

词源: come up to
1. used in the names of streets in a town or city
2. a road or broad path between two rows of trees, esp one leading to a big house
3. a possible way of achieving sth

百度: You take your Yangguan road and I cross my single wooden bridge.
Bing: you walk your Yangguan Road, and I cross my canoe bridge. [修了个浮桥?]
似乎可以把avenue用上吧?“我们的服务器都打了水漂。”译为:Our servers have been watered down.


Fifth Avenue is a major thoroughfare [大街] in the borough of Manhattan in New York City. It stretches north from Washington Square Park in Greenwich Village to West 143rd Street in Harlem. It is considered one of the most expensive and elegant streets in the world. expensive and elegant... 顺路再攻击下对“高尚”这个词的滥用和侮辱。

Fifth Avenue was originally only a narrower thoroughfare but the section south of Central Park was widened in 1908. The midtown blocks between 34th and 59th Streets were largely a residential area until the turn of the 20th century, when they were developed as commercial areas.

In landscaping, an avenue, alameda, or allée, is traditionally a straight path or road with a line of trees or large shrubs running along each side, which is used, as its Latin source venire ("to come") indicates, to emphasize the "coming to," or arrival at a landscape or architectural feature. In most cases, the trees planted in an avenue will be all of the same species or cultivar, so as to give uniform appearance along the full length of the avenue.

在园林绿化中,大道、阿拉米达大道或Alleée大道传统上是一条笔直的小径或道路,每边都有一排树木或大型灌木,正如其拉丁语来源venire("to come")所示,这条小径或道路用来强调“来到”或到达某个景观或建筑特征。在大多数情况下,种植在一条大道上的树木都是相同的物种或品种,以便在整个大道上呈现统一的外观。哎,这次我要赞下机器翻译的结果。:-)

British Archaeologists refine the general archaeological use of avenue to denote a long, parallel-sided strip of land, measuring up to about 30m in width, open at either end and with edges marked by stone or timber alignments and/or a low earth bank and ditch. The term is used for such features all over the British Isles but they are concentrated in the centre and south of England.


牛津词典: refine: (figurative 比喻) make (sb/sth) more cultured or elegant; remove what is coarse or vulgar from 使(某人/物)更有教养或更文雅; 使去掉粗俗言行. 

我觉得上文(英文)里的refine应该换成confine. C++里有"模板偏特化"。partial翻译成“偏”啊?not complete啦。


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