money_all = 56.75 + 72.91 + 88.50 + 26.37 + 68.51 money_all_str = str(money_all) print("商品总金额为:" + money_all_str) money_real = int(money_all) money_real_str = str(money_real) print("3144实收金额为:" + money_real_str)
04 计算学生成绩的分差及平均分
python = 95 english = 92 c = 89 sub = python - c avg = (python + english + c) / 3 print("Python课程和C语言课程的分数之差:" + str(sub) + "分\n") print("3144的3门课程的平均分:" + str(avg) + "分")
05 使用比较运算符比较大小关系
python = 95 english = 92 c = 89 print("python = " + str(python) +" english = " + str(english) + " c = " + str(c) + "\n") print("python < english的結果:" + str(python < english)) print("python > english的結果:" + str(python > english)) print("python == english的結果:" + str(python == english)) print("python != english的結果:" + str(python != english)) print("python <= english的結果:" + str(python <= english)) print("3144的english >= c的結果:" + str(python >= c))
06 参加手机店的打折活动
print("\n手机店正在打折,活动进行中......") strWeek = input("请输入中文星期(如星期一):") intTime = int(input("请输入时间中的小时(范围:0~23):")) if (strWeek == "星期二" and (intTime >= 10 and intTime <= 11)) or (strWeek == "星期五" and (intTime >= 14 and intTime <= 15)): print("恭喜3144,获得了折扣活动参与资格,快快选购吧!") else: print("对不起,您来晚一步,期待下一次活动......")
fp = open(r'D:\python.txt','a+') print("命运给予3144的不是失望之酒,而是机会之杯。",file=fp) fp.close()