一款开源且功能强大的C#甘特图控件.NET Winforms Gantt Chart Control


  由于项目需要,在网上找了很久,经过大量的对比和评估,发现一款真正开源且功能强大的C#甘特图控件.NET Winforms Gantt Chart Control(http://ganttchart.codeplex.com/),效果图如下:

一款开源且功能强大的C#甘特图控件.NET Winforms Gantt Chart Control




 using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms; namespace Braincase.GanttChart
/// <summary>
/// An elaborate example on how the chart control might be used.
/// Start by collapsing all regions and then read the constructor.
/// Refer to IProjectManager interface for method description.
/// </summary>
public partial class ExampleFull : Form
OverlayPainter _mOverlay = new OverlayPainter(); ProjectManager _mManager = null; /// <summary>
/// Example starts here
/// </summary>
public ExampleFull()
InitializeComponent(); // Create a Project and some Tasks
_mManager = new ProjectManager();
var work = new MyTask(_mManager) { Name = "Prepare for Work" };
var wake = new MyTask(_mManager) { Name = "Wake Up" };
var teeth = new MyTask(_mManager) { Name = "Brush Teeth" };
var shower = new MyTask(_mManager) { Name = "Shower" };
var clothes = new MyTask(_mManager) { Name = "Change into New Clothes" };
var hair = new MyTask(_mManager) { Name = "Blow My Hair" };
var pack = new MyTask(_mManager) { Name = "Pack the Suitcase" }; _mManager.Add(work);
_mManager.Add(pack); // Create another 1000 tasks for stress testing
Random rand = new Random();
for (int i = ; i < ; i++)
var task = new MyTask(_mManager) { Name = string.Format("New Task {0}", i.ToString()) };
_mManager.SetStart(task, rand.Next());
_mManager.SetDuration(task, rand.Next());
} // Set task durations, e.g. using ProjectManager methods
_mManager.SetDuration(wake, );
_mManager.SetDuration(teeth, );
_mManager.SetDuration(shower, );
_mManager.SetDuration(clothes, );
_mManager.SetDuration(hair, );
_mManager.SetDuration(pack, ); // demostrate splitting a task
_mManager.Split(pack, new MyTask(_mManager), new MyTask(_mManager), ); // Set task complete status, e.g. using newly created properties
wake.Complete = 0.9f;
teeth.Complete = 0.5f;
shower.Complete = 0.4f; // Give the Tasks some organisation, setting group and precedents
_mManager.Group(work, wake);
_mManager.Group(work, teeth);
_mManager.Group(work, shower);
_mManager.Group(work, clothes);
_mManager.Group(work, hair);
_mManager.Group(work, pack);
_mManager.Relate(wake, teeth);
_mManager.Relate(wake, shower);
_mManager.Relate(shower, clothes);
_mManager.Relate(shower, hair);
_mManager.Relate(hair, pack);
_mManager.Relate(clothes, pack); // Create and assign Resources.
// MyResource is just custom user class. The API can accept any object as resource.
var jake = new MyResource() { Name = "Jake" };
var peter = new MyResource() { Name = "Peter" };
var john = new MyResource() { Name = "John" };
var lucas = new MyResource() { Name = "Lucas" };
var james = new MyResource() { Name = "James" };
var mary = new MyResource() { Name = "Mary" };
// Add some resources
_mManager.Assign(wake, jake);
_mManager.Assign(wake, peter);
_mManager.Assign(wake, john);
_mManager.Assign(teeth, jake);
_mManager.Assign(teeth, james);
_mManager.Assign(pack, james);
_mManager.Assign(pack, lucas);
_mManager.Assign(shower, mary);
_mManager.Assign(shower, lucas);
_mManager.Assign(shower, john); // Initialize the Chart with our ProjectManager and CreateTaskDelegate
_mChart.CreateTaskDelegate = delegate() { return new MyTask(_mManager); }; // Attach event listeners for events we are interested in
_mChart.TaskMouseOver += new EventHandler<TaskMouseEventArgs>(_mChart_TaskMouseOver);
_mChart.TaskMouseOut += new EventHandler<TaskMouseEventArgs>(_mChart_TaskMouseOut);
_mChart.TaskSelected += new EventHandler<TaskMouseEventArgs>(_mChart_TaskSelected);
_mChart.PaintOverlay += _mOverlay.ChartOverlayPainter;
_mChart.AllowTaskDragDrop = true; // set some tooltips to show the resources in each task
_mChart.SetToolTip(wake, string.Join(", ", _mManager.ResourcesOf(wake).Select(x => (x as MyResource).Name)));
_mChart.SetToolTip(teeth, string.Join(", ", _mManager.ResourcesOf(teeth).Select(x => (x as MyResource).Name)));
_mChart.SetToolTip(pack, string.Join(", ", _mManager.ResourcesOf(pack).Select(x => (x as MyResource).Name)));
_mChart.SetToolTip(shower, string.Join(", ", _mManager.ResourcesOf(shower).Select(x => (x as MyResource).Name))); // Set Time information
_mManager.TimeScale = TimeScale.Day;
var span = DateTime.Today - _mManager.Start;
_mManager.Now = (int)Math.Round(span.TotalDays); // set the "Now" marker at the correct date
_mChart.TimeScaleDisplay = TimeScaleDisplay.DayOfWeek; // Set the chart to display days of week in header // Init the rest of the UI
} void _mChart_TaskSelected(object sender, TaskMouseEventArgs e)
_mTaskGrid.SelectedObjects = _mChart.SelectedTasks.Select(x => _mManager.IsPart(x) ? _mManager.SplitTaskOf(x) : x).ToArray();
_mResourceGrid.Items.AddRange(_mManager.ResourcesOf(e.Task).Select(x => new ListViewItem(((MyResource)x).Name)).ToArray());
} void _mChart_TaskMouseOut(object sender, TaskMouseEventArgs e)
lblStatus.Text = "";
} void _mChart_TaskMouseOver(object sender, TaskMouseEventArgs e)
lblStatus.Text = string.Format("{0} to {1}", _mManager.GetDateTime(e.Task.Start).ToLongDateString(), _mManager.GetDateTime(e.Task.End).ToLongDateString());
} private void _InitExampleUI()
TaskGridView.DataSource = new BindingSource(_mManager.Tasks, null);
mnuFilePrint200.Click += (s, e) => _PrintDocument(2.0f);
mnuFilePrint150.Click += (s, e) => _PrintDocument(1.5f);
mnuFilePrint100.Click += (s, e) => _PrintDocument(1.0f);
mnuFilePrint80.Click += (s, e) => _PrintDocument(0.8f);
mnuFilePrint50.Click += (s, e) => _PrintDocument(0.5f);
mnuFilePrint25.Click += (s, e) => _PrintDocument(0.25f);
mnuFilePrint10.Click += (s, e) => _PrintDocument(0.1f); mnuFileImgPrint100.Click += (s, e) => _PrintImage(1.0f);
mnuFileImgPrint50.Click += (s, e) => _PrintImage(0.5f);
mnuFileImgPrint10.Click += (s, e) => _PrintImage(0.1f);
} #region Main Menu private void mnuFileSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
using (var dialog = new SaveFileDialog())
dialog.InitialDirectory = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath);
if (dialog.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
using (var fs = System.IO.File.OpenWrite(dialog.FileName))
System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter bf = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter();
bf.Serialize(fs, _mManager);
} private void mnuFileOpen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
using (var dialog = new OpenFileDialog())
dialog.InitialDirectory = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath);
if (dialog.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
using (var fs = System.IO.File.OpenRead(dialog.FileName))
System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter bf = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter();
_mManager = bf.Deserialize(fs) as ProjectManager;
if (_mManager == null)
MessageBox.Show("Unable to load ProjectManager. Data structure might have changed from previous verions", "Gantt Chart", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
} private void mnuFileExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
} private void mnuViewDaysDayOfWeek_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
_mManager.TimeScale = TimeScale.Day;
_mChart.TimeScaleDisplay = TimeScaleDisplay.DayOfWeek;
} private void mnuFileNew_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// start a new Project and init the chart with the project
_mManager = new ProjectManager();
_mManager.Add(new Task() { Name = "New Task" });
} private void mnuHelpAbout_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (MessageBox.Show("Please visit http://www.jakesee.com/net-c-winforms-gantt-chart-control/ for more help and details", "Braincase Solutions - Gantt Chart", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
} private void mnuViewRelationships_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
_mChart.ShowRelations = mnuViewRelationships.Checked = !mnuViewRelationships.Checked;
} private void mnuViewSlack_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
_mChart.ShowSlack = mnuViewSlack.Checked = !mnuViewSlack.Checked;
} private void mnuViewIntructions_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
_mOverlay.PrintMode = !(mnuViewIntructions.Checked = !mnuViewIntructions.Checked);
} #region Timescale Views
private void mnuViewDays_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
_mManager.TimeScale = TimeScale.Day;
mnuViewDays.Checked = true;
mnuViewWeek.Checked = false;
} private void mnuViewWeek_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
_mManager.TimeScale = TimeScale.Week;
mnuViewDays.Checked = false;
mnuViewWeek.Checked = true;
} private void mnuViewDayOfWeek_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
_mChart.TimeScaleDisplay = TimeScaleDisplay.DayOfWeek;
mnuViewDayOfWeek.Checked = true;
mnuViewDayOfMonth.Checked = false;
mnuViewWeekOfYear.Checked = