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Potential generation tools

  • Potfit (http://potfit.sourceforge.net/wiki/doku.php) - the ITAP force-matching code for fitting interatomic potentials.

  • QuickFF: "QuickFF is a tool to quickly and easily derive covalent force fields from ab initio calculations.  Optionally, the covalent force field can be built on top of an existing non-covalent force field.  The implemented algorithms eliminate spurious correlations between parameters.  The resulting parameters accurately describe molecular geometries and vibrational spectra."


DYNAMO 86中的文件格式意义:

setfl“  format:

Line 1 ~ 3 : comments
Line 4       : ntypes
Line 5       : nrho     drho     nr   dr   rcutoff
Line 6       : ielem(i)   amass(i)     blat(i)    lat(i)
Line 7       : embedding function

Line x       : ielem(j)   amass(j)     blat(j)    lat(j)
Line x+1   : embedding function

Line y       : electron density

Line p1     : pair potential between type1 and type1

Line p2     : pair potential between type2 and type1

Line p3     : pair potential between type2 and type 2

ntypes     :      number of element types in the potential
nrho        :      number of points for the electron density
drho        :      increment of electron density
nr            :       number of points for the pair potential
dr            :       increment of inter-atomic distance
rcutoff     :      cut-off distance
ielem(i)   :       atomic number for element(i)
amass(i)  :      atomic mass for element(i)
blat(i)      :      lattice constant for elemnent(i)
lat(i)        :      lattice type for element(i)

funcfl“  format:

Line 1       : comments
Line 2       : ielem   amass     blat    lat
Line 3       : nrho   drho   nr   dr    rcutoff
Line 4       : embedding function

Line x’       : pair potential

Line y’       : electron density

nrho        :      number of points for the electron density
drho        :      increment of electron density
nr            :       number of points for the pair potential
dr            :       increment of inter-atomic distance
rcutoff     :      cut-off distance
ielem       :      atomic number for this element
amass      :     atomic mass for this element
blat         :      lattice constant for this elemnent
lat           :       lattice type for this element

The pair potential is in the format of r · p(r), where, r is inter-atomic distance, p(r) is the real pair potential. This format is chosen for computational purpose when using code like DYNAMO.




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