#ifndef __callback_h__ #define __callback_h__ #pragma once #include "base/tuple.h" #include "raw_scoped_refptr_mismatch_checker.h" // Callback跟Task很像, 但没有参数限制, 实质上是面向对象的函数指针. // // Callbacks被设计和Tuples共同工作. 有一系列的辅助函数和类用于对使用者隐藏 // Tuple的细节. 用户代码只需要和CallbackRunner基类打交道, CallbackRunner只 // 有Run方法, 通过New*函数创建. 这样用户不必关心哪个类实现了回调, 只需要知 // 道参数个数以及类型. // // 这些实现是通过CallbackImpl完成的, CallbackImpl派生自CallbackStorage, 具体 // 的存储类型对用户透明, 用户只需要调用即可. // // 注意callbacks目前不能取消或者放弃自己的操作, 现在是在上层进行处理的. // callback中的指针在调用结束前都必须是有效的. // // 类似Task, 一旦回调执行结束, 回调执行者负责删除回调指针. // // 客户端用法示例: // void Object::DoStuff(int, string); // Callback2<int, string>::Type* callback = // NewCallback(obj, &Object::DoStuff); // callback->Run(5, string("hello")); // delete callback; // 或者直接使用元组: // CallbackRunner<Tuple2<int, string> >* callback = // NewCallback(obj, &Object::DoStuff); // callback->RunWithParams(MakeTuple(5, string("hello"))); // // 有一个不带参数有返回值的版本. 示例: // int Object::GetNextInt(); // CallbackWithReturnValue<int>::Type* callback = // NewCallbackWithReturnValue(obj, &Object::GetNextInt); // int next_int = callback->Run(); // delete callback; // 所有Callbacks的基类, 存储对象方法指针. template<class T, typename Method> class CallbackStorage { public: CallbackStorage(T* obj, Method meth) : obj_(obj), meth_(meth) {} protected: T* obj_; Method meth_; }; // Interface that is exposed to the consumer, that does the actual calling // of the method. template<typename Params> class CallbackRunner { public: typedef Params TupleType; virtual ~CallbackRunner() {} virtual void RunWithParams(const Params& params) = 0; // Convenience functions so callers don't have to deal with Tuples. inline void Run() { RunWithParams(Tuple0()); } template<typename Arg1> inline void Run(const Arg1& a) { RunWithParams(Params(a)); } template<typename Arg1, typename Arg2> inline void Run(const Arg1& a, const Arg2& b) { RunWithParams(Params(a, b)); } template<typename Arg1, typename Arg2, typename Arg3> inline void Run(const Arg1& a, const Arg2& b, const Arg3& c) { RunWithParams(Params(a, b, c)); } template<typename Arg1, typename Arg2, typename Arg3, typename Arg4> inline void Run(const Arg1& a, const Arg2& b, const Arg3& c, const Arg4& d) { RunWithParams(Params(a, b, c, d)); } template<typename Arg1, typename Arg2, typename Arg3, typename Arg4, typename Arg5> inline void Run(const Arg1& a, const Arg2& b, const Arg3& c, const Arg4& d, const Arg5& e) { RunWithParams(Params(a, b, c, d, e)); } }; template<class T, typename Method, typename Params> class CallbackImpl : public CallbackStorage<T, Method>, public CallbackRunner<Params> { public: CallbackImpl(T* obj, Method meth) : CallbackStorage<T, Method>(obj, meth) {} virtual void RunWithParams(const Params& params) { // use "this->" to force C++ to look inside our templatized base class; see // Effective C++, 3rd Ed, item 43, p210 for details. DispatchToMethod(this->obj_, this->meth_, params); } }; // 0-arg implementation struct Callback0 { typedef CallbackRunner<Tuple0> Type; }; template<class T> typename Callback0::Type* NewCallback(T* object, void (T::*method)()) { return new CallbackImpl<T, void (T::*)(), Tuple0 >(object, method); } // 1-arg implementation template<typename Arg1> struct Callback1 { typedef CallbackRunner<Tuple1<Arg1> > Type; }; template<class T, typename Arg1> typename Callback1<Arg1>::Type* NewCallback(T* object, void (T::*method)(Arg1)) { return new CallbackImpl<T, void (T::*)(Arg1), Tuple1<Arg1> >(object, method); } // 2-arg implementation template<typename Arg1, typename Arg2> struct Callback2 { typedef CallbackRunner<Tuple2<Arg1, Arg2> > Type; }; template<class T, typename Arg1, typename Arg2> typename Callback2<Arg1, Arg2>::Type* NewCallback( T* object, void (T::*method)(Arg1, Arg2)) { return new CallbackImpl<T, void (T::*)(Arg1, Arg2), Tuple2<Arg1, Arg2> >(object, method); } // 3-arg implementation template<typename Arg1, typename Arg2, typename Arg3> struct Callback3 { typedef CallbackRunner<Tuple3<Arg1, Arg2, Arg3> > Type; }; template<class T, typename Arg1, typename Arg2, typename Arg3> typename Callback3<Arg1, Arg2, Arg3>::Type* NewCallback( T* object, void (T::*method)(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)) { return new CallbackImpl<T, void (T::*)(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3), Tuple3<Arg1, Arg2, Arg3> >(object, method); } // 4-arg implementation template<typename Arg1, typename Arg2, typename Arg3, typename Arg4> struct Callback4 { typedef CallbackRunner<Tuple4<Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4> > Type; }; template<class T, typename Arg1, typename Arg2, typename Arg3, typename Arg4> typename Callback4<Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4>::Type* NewCallback( T* object, void (T::*method)(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4)) { return new CallbackImpl<T, void (T::*)(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4), Tuple4<Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4> >(object, method); } // 5-arg implementation template<typename Arg1, typename Arg2, typename Arg3, typename Arg4, typename Arg5> struct Callback5 { typedef CallbackRunner<Tuple5<Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5> > Type; }; template<class T, typename Arg1, typename Arg2, typename Arg3, typename Arg4, typename Arg5> typename Callback5<Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5>::Type* NewCallback( T* object, void (T::*method)(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5)) { return new CallbackImpl<T, void (T::*)(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5), Tuple5<Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5> >(object, method); } // An UnboundMethod is a wrapper for a method where the actual object is // provided at Run dispatch time. template<class T, class Method, class Params> class UnboundMethod { public: UnboundMethod(Method m, const Params& p) : m_(m), p_(p) { COMPILE_ASSERT((MethodUsesScopedRefptrCorrectly<Method, Params>::value), badunboundmethodparams); } void Run(T* obj) const { DispatchToMethod(obj, m_, p_); } private: Method m_; Params p_; }; // 无参数带返回值版本. template<typename ReturnValue> struct CallbackWithReturnValue { class Type { public: virtual ~Type() {} virtual ReturnValue Run() = 0; }; }; template<class T, typename Method, typename ReturnValue> class CallbackWithReturnValueImpl : public CallbackStorage<T, Method>, public CallbackWithReturnValue<ReturnValue>::Type { public: CallbackWithReturnValueImpl(T* obj, Method meth) : CallbackStorage<T, Method>(obj, meth) {} virtual ReturnValue Run() { return (this->obj_->*(this->meth_))(); } protected: virtual ~CallbackWithReturnValueImpl() {} }; template<class T, typename ReturnValue> typename CallbackWithReturnValue<ReturnValue>::Type* NewCallbackWithReturnValue(T* object, ReturnValue (T::*method)()) { return new CallbackWithReturnValueImpl<T, ReturnValue (T::*)(), ReturnValue>(object, method); } #endif //__callback_h__
#ifndef __tuple_h__ #define __tuple_h__ #pragma once // 元组(Tuple)是一种概念上与std::pair类似的通用模板容器. // Tuple0到Tuple6对应容器中元素个数. 带有0-6个参数的MakeTuple()函数能够方便 // 的构造对应的元组对象. DispatchToMethod和DispatchToFunction带有函数指针或 // 者对象实例和成员函数指针, 解包元组为参数进行函数调用. // // 元组的元素通过值拷贝存储. // // 用法示例: // // These two methods of creating a Tuple are identical. // Tuple2<int, const char*> tuple_a(1, "wee"); // Tuple2<int, const char*> tuple_b = MakeTuple(1, "wee"); // // void SomeFunc(int a, const char* b) {} // DispatchToFunction(&SomeFunc, tuple_a); // SomeFunc(1, "wee") // DispatchToFunction( // &SomeFunc, MakeTuple(10, "foo")); // SomeFunc(10, "foo") // // struct { void SomeMeth(int a, int b, int c) {} } foo; // DispatchToMethod(&foo, &Foo::SomeMeth, MakeTuple(1, 2, 3)); // //foo->SomeMeth(1, 2, 3); // Traits ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // // A simple traits class for tuple arguments. // // ValueType: the bare, nonref version of a type (same as the type for nonrefs). // RefType: the ref version of a type (same as the type for refs). // ParamType: what type to pass to functions (refs should not be constified). template<class P> struct TupleTraits { typedef P ValueType; typedef P& RefType; typedef const P& ParamType; }; template<class P> struct TupleTraits<P&> { typedef P ValueType; typedef P& RefType; typedef P& ParamType; }; template<class P> struct TupleTypes {}; // Tuple ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This set of classes is useful for bundling 0 or more heterogeneous data types // into a single variable. The advantage of this is that it greatly simplifies // function objects that need to take an arbitrary number of parameters; see // RunnableMethod and IPC::MessageWithTuple. // // Tuple0 is supplied to act as a 'void' type. It can be used, for example, // when dispatching to a function that accepts no arguments (see the // Dispatchers below). // Tuple1<A> is rarely useful. One such use is when A is non-const ref that you // want filled by the dispatchee, and the tuple is merely a container for that // output (a "tier"). See MakeRefTuple and its usages. struct Tuple0 { typedef Tuple0 ValueTuple; typedef Tuple0 RefTuple; typedef Tuple0 ParamTuple; }; template<class A> struct Tuple1 { public: typedef A TypeA; Tuple1() {} explicit Tuple1(typename TupleTraits<A>::ParamType a) : a(a) {} A a; }; template<class A, class B> struct Tuple2 { public: typedef A TypeA; typedef B TypeB; Tuple2() {} Tuple2(typename TupleTraits<A>::ParamType a, typename TupleTraits<B>::ParamType b) : a(a), b(b) {} A a; B b; }; template<class A, class B, class C> struct Tuple3 { public: typedef A TypeA; typedef B TypeB; typedef C TypeC; Tuple3() {} Tuple3(typename TupleTraits<A>::ParamType a, typename TupleTraits<B>::ParamType b, typename TupleTraits<C>::ParamType c) : a(a), b(b), c(c){} A a; B b; C c; }; template<class A, class B, class C, class D> struct Tuple4 { public: typedef A TypeA; typedef B TypeB; typedef C TypeC; typedef D TypeD; Tuple4() {} Tuple4(typename TupleTraits<A>::ParamType a, typename TupleTraits<B>::ParamType b, typename TupleTraits<C>::ParamType c, typename TupleTraits<D>::ParamType d) : a(a), b(b), c(c), d(d) {} A a; B b; C c; D d; }; template<class A, class B, class C, class D, class E> struct Tuple5 { public: typedef A TypeA; typedef B TypeB; typedef C TypeC; typedef D TypeD; typedef E TypeE; Tuple5() {} Tuple5(typename TupleTraits<A>::ParamType a, typename TupleTraits<B>::ParamType b, typename TupleTraits<C>::ParamType c, typename TupleTraits<D>::ParamType d, typename TupleTraits<E>::ParamType e) : a(a), b(b), c(c), d(d), e(e) {} A a; B b; C c; D d; E e; }; template<class A, class B, class C, class D, class E, class F> struct Tuple6 { public: typedef A TypeA; typedef B TypeB; typedef C TypeC; typedef D TypeD; typedef E TypeE; typedef F TypeF; Tuple6() {} Tuple6(typename TupleTraits<A>::ParamType a, typename TupleTraits<B>::ParamType b, typename TupleTraits<C>::ParamType c, typename TupleTraits<D>::ParamType d, typename TupleTraits<E>::ParamType e, typename TupleTraits<F>::ParamType f) : a(a), b(b), c(c), d(d), e(e), f(f) {} A a; B b; C c; D d; E e; F f; }; template<class A, class B, class C, class D, class E, class F, class G> struct Tuple7 { public: typedef A TypeA; typedef B TypeB; typedef C TypeC; typedef D TypeD; typedef E TypeE; typedef F TypeF; typedef G TypeG; Tuple7() {} Tuple7(typename TupleTraits<A>::ParamType a, typename TupleTraits<B>::ParamType b, typename TupleTraits<C>::ParamType c, typename TupleTraits<D>::ParamType d, typename TupleTraits<E>::ParamType e, typename TupleTraits<F>::ParamType f, typename TupleTraits<G>::ParamType g) : a(a), b(b), c(c), d(d), e(e), f(f), g(g) {} A a; B b; C c; D d; E e; F f; G g; }; template<class A, class B, class C, class D, class E, class F, class G, class H> struct Tuple8 { public: typedef A TypeA; typedef B TypeB; typedef C TypeC; typedef D TypeD; typedef E TypeE; typedef F TypeF; typedef G TypeG; typedef H TypeH; Tuple8() {} Tuple8(typename TupleTraits<A>::ParamType a, typename TupleTraits<B>::ParamType b, typename TupleTraits<C>::ParamType c, typename TupleTraits<D>::ParamType d, typename TupleTraits<E>::ParamType e, typename TupleTraits<F>::ParamType f, typename TupleTraits<G>::ParamType g, typename TupleTraits<H>::ParamType h) : a(a), b(b), c(c), d(d), e(e), f(f), g(g), h(h) {} A a; B b; C c; D d; E e; F f; G g; H h; }; // Tuple types ---------------------------------------------------------------- // // Allows for selection of ValueTuple/RefTuple/ParamTuple without needing the // definitions of class types the tuple takes as parameters. template<> struct TupleTypes< Tuple0 > { typedef Tuple0 ValueTuple; typedef Tuple0 RefTuple; typedef Tuple0 ParamTuple; }; template<class A> struct TupleTypes< Tuple1<A> > { typedef Tuple1<typename TupleTraits<A>::ValueType> ValueTuple; typedef Tuple1<typename TupleTraits<A>::RefType> RefTuple; typedef Tuple1<typename TupleTraits<A>::ParamType> ParamTuple; }; template<class A, class B> struct TupleTypes< Tuple2<A, B> > { typedef Tuple2<typename TupleTraits<A>::ValueType, typename TupleTraits<B>::ValueType> ValueTuple; typedef Tuple2<typename TupleTraits<A>::RefType, typename TupleTraits<B>::RefType> RefTuple; typedef Tuple2<typename TupleTraits<A>::ParamType, typename TupleTraits<B>::ParamType> ParamTuple; }; template<class A, class B, class C> struct TupleTypes< Tuple3<A, B, C> > { typedef Tuple3<typename TupleTraits<A>::ValueType, typename TupleTraits<B>::ValueType, typename TupleTraits<C>::ValueType> ValueTuple; typedef Tuple3<typename TupleTraits<A>::RefType, typename TupleTraits<B>::RefType, typename TupleTraits<C>::RefType> RefTuple; typedef Tuple3<typename TupleTraits<A>::ParamType, typename TupleTraits<B>::ParamType, typename TupleTraits<C>::ParamType> ParamTuple; }; template<class A, class B, class C, class D> struct TupleTypes< Tuple4<A, B, C, D> > { typedef Tuple4<typename TupleTraits<A>::ValueType, typename TupleTraits<B>::ValueType, typename TupleTraits<C>::ValueType, typename TupleTraits<D>::ValueType> ValueTuple; typedef Tuple4<typename TupleTraits<A>::RefType, typename TupleTraits<B>::RefType, typename TupleTraits<C>::RefType, typename TupleTraits<D>::RefType> RefTuple; typedef Tuple4<typename TupleTraits<A>::ParamType, typename TupleTraits<B>::ParamType, typename TupleTraits<C>::ParamType, typename TupleTraits<D>::ParamType> ParamTuple; }; template<class A, class B, class C, class D, class E> struct TupleTypes< Tuple5<A, B, C, D, E> > { typedef Tuple5<typename TupleTraits<A>::ValueType, typename TupleTraits<B>::ValueType, typename TupleTraits<C>::ValueType, typename TupleTraits<D>::ValueType, typename TupleTraits<E>::ValueType> ValueTuple; typedef Tuple5<typename TupleTraits<A>::RefType, typename TupleTraits<B>::RefType, typename TupleTraits<C>::RefType, typename TupleTraits<D>::RefType, typename TupleTraits<E>::RefType> RefTuple; typedef Tuple5<typename TupleTraits<A>::ParamType, typename TupleTraits<B>::ParamType, typename TupleTraits<C>::ParamType, typename TupleTraits<D>::ParamType, typename TupleTraits<E>::ParamType> ParamTuple; }; template<class A, class B, class C, class D, class E, class F> struct TupleTypes< Tuple6<A, B, C, D, E, F> > { typedef Tuple6<typename TupleTraits<A>::ValueType, typename TupleTraits<B>::ValueType, typename TupleTraits<C>::ValueType, typename TupleTraits<D>::ValueType, typename TupleTraits<E>::ValueType, typename TupleTraits<F>::ValueType> ValueTuple; typedef Tuple6<typename TupleTraits<A>::RefType, typename TupleTraits<B>::RefType, typename TupleTraits<C>::RefType, typename TupleTraits<D>::RefType, typename TupleTraits<E>::RefType, typename TupleTraits<F>::RefType> RefTuple; typedef Tuple6<typename TupleTraits<A>::ParamType, typename TupleTraits<B>::ParamType, typename TupleTraits<C>::ParamType, typename TupleTraits<D>::ParamType, typename TupleTraits<E>::ParamType, typename TupleTraits<F>::ParamType> ParamTuple; }; template<class A, class B, class C, class D, class E, class F, class G> struct TupleTypes< Tuple7<A, B, C, D, E, F, G> > { typedef Tuple7<typename TupleTraits<A>::ValueType, typename TupleTraits<B>::ValueType, typename TupleTraits<C>::ValueType, typename TupleTraits<D>::ValueType, typename TupleTraits<E>::ValueType, typename TupleTraits<F>::ValueType, typename TupleTraits<G>::ValueType> ValueTuple; typedef Tuple7<typename TupleTraits<A>::RefType, typename TupleTraits<B>::RefType, typename TupleTraits<C>::RefType, typename TupleTraits<D>::RefType, typename TupleTraits<E>::RefType, typename TupleTraits<F>::RefType, typename TupleTraits<G>::RefType> RefTuple; typedef Tuple7<typename TupleTraits<A>::ParamType, typename TupleTraits<B>::ParamType, typename TupleTraits<C>::ParamType, typename TupleTraits<D>::ParamType, typename TupleTraits<E>::ParamType, typename TupleTraits<F>::ParamType, typename TupleTraits<G>::ParamType> ParamTuple; }; template<class A, class B, class C, class D, class E, class F, class G, class H> struct TupleTypes< Tuple8<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H> > { typedef Tuple8<typename TupleTraits<A>::ValueType, typename TupleTraits<B>::ValueType, typename TupleTraits<C>::ValueType, typename TupleTraits<D>::ValueType, typename TupleTraits<E>::ValueType, typename TupleTraits<F>::ValueType, typename TupleTraits<G>::ValueType, typename TupleTraits<H>::ValueType> ValueTuple; typedef Tuple8<typename TupleTraits<A>::RefType, typename TupleTraits<B>::RefType, typename TupleTraits<C>::RefType, typename TupleTraits<D>::RefType, typename TupleTraits<E>::RefType, typename TupleTraits<F>::RefType, typename TupleTraits<G>::RefType, typename TupleTraits<H>::RefType> RefTuple; typedef Tuple8<typename TupleTraits<A>::ParamType, typename TupleTraits<B>::ParamType, typename TupleTraits<C>::ParamType, typename TupleTraits<D>::ParamType, typename TupleTraits<E>::ParamType, typename TupleTraits<F>::ParamType, typename TupleTraits<G>::ParamType, typename TupleTraits<H>::ParamType> ParamTuple; }; // Tuple creators ------------------------------------------------------------- // // Helper functions for constructing tuples while inferring the template // argument types. inline Tuple0 MakeTuple() { return Tuple0(); } template<class A> inline Tuple1<A> MakeTuple(const A& a) { return Tuple1<A>(a); } template<class A, class B> inline Tuple2<A, B> MakeTuple(const A& a, const B& b) { return Tuple2<A, B>(a, b); } template<class A, class B, class C> inline Tuple3<A, B, C> MakeTuple(const A& a, const B& b, const C& c) { return Tuple3<A, B, C>(a, b, c); } template<class A, class B, class C, class D> inline Tuple4<A, B, C, D> MakeTuple(const A& a, const B& b, const C& c, const D& d) { return Tuple4<A, B, C, D>(a, b, c, d); } template<class A, class B, class C, class D, class E> inline Tuple5<A, B, C, D, E> MakeTuple(const A& a, const B& b, const C& c, const D& d, const E& e) { return Tuple5<A, B, C, D, E>(a, b, c, d, e); } template<class A, class B, class C, class D, class E, class F> inline Tuple6<A, B, C, D, E, F> MakeTuple(const A& a, const B& b, const C& c, const D& d, const E& e, const F& f) { return Tuple6<A, B, C, D, E, F>(a, b, c, d, e, f); } template<class A, class B, class C, class D, class E, class F, class G> inline Tuple7<A, B, C, D, E, F, G> MakeTuple(const A& a, const B& b, const C& c, const D& d, const E& e, const F& f, const G& g) { return Tuple7<A, B, C, D, E, F, G>(a, b, c, d, e, f, g); } template<class A, class B, class C, class D, class E, class F, class G, class H> inline Tuple8<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H> MakeTuple(const A& a, const B& b, const C& c, const D& d, const E& e, const F& f, const G& g, const H& h) { return Tuple8<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H>(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h); } // The following set of helpers make what Boost refers to as "Tiers" - a tuple // of references. template<class A> inline Tuple1<A&> MakeRefTuple(A& a) { return Tuple1<A&>(a); } template<class A, class B> inline Tuple2<A&, B&> MakeRefTuple(A& a, B& b) { return Tuple2<A&, B&>(a, b); } template<class A, class B, class C> inline Tuple3<A&, B&, C&> MakeRefTuple(A& a, B& b, C& c) { return Tuple3<A&, B&, C&>(a, b, c); } template<class A, class B, class C, class D> inline Tuple4<A&, B&, C&, D&> MakeRefTuple(A& a, B& b, C& c, D& d) { return Tuple4<A&, B&, C&, D&>(a, b, c, d); } template<class A, class B, class C, class D, class E> inline Tuple5<A&, B&, C&, D&, E&> MakeRefTuple(A& a, B& b, C& c, D& d, E& e) { return Tuple5<A&, B&, C&, D&, E&>(a, b, c, d, e); } template<class A, class B, class C, class D, class E, class F> inline Tuple6<A&, B&, C&, D&, E&, F&> MakeRefTuple(A& a, B& b, C& c, D& d, E& e, F& f) { return Tuple6<A&, B&, C&, D&, E&, F&>(a, b, c, d, e, f); } template<class A, class B, class C, class D, class E, class F, class G> inline Tuple7<A&, B&, C&, D&, E&, F&, G&> MakeRefTuple(A& a, B& b, C& c, D& d, E& e, F& f, G& g) { return Tuple7<A&, B&, C&, D&, E&, F&, G&>(a, b, c, d, e, f, g); } template<class A, class B, class C, class D, class E, class F, class G, class H> inline Tuple8<A&, B&, C&, D&, E&, F&, G&, H&> MakeRefTuple(A& a, B& b, C& c, D& d, E& e, F& f, G& g, H& h) { return Tuple8<A&, B&, C&, D&, E&, F&, G&, H&>(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h); } // Dispatchers ---------------------------------------------------------------- // // Helper functions that call the given method on an object, with the unpacked // tuple arguments. Notice that they all have the same number of arguments, // so you need only write: // DispatchToMethod(object, &Object::method, args); // This is very useful for templated dispatchers, since they don't need to know // what type |args| is. // Non-Static Dispatchers with no out params. template<class ObjT, class Method> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple0& arg) { (obj->*method)(); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class A> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const A& arg) { (obj->*method)(arg); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class A> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple1<A>& arg) { (obj->*method)(arg.a); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class A, class B> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple2<A, B>& arg) { (obj->*method)(arg.a, arg.b); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class A, class B, class C> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple3<A, B, C>& arg) { (obj->*method)(arg.a, arg.b, arg.c); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class A, class B, class C, class D> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple4<A, B, C, D>& arg) { (obj->*method)(arg.a, arg.b, arg.c, arg.d); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class A, class B, class C, class D, class E> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple5<A, B, C, D, E>& arg) { (obj->*method)(arg.a, arg.b, arg.c, arg.d, arg.e); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class A, class B, class C, class D, class E, class F> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple6<A, B, C, D, E, F>& arg) { (obj->*method)(arg.a, arg.b, arg.c, arg.d, arg.e, arg.f); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class A, class B, class C, class D, class E, class F, class G> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple7<A, B, C, D, E, F, G>& arg) { (obj->*method)(arg.a, arg.b, arg.c, arg.d, arg.e, arg.f, arg.g); } // Static Dispatchers with no out params. template<class Function> inline void DispatchToFunction(Function function, const Tuple0& arg) { (*function)(); } template<class Function, class A> inline void DispatchToFunction(Function function, const A& arg) { (*function)(arg); } template<class Function, class A> inline void DispatchToFunction(Function function, const Tuple1<A>& arg) { (*function)(arg.a); } template<class Function, class A, class B> inline void DispatchToFunction(Function function, const Tuple2<A, B>& arg) { (*function)(arg.a, arg.b); } template<class Function, class A, class B, class C> inline void DispatchToFunction(Function function, const Tuple3<A, B, C>& arg) { (*function)(arg.a, arg.b, arg.c); } template<class Function, class A, class B, class C, class D> inline void DispatchToFunction(Function function, const Tuple4<A, B, C, D>& arg) { (*function)(arg.a, arg.b, arg.c, arg.d); } template<class Function, class A, class B, class C, class D, class E> inline void DispatchToFunction(Function function, const Tuple5<A, B, C, D, E>& arg) { (*function)(arg.a, arg.b, arg.c, arg.d, arg.e); } template<class Function, class A, class B, class C, class D, class E, class F> inline void DispatchToFunction(Function function, const Tuple6<A, B, C, D, E, F>& arg) { (*function)(arg.a, arg.b, arg.c, arg.d, arg.e, arg.f); } template<class Function, class A, class B, class C, class D, class E, class F, class G> inline void DispatchToFunction(Function function, const Tuple7<A, B, C, D, E, F, G>& arg) { (*function)(arg.a, arg.b, arg.c, arg.d, arg.e, arg.f, arg.g); } template<class Function, class A, class B, class C, class D, class E, class F, class G, class H> inline void DispatchToFunction(Function function, const Tuple8<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H>& arg) { (*function)(arg.a, arg.b, arg.c, arg.d, arg.e, arg.f, arg.g, arg.h); } // Dispatchers with 0 out param (as a Tuple0). template<class ObjT, class Method> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple0& arg, Tuple0*) { (obj->*method)(); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class A> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const A& arg, Tuple0*) { (obj->*method)(arg); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class A> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple1<A>& arg, Tuple0*) { (obj->*method)(arg.a); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class A, class B> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple2<A, B>& arg, Tuple0*) { (obj->*method)(arg.a, arg.b); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class A, class B, class C> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple3<A, B, C>& arg, Tuple0*) { (obj->*method)(arg.a, arg.b, arg.c); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class A, class B, class C, class D> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple4<A, B, C, D>& arg, Tuple0*) { (obj->*method)(arg.a, arg.b, arg.c, arg.d); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class A, class B, class C, class D, class E> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple5<A, B, C, D, E>& arg, Tuple0*) { (obj->*method)(arg.a, arg.b, arg.c, arg.d, arg.e); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class A, class B, class C, class D, class E, class F> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple6<A, B, C, D, E, F>& arg, Tuple0*) { (obj->*method)(arg.a, arg.b, arg.c, arg.d, arg.e, arg.f); } // Dispatchers with 1 out param. template<class ObjT, class Method, class OutA> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple0& in, Tuple1<OutA>* out) { (obj->*method)(&out->a); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class InA, class OutA> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const InA& in, Tuple1<OutA>* out) { (obj->*method)(in, &out->a); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class InA, class OutA> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple1<InA>& in, Tuple1<OutA>* out) { (obj->*method)(in.a, &out->a); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class InA, class InB, class OutA> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple2<InA, InB>& in, Tuple1<OutA>* out) { (obj->*method)(in.a, in.b, &out->a); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class InA, class InB, class InC, class OutA> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple3<InA, InB, InC>& in, Tuple1<OutA>* out) { (obj->*method)(in.a, in.b, in.c, &out->a); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class InA, class InB, class InC, class InD, class OutA> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple4<InA, InB, InC, InD>& in, Tuple1<OutA>* out) { (obj->*method)(in.a, in.b, in.c, in.d, &out->a); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class InA, class InB, class InC, class InD, class InE, class OutA> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple5<InA, InB, InC, InD, InE>& in, Tuple1<OutA>* out) { (obj->*method)(in.a, in.b, in.c, in.d, in.e, &out->a); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class InA, class InB, class InC, class InD, class InE, class InF, class OutA> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple6<InA, InB, InC, InD, InE, InF>& in, Tuple1<OutA>* out) { (obj->*method)(in.a, in.b, in.c, in.d, in.e, in.f, &out->a); } // Dispatchers with 2 out params. template<class ObjT, class