插入排序
    • Shell-Sort
  • 交换排序
    • Bubble-Sort
    • Quick-Sort
  • 选择排序
    • 直选排序
    • 树型排序
    • 堆排序
  • Merge-Sort
    • 二路归并排序
    • 多路归并排序
  • 分配排序
    • 关键字排序
    • 基数排序

1.1 Insertion-Sort

1.1.1 直接插入排序

  • Stable
  • Time complexity \(O(n^2)\)
  • Space complexity \(O(1)\)

Idea: 左手 sorted 牌,右手拿新牌往左手牌里插.

// 代码片段
#define MAX 20 // 数组最大长度 void insertion_sort(int *L, int len){
int key, i;
for (int j = 1; j < len; j++){
key = L[j];
i = j - 1;
// while循环目的: 移动 sorted 元素,为 key 找位置
while(i >= 0 && L[i] > key){
L[i + 1] = L[i];
i -= 1;
// 循环退出,说明已为key找到插入位置,为 L[i+1] 处
L[i + 1] = key;
} //测试
int main(){
int L[MAX]; //排序前
initList(L, MAX, 100); //0-100 random int number
printList(L, MAX); //排序后s
insertion_sort(L, MAX);
printList(L, MAX);

1.1.2 二分插入排序

1.1.3 Shell 排序

1.2 交换排序

1.2.1 Bubble-Sort

  • Stable
  • Time complexity \(O(n^2)\)
  • Space complexity \(O(1)\)

Idea: 小泡泡往上升.


do while 终止条件: 本趟若无交换,表示数组已排好序,无需再排序
i < len - 1; 最后一个元素不扫
L[0]为leftElem, L[0+1]为rightElem
void bubble_sort(int *L, int len) {
bool swapped;
do {
swapped = false;
for (int i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) {
if (*(L + i) > *(L + i + 1)) {
swap(L + i, L + i + 1);
// 本趟若无交换,表示数组已排好序,无需再排序
swapped = true;
} while (swapped);

1.2.2 Quick-Sort

  • Divide and conquer method
  • Unstable
  • Average time complexity \(O(nlogn)\), worst case time complexity \(O(n^2)\)
  • Space complexity \(O(1)\)

Idea: 应用分治法,选择某元素,如 L[lo],放入k中,让小(乱序)的排在该元素左侧,大的在右侧(乱序),k在中间,k所在的位置就是正确的位置.再对左右分别应用该方法.

Quick-Sort 算法描述:

1. 未排序数组找一元素作为标靶放入k中;
2. lo, hi 分别指向未排序数组首尾;
3. 从右向左扫描,若L[hi]>=key, hi--, 否则 L[lo] = L[hi];
4. 从左向右扫描,若L[lo]<=key, hi++, 否则 L[hi] = L[lo];

Divide and conquer algorithm 简书

三步骤: Divide Conquer Combine

分治法与 Recursive method 被认为是孪生兄弟.

针对下面数组, 设定未排序数组最左侧的元素为标靶,如 L[0], 其值为:3

 7 3 0 4 2 1 9 6 8

lo                             hi

1 2 3 0 4  7 6 8 9

lo              标靶           hi

int divide(int *L, int lo, int hi) {
int k = L[lo];
do {
// 正向思考,写全条件
while (lo < hi && L[hi] >= k) hi--;
// 若能执行 if 里的 code, 需满足 L[hi] < k, 值得学习
if (lo < hi) { L[lo] = L[hi]; lo++; }
while (lo < hi && L[lo] <= k) lo++;
if (lo < hi) {L[hi] = L[lo]; hi--; }
} while (lo != hi); //哨兵
L[lo] = k;
return lo;
} void quick_sort(int *L, int lo, int hi) {
int mid; if (lo >= hi) return; // 只有1元素或lo>hi, 递归终止条件
// 分
mid = divide(L, lo, hi); // 治
quick_sort(L, lo, mid - 1); //递归
quick_sort(L, mid + 1, hi);

1.3 选择排序

1.3.3 Heap-Sort

  • Unstable
  • Average time complexity \(O(nlogn)\), worst case time complexity \(O(nlogn)\), 而 Quick-Sort 是\(O(n^2)\), 记录较少时不宜使用, 记录较多时表现很好.
  • Space complexity \(O(1)\)

Idea: 完全二叉树,堆,性质为父节点大于等于子节点,根节点永远是最大(大顶堆)或最小节点(小顶堆),依次弹出根节点,自然就排序了. Heap

重点是堆概念,大顶堆,小顶堆,以及针对这两种堆的建堆和出堆操作.熟悉后,堆排序自然就会了. 下面代码表现了大顶堆的操作,包括:

  • int Insert(MyHeap *pHeap, int nData) 插入新节点
    • int IncreaseKey(MyHeap *pHeap, int nPos) 比较调整新插入节点的位置,向上渗透
  • int PopMaxHeap(MyHeap *pHeap) 返回堆中根节点的值,并删除根节点,删除后,还需调整堆
// `ctrl+alt+f`: Format current file
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// 大顶堆
typedef struct {
int *pnData; //指向数据的指针
int nSize; //当前堆中节点个数
} MyHeap; int Insert(MyHeap *pHeap, int nData);
int IncreaseKey(MyHeap *pHeap, int nPos);
int PopMaxHeap(MyHeap *pHeap); int main() {
int i;
MyHeap myHeap;
//为什么不这么做? & malloc(sizeof(int) * 11);
myHeap.pnData = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * 11);
myHeap.nSize = 0; //向空二叉树添加10个节点
for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
Insert(&myHeap, i); //边插入,边调整 //查看插入的内容
for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
cout << myHeap.pnData[i] << ' ';
cout << endl; //查看未被利用的 myHeap.pnData[0]
cout << "未被利用的 myHeap.pnData[0]: " << myHeap.pnData[0] << endl; //弹出大顶,查看堆内容
for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
cout << "PopMax: " << PopMaxHeap(&myHeap) << ' ' << endl;
for (int j = 1; j <= 10 - i; j++) // check list after pop
cout << myHeap.pnData[j] << ' ';
cout << endl;
cout << endl; return 0;
} int Insert(MyHeap *pHeap, int nData) { //插入新节点
++pHeap->nSize; //堆的节点数+1
pHeap->pnData[pHeap->nSize] = nData;
IncreaseKey(pHeap, pHeap->nSize);
return 1;
} //比较调整新插入节点的位置,向上渗透
int IncreaseKey(MyHeap *pHeap, int nPos) {
while (nPos > 1) { //循环和其父节点比较
int nMax = pHeap->pnData[nPos]; // temp
int nParent = nPos / 2; //父节点号
if (nMax > pHeap->pnData[nParent]) {
pHeap->pnData[nPos] = pHeap->pnData[nParent];
pHeap->pnData[nParent] = nMax;
nPos = nParent;
} else
return 1;
} //返回堆中根节点的值,并删除根节点,删除后,还需调整堆
int PopMaxHeap(MyHeap *pHeap) {
int nMax = pHeap->pnData[1];
int nPos = 1; //当前节点
int nChild = nPos * 2; //左孩子节点位置 //最后一个节点赋值给根
pHeap->pnData[nPos] = pHeap->pnData[pHeap->nSize];
pHeap->nSize -= 1; //立即调整nSize //向下渗透
int temp;
//重点是循环条件设定 以及 下面的if条件
//循环条件 nChild <= pHeap->nSize
//nChild + 1 <= pHeap->nSize && temp < pHeap->pnData[nChild + 1]
while (nChild <= pHeap->nSize) { //若左孩子存在
temp = pHeap->pnData[nChild]; //若右孩子存在,且比左孩子大
if (nChild+1 <= pHeap->nSize && temp < pHeap->pnData[nChild+1]){
nChild += 1;
temp = pHeap->pnData[nChild];
} //确定左右孩子大小后,大的那个若大于nPos元素,向下渗透
if (pHeap->pnData[nPos] < temp) {
pHeap->pnData[nChild] = pHeap->pnData[nPos];
pHeap->pnData[nPos] = temp;
nPos = nChild; //重新调整 nPos
nChild *= 2; //重新调整 nChild
return nMax;
} Heap-Sort

未排序数据一个个放入堆,再从堆中取出.下面代码与1.3.3.1相比,修改了main,添加了void heap_sort(int * L, int len)及其在程序首部的函数声明,其他未变.

void heap_sort(int * L, int len);

int main() {
int L[] = { 3, 38, 5, 44, 15, 36, 26, 27, 2, 46, 4, 19, 47, 48, 50 };
int len = sizeof(L) / sizeof(L[0]);
heap_sort(L, len); //测试
return 0;
} //未排序数据一个个放入堆,再从堆中取出
void heap_sort(int * L, int len) {
MyHeap myHeap;
myHeap.pnData = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * (len + 1));
myHeap.nSize = 0; // 打印未排序的数组
cout << "Unsorted array is: " << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
cout << L[i] << ' ';
cout << endl; // 建堆
for (int i = 1; i <= len; i++)
Insert(&myHeap, L[i - 1]); // 输出排序结果
cout << "sorted array by Heap-Sort is: " << endl;
while (myHeap.nSize > 0)
cout << PopMaxHeap(&myHeap) << ' ';
cout << endl;

1.4 Merge-Sort

1.4.1 二路归并排序

  • Stable
  • Array
  • Average time complexity \(O(nlogn)\), worst case time complexity \(O(nlogn)\), best case time complexity \(O(n)\)
  • Space complexity \(O(n)\)

Idea: 两个有序序列,取队首(较小)元素送入新队列,新队列就已经排序了.

void merge(int *L, int lo, int mid, int hi) {
if (lo >= hi) // 若1个元素或 lo > hi, 则无法合并
int LL[hi - lo + 1]; //临时数组
int i = lo, j = mid + 1, p = 0; // 正向思考,写全条件
while (i <= mid && j <= hi)
LL[p++] = L[i] < L[j] ? L[i++] : L[j++]; while (i <= mid)
LL[p++] = L[i++]; while (j <= hi)
LL[p++] = L[j++]; // LL已经装满,需把数据依次送入 L[lo ... hi]
for (i = lo, p = 0; i <= hi; i++, p++)
L[i] = LL[p];
} //merge void merge_sort(int *L, int lo, int hi) {
if (lo >= hi)
return; //递归终止条件
int mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
merge_sort(L, lo, mid);
merge_sort(L, mid + 1, hi);
merge(L, lo, mid, hi);
} //merge_sort

1.4.2 多路归并排序


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