Method to fix "Naming information cannot be located because the target principal name is incorrect." for AD replication failure

Assume Failure DC FP01 and Working DC DC01

1. Stop the Key Distribution Center (KDC) service on FP01.
Open a Command Prompt, type net stop KDC, and press Enter.

2. Purge the ticket cache on FP01.
Open a Command Prompt, type klist purge, and press Enter.

3. Reset the Server domain controller account password on DC01 (the PDC emulator).
Open a command prompt and type: netdom /resetpwd /server:FP01 /\administrator /passwordd:password, and then press Enter.

4. Synchronize the domain on FP01.
Open a command prompt, type repadmin /syncall, and then press Enter.

6. Start the KDC service on FP01. To do so, open a command prompt, type
net start KDC, and press Enter. This completed the process, and the domain
controllers were replicating successfully.

上一篇:Multimodal —— 看图说话(Image Caption)任务的论文笔记(一)评价指标和NIC模型
