~ openssh不同时间开的不同session,相同用户的history命令显示的是不完全相同的…不过bash的设计是有它的考虑的...要不chsh到zsh用用...
源码看,暂时没有查出什么时候会统一写入 .bash_history文件!小坑要小心呀
几个简单的实验,不同session的bash history是不同步的!
1. ${HOME}/.bashrc.user
if [[ `tty` != "not a tty" ]] ; then # interactive shell ################################## # BEG History manipulation section export TTY_NAME=`tty|sed -e 's|/dev/||' -e 's|/|_|'` export HISTFILESIZE=2000 export HISTSIZE=2000 export HISTTIMEFORMAT="[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S] " export HISTFILE=$HOME/.bash_history.${TTY_NAME} rm -f $HISTFILE tail --lines=$(( $HISTFILESIZE + 200 )) ${HOME}/.bash_history_all | sort -u -m -k 4 | tail --lines=$HISTFILESIZE |awk -f ~/.bash.parse_history.awk >> $HISTFILE history -r if [ -n "$PROMPT_COMMAND" ]; then #It is annoying that in PROMPT_COMMAND $HISTCMD is always 1 hence the external script export PROMPT_COMMAND="$PROMPT_COMMAND; ${HOME}/.bash_history_all_append.sh \`history 1\`" else export PROMPT_COMMAND="${HOME}/.bash_history_all_append.sh \`history 1\`" fi function save_last_command { # Only want to do this once per process if [ -z "$SAVE_LAST" ]; then export SAVE_LAST="done" ${HOME}/.bash_history_all_append.sh "`history 1`" echo "${TTY_NAME} [`date +'%m-%d-%Y_%T'`] # end session $USER@${HOSTNAME}:`tty`" >> ${HOME}/.bash_history_all rm -f $HISTFILE fi } trap 'save_last_command' EXIT # END History manipulation section ################################# fi2. ${HOME}/.bash.parse_history.awk
#!/usr/bin/awk -f # Awk script: extract.awk function extract(str,regexp) { RMATCH = (match(str,regexp) ? substr(str,RSTART,RLENGTH) : "") #print str " " RSTART " " RLENGTH return RSTART } function after(str,regexp) { AMATCH = (match(str,regexp) ? substr(str,RSTART+RLENGTH) : "") #print str " " RSTART " " RLENGTH return RSTART } extract($0,"[0-9][0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9][0-9]+[_ ][0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]") { gsub(/_/," ", RMATCH) TIME = RMATCH } after($0,"[0-9][0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9][0-9]+[_ ][0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9][] ]+") { CMD = AMATCH } { #printf("TIME=%s,CMD=%s\n",TIME,CMD) TRANSDATE = "date --date \"" TIME "\" +%s 2>/dev/null" TRANSDATE | getline EPOC #printf ("%s\n#%s\n",CMD,EPOC) printf ("#%s\n%s\n",EPOC,CMD) }3. ${HOME}/.bash_history.sed
s/^\s*[[:digit:]]*\s*// s/\\/\\\\/g s/"/\\"/g s/'/\\'/g4. ${HOME}/.bash_history_all_append.sh
#!/usr/bin/env bash HISTORY_LOG=${HOME}/.bash_history_all LC=`echo "$*" | sed -f ~/.bash_history.sed | xargs -i -n 1 echo ${TTY_NAME} '{}'`; if [[ -z `tail -100 ${HISTORY_LOG} | grep -F "$LC" 2>/dev/null` ]] ; then echo "${LC}" >> ${HISTORY_LOG} fi5. cat ~./bash_history_all即可.