SQL Server2019学习笔记--数据表的查询操作

select distinct SNo from SC

select SNo,Score from SC where CNo='C1'

select SNo,CNo,Score from SC 
where (CNo='C1' or CNo='C2') and Score>=85

select TNo,TN,Prof from T
where Sal not between 1000 and 1500

select SNo,CNo,Score from SC
where CNo not in ('C1','C2')

select TNo,TN from T where TN like '张%'
select TNo,TN from T where TN like '_力%'

select SNo,CNo from SC where Score is null

select sum(Score) as TotalScore,avg(Score) as AvgScore
from SC where SNo='S1'

select max(Score) as MaxScore,min(Score) as MinScore,
max(Score)-min(Score) as diff from SC where SNo='S1'

select count(distinct Dept) as DeptNum from S

select SNo,count(*) as C_Num from SC
group by SNo having(count(*)>=2)

select SNo,Cno,Score from SC
where CNo in ('C2','C3','C4','C5')
order by SNo,Score desc

select T.TNO,TN,CNo from T,TC
where (T.TNO=TC.tNo) and TN='刘伟'

select T.TNO,TN,CNo from T inner join TC
on T.TNO=TC.tNo where TN='刘伟'

select R1.TNO,R2.TN,R1.CNo 
from (select TNo,CNo from TC) as R1
inner join
(select TNo,TN from T where TN='刘伟') as R2
on R1.tNo=R2.TNO

select C.CNo,CN,count(SC.SNo) as 选课人数
from C,SC where SC.cNo=C.CNo
group by C.CNo,CN
select S.SNo,SN,CN,Score from S
left outer join SC on S.SNo=SC.sNo
left outer join C on C.CNo=SC.cNo
select * from S cross join C
select X.TN,X.Sal AS Sal_a,Y.Sal AS Sal_b
from T as X,T as Y
where X.Sal>Y.Sal and Y.TN='刘伟'

select X.TN,X.Sal,Y.Sal
from T as X inner join T as Y
on X.Sal>Y.Sal and Y.TN='刘伟'

select R1.TN,R1.Sal,R2.Sal
(select TN,Sal from T) as R1
inner join
(select Sal from T where TN='刘伟') as R2
on R1.Sal>R2.Sal

select SN,Age,CN from S,C,SC
where S.SNo=SC.sNo and SC.cNo=C.CNo

select R3.SN,R3.Age,R4.CN
(select SNo,SN,Age from S) as R3
inner join
(select R2.SNo,R1.CN
(select CNo,CN from C) as R1
inner join
(select SNo,CNo from SC) as R2
on R1.CNo=R2.cNo)
as R4
on R3.SNo=R4.sNo
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下一篇:SQL 多表查询例题