Scrapy 框架之 ——crawl Spiders





  1. E:myweb>scrapy startproject mycwpjt
  2. New Scrapy project 'mycwpjt', using template directory 'd:\\python35\\lib\\site-packages\\scrapy\\templates\\project', created in:
  3. D:\Python35\myweb\part16\mycwpjt
  4. You can start your first spider with:
  5. cd mycwpjt
  6. scrapy genspider example
 (2) 创健爬虫

  1. E:\myweb>scrapy genspider -t crawl weisuen
  2. Created spider 'weisuen' using template 'crawl' in module:
  3. Mycwpjt.spiders.weisuen

  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. # Define here the models for your scraped items
  3. #
  4. # See documentation in:
  5. #
  6. import scrapy
  7. class MycwpjtItem(scrapy.Item):
  8. # define the fields for your item here like:
  9. name = scrapy.Field()
  10. link = scrapy.Field()


  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. # Define your item pipelines here
  3. #
  4. # Don't forget to add your pipeline to the ITEM_PIPELINES setting
  5. # See:
  6. class MycwpjtPipeline(object):
  7. def process_item(self, item, spider):
  8. print(item["name"])
  9. print(item["link"])
  10. return item


  2. 'mycwpjt.pipelines.MycwpjtPipeline': 300,
  3. }


  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. import scrapy
  3. from scrapy.linkextractors import LinkExtractor
  4. from scrapy.spiders import CrawlSpider, Rule
  5. from mycwpjt.items import MycwpjtItem
  6. #显示可用的模板 scrapy genspider -l
  7. #利用crawlspider创建的框架 scrapy genspider -t crawl weisun
  8. #开始爬取 scrapy crawl weisun --nolog
  9. class WeisunSpider(CrawlSpider):
  10. name = 'weisun'
  11. allowed_domains = ['']
  12. start_urls = ['']
  13. rules = (
  14. # 新闻网页的url地址类似于:
  15. # “”
  16. # 所以可以得到提取的正则表达式为'.*?/n.*?shtml’
  17. Rule(LinkExtractor(allow=('.*?/n.*?shtml'), allow_domains=('')), callback='parse_item', follow=True),
  18. )
  19. def parse_item(self, response):
  20. i = MycwpjtItem()
  21. #i['domain_id'] = response.xpath('//input[@id="sid"]/@value').extract()
  22. # 根据Xpath表达式提取新闻网页中的标题
  23. i["name"] = response.xpath("/html/head/title/text()").extract()
  24. # 根据Xpath表达式提取当前新闻网页的链接
  25. i["link"] = response.xpath("//link[@rel='canonical']/@href").extract()
  26. return i


  • rules: 是Rule对象的集合,用于匹配目标网站并排除干扰
  • parse_start_url: 用于爬取起始响应,必须要返回ItemRequest中的一个。

      因为rulesRule对象的集合,所以这里介绍一下Rule。它有几个参数:link_extractorcallback=None、              cb_kwargs=Nonefollow=Noneprocess_links=Noneprocess_request=None

  • allow:满足括号中“正则表达式”的值会被提取,如果为空,则全部匹配。
  • deny:与这个正则表达式(或正则表达式列表)不匹配的URL一定不提取。
  • allow_domains:会被提取的链接的domains。
  • deny_domains:一定不会被提取链接的domains。
  • restrict_xpaths:使用xpath表达式,和allow共同作用过滤链接。

Scrapy 框架之 ——crawl Spiders


