A linked list is given such that each node contains an additional random pointer which could point to any node in the list or null.
Return a deep copy of the list.
Method 1 (Uses O(n) extra space)
This method stores the
next and arbitrary mappings (of original list) in an array first, then modifies
the original Linked List (to create copy), creates a copy. And finally restores
the original list.
1) Create all nodes in copy linked list using next pointers.
3) Store the
node and its next pointer mappings of original linked list.
3) Change next
pointer of all nodes in original linked list to point to the corresponding node
in copy linked list.
Following diagram shows status of both Linked Lists
after above 3 steps. The red arrow shows arbit pointers and black arrow shows
next pointers.
1) Create the copy of node 1 and insert it between node 1 & node 2 in
original Linked List, create the copy of 2 and insert it between 2 & 3..
Continue in this fashion, add the copy of N afte the Nth node
2) Now copy the
arbitrary link in this fashion
original->next->arbitrary = original->arbitrary->next; /*TRAVERSE TWO NODES*/
This works because original->next is nothing but copy of original and
Original->arbitrary->next is nothing but copy of arbitrary.
3) Now
restore the original and copy linked lists in this fashion in a single loop.
original->next = original->next->next; copy->next = copy->next->next;
4) Make sure that last element of original->next is NULL.