SAP Customer Experience Extensibility gold rule

SAP Customer Experience Extensibility gold rule Kyma和Knative的关系?
  • Integration with Knative is a step towards Kyma modularization and the “slimming” approach which aims to extract some out-of-the-box components and provide you with a more flexible choice of tools to use in Kyma.

  • Both Kyma and Knative are Kubernetes and Istio-based systems that offer development and eventing platforms. The main difference, however, is their focus. While Knative concentrates more on providing the building blocks for running serverless workloads, Kyma focuses on integrating those blocks with external services and applications.


SAP Customer Experience Extensibility gold rule 要获取更多Jerry的原创文章,请关注公众号"汪子熙": SAP Customer Experience Extensibility gold rule

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