第十三篇 -- 学习第十二天打卡20190630




flexitime [,fleksitaim] n.弹性上班制
    例:The exact starting time must be indicated under flextime.
bring up 提出;养育;突然停止;使达到;把..举高
    例:The pension problem was brought up for discussion at the meeting.
circulate ['sɜːkjəleit] vi.传播;循环,刘同 vt.使(货币等)流通,使周转
    例:Rumours were once circulated that December 22nd of 2012 was the end of the world.
    派:circulation n.流通(指货物、货币等)(例:currency circulation 货币流通/daily circulation 日发行量)
craft [kra:ft] vt.精心制作 n.手艺;工艺
    例:The delegates crafted a compromise proposal to satisfy both parties.
    商:craft fair 工艺品交易会/craft workshop 工艺品制作车间
    派:craftsman n.手工艺人/craftwork n.工艺品/crafty adj.狡猾的;巧妙的
subsidiary [səb'sɪdiəri] n.子公司 adj.附属的;从属的;次要的
    商:subsidiary company 附属公司/overseas subsidiaries 海外子公司
    派:subsidiary matters 次要问题
solid ['sɒlɪd] adj.固体的;实心的;结实的;可靠的;一致的;连续的;立体的 n.固体
    例:A stable international political environment has laid a solid foundation for the future development of the global economy.
    搭:solid fuels 固体燃料/solid information 可靠消息/solid as a rock 坚如磐石;(人)稳妥可靠的
    派:solidity n.固态;坚强;完整性/solidify v.(使)凝固;(使)变硬;(使)稳固
accemble [ə'sembl] vt.集合,聚集,召集;装配;[计]汇编
    例:The government has assembled a group of economists to discuss how to tackle inflation.
    搭:assemble ... for a meeting 召集...开会
    派:assembler n.装配工;汇编程序,汇编语言
par [pa:(r)] n.(证券、股票的)票面价值;同等(地位);相同程度
    商:redeem at par 以票面价值兑换/par value 票面价值,面值/below/under par 在票面价值以下
    搭:on a par with 和...一样
order ['ɔːdə(r)] n.命令;顺序;订单 v.命令;订购
    例:China ordered large ammounts of rice from Thailand to relieve the domestic pressure on food supply.
    商:place a order 下订单/order form 订单/pur-chase order 订购单
    搭:in order 有条理,有秩序;整洁/made to order 定制的/on order 在订购中/out of order 出故障;次序颠倒
    派:ordering n.订购;排序/orderly adj.有秩序的,整齐的;值班的 adv.顺序地,依次地
subscribe [səb'skraib] vt.签署;赞成;捐助 vi.订阅;认购;签署;赞成;捐款
    例:The office subscribed to Financial Times to help us keep abreast of the latest international economic situation.
    商:subscribe for shares 认购股份
    搭:subscribe to 订购;定期捐助;同意
    派:subscriber n.订户;捐款人/subscription n.订金;认购;签署;捐献(例:subscription service 订阅服务/subscription shares 认购股份)


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