get a overall picture of how ego-networks evolve is a common challenging task.
Existing techniques: inspect the evolution patterns of ego-networks one after another.
how analysts can gain insights into the overall evolution patterns of ego-networks by interactively creating different spatial layouts.
1. What is ego-network and ego-network analysis?
The analysis of individuals in a network context is referred to as egocentric network analysis or ego-network analysis. An ego-network consists of a focal node, the nodes within its one-step neighborhood and all the edges among these node
2. the content in a spatial layout
each dot represents a dynamic ego-network, clusters of dots indicate similar evolution patterns./ outlying dots exhibit uncommon evolution pattterns.
3. interpretability and interactivity.
This technique is developed with interpretability and interactivity in mind
Related work:
1. ego-network visualization
2. dynamic network visualization
3. techniques for creating spatial layouts for sensemaking
1. the visual function of spatial layouts.
create spatial layouts, which provide overviews of the evolution patterns. and each dot in spatial layouts presents a dynamic ego-network.
2. data transformation pipeline: adjust the spatial layouts and convert dynamic ego-networks into event sequences.