Method, class OutA, class OutB> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple0& in, Tuple2<OutA, OutB>* out) { (obj->*method)(&out->a, &out->b); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class InA, class OutA, class OutB> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const InA& in, Tuple2<OutA, OutB>* out) { (obj->*method)(in, &out->a, &out->b); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class InA, class OutA, class OutB> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple1<InA>& in, Tuple2<OutA, OutB>* out) { (obj->*method)(in.a, &out->a, &out->b); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class InA, class InB, class OutA, class OutB> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple2<InA, InB>& in, Tuple2<OutA, OutB>* out) { (obj->*method)(in.a, in.b, &out->a, &out->b); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class InA, class InB, class InC, class OutA, class OutB> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple3<InA, InB, InC>& in, Tuple2<OutA, OutB>* out) { (obj->*method)(in.a, in.b, in.c, &out->a, &out->b); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class InA, class InB, class InC, class InD, class OutA, class OutB> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple4<InA, InB, InC, InD>& in, Tuple2<OutA, OutB>* out) { (obj->*method)(in.a, in.b, in.c, in.d, &out->a, &out->b); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class InA, class InB, class InC, class InD, class InE, class OutA, class OutB> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple5<InA, InB, InC, InD, InE>& in, Tuple2<OutA, OutB>* out) { (obj->*method)(in.a, in.b, in.c, in.d, in.e, &out->a, &out->b); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class InA, class InB, class InC, class InD, class InE, class InF, class OutA, class OutB> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple6<InA, InB, InC, InD, InE, InF>& in, Tuple2<OutA, OutB>* out) { (obj->*method)(in.a, in.b, in.c, in.d, in.e, in.f, &out->a, &out->b); } // Dispatchers with 3 out params. template<class ObjT, class Method, class OutA, class OutB, class OutC> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple0& in, Tuple3<OutA, OutB, OutC>* out) { (obj->*method)(&out->a, &out->b, &out->c); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class InA, class OutA, class OutB, class OutC> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const InA& in, Tuple3<OutA, OutB, OutC>* out) { (obj->*method)(in, &out->a, &out->b, &out->c); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class InA, class OutA, class OutB, class OutC> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple1<InA>& in, Tuple3<OutA, OutB, OutC>* out) { (obj->*method)(in.a, &out->a, &out->b, &out->c); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class InA, class InB, class OutA, class OutB, class OutC> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple2<InA, InB>& in, Tuple3<OutA, OutB, OutC>* out) { (obj->*method)(in.a, in.b, &out->a, &out->b, &out->c); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class InA, class InB, class InC, class OutA, class OutB, class OutC> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple3<InA, InB, InC>& in, Tuple3<OutA, OutB, OutC>* out) { (obj->*method)(in.a, in.b, in.c, &out->a, &out->b, &out->c); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class InA, class InB, class InC, class InD, class OutA, class OutB, class OutC> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple4<InA, InB, InC, InD>& in, Tuple3<OutA, OutB, OutC>* out) { (obj->*method)(in.a, in.b, in.c, in.d, &out->a, &out->b, &out->c); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class InA, class InB, class InC, class InD, class InE, class OutA, class OutB, class OutC> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple5<InA, InB, InC, InD, InE>& in, Tuple3<OutA, OutB, OutC>* out) { (obj->*method)(in.a, in.b, in.c, in.d, in.e, &out->a, &out->b, &out->c); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class InA, class InB, class InC, class InD, class InE, class InF, class OutA, class OutB, class OutC> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple6<InA, InB, InC, InD, InE, InF>& in, Tuple3<OutA, OutB, OutC>* out) { (obj->*method)(in.a, in.b, in.c, in.d, in.e, in.f, &out->a, &out->b, &out->c); } // Dispatchers with 4 out params. template<class ObjT, class Method, class OutA, class OutB, class OutC, class OutD> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple0& in, Tuple4<OutA, OutB, OutC, OutD>* out) { (obj->*method)(&out->a, &out->b, &out->c, &out->d); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class InA, class OutA, class OutB, class OutC, class OutD> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const InA& in, Tuple4<OutA, OutB, OutC, OutD>* out) { (obj->*method)(in, &out->a, &out->b, &out->c, &out->d); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class InA, class OutA, class OutB, class OutC, class OutD> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple1<InA>& in, Tuple4<OutA, OutB, OutC, OutD>* out) { (obj->*method)(in.a, &out->a, &out->b, &out->c, &out->d); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class InA, class InB, class OutA, class OutB, class OutC, class OutD> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple2<InA, InB>& in, Tuple4<OutA, OutB, OutC, OutD>* out) { (obj->*method)(in.a, in.b, &out->a, &out->b, &out->c, &out->d); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class InA, class InB, class InC, class OutA, class OutB, class OutC, class OutD> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple3<InA, InB, InC>& in, Tuple4<OutA, OutB, OutC, OutD>* out) { (obj->*method)(in.a, in.b, in.c, &out->a, &out->b, &out->c, &out->d); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class InA, class InB, class InC, class InD, class OutA, class OutB, class OutC, class OutD> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple4<InA, InB, InC, InD>& in, Tuple4<OutA, OutB, OutC, OutD>* out) { (obj->*method)(in.a, in.b, in.c, in.d, &out->a, &out->b, &out->c, &out->d); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class InA, class InB, class InC, class InD, class InE, class OutA, class OutB, class OutC, class OutD> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple5<InA, InB, InC, InD, InE>& in, Tuple4<OutA, OutB, OutC, OutD>* out) { (obj->*method)(in.a, in.b, in.c, in.d, in.e, &out->a, &out->b, &out->c, &out->d); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class InA, class InB, class InC, class InD, class InE, class InF, class OutA, class OutB, class OutC, class OutD> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple6<InA, InB, InC, InD, InE, InF>& in, Tuple4<OutA, OutB, OutC, OutD>* out) { (obj->*method)(in.a, in.b, in.c, in.d, in.e, in.f, &out->a, &out->b, &out->c, &out->d); } // Dispatchers with 5 out params. template<class ObjT, class Method, class OutA, class OutB, class OutC, class OutD, class OutE> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple0& in, Tuple5<OutA, OutB, OutC, OutD, OutE>* out) { (obj->*method)(&out->a, &out->b, &out->c, &out->d, &out->e); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class InA, class OutA, class OutB, class OutC, class OutD, class OutE> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const InA& in, Tuple5<OutA, OutB, OutC, OutD, OutE>* out) { (obj->*method)(in, &out->a, &out->b, &out->c, &out->d, &out->e); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class InA, class OutA, class OutB, class OutC, class OutD, class OutE> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple1<InA>& in, Tuple5<OutA, OutB, OutC, OutD, OutE>* out) { (obj->*method)(in.a, &out->a, &out->b, &out->c, &out->d, &out->e); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class InA, class InB, class OutA, class OutB, class OutC, class OutD, class OutE> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple2<InA, InB>& in, Tuple5<OutA, OutB, OutC, OutD, OutE>* out) { (obj->*method)(in.a, in.b, &out->a, &out->b, &out->c, &out->d, &out->e); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class InA, class InB, class InC, class OutA, class OutB, class OutC, class OutD, class OutE> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple3<InA, InB, InC>& in, Tuple5<OutA, OutB, OutC, OutD, OutE>* out) { (obj->*method)(in.a, in.b, in.c, &out->a, &out->b, &out->c, &out->d, &out->e); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class InA, class InB, class InC, class InD, class OutA, class OutB, class OutC, class OutD, class OutE> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple4<InA, InB, InC, InD>& in, Tuple5<OutA, OutB, OutC, OutD, OutE>* out) { (obj->*method)(in.a, in.b, in.c, in.d, &out->a, &out->b, &out->c, &out->d, &out->e); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class InA, class InB, class InC, class InD, class InE, class OutA, class OutB, class OutC, class OutD, class OutE> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple5<InA, InB, InC, InD, InE>& in, Tuple5<OutA, OutB, OutC, OutD, OutE>* out) { (obj->*method)(in.a, in.b, in.c, in.d, in.e, &out->a, &out->b, &out->c, &out->d, &out->e); } template<class ObjT, class Method, class InA, class InB, class InC, class InD, class InE, class InF, class OutA, class OutB, class OutC, class OutD, class OutE> inline void DispatchToMethod(ObjT* obj, Method method, const Tuple6<InA, InB, InC, InD, InE, InF>& in, Tuple5<OutA, OutB, OutC, OutD, OutE>* out) { (obj->*method)(in.a, in.b, in.c, in.d, in.e, in.f, &out->a, &out->b, &out->c, &out->d, &out->e); } #endif //__tuple_h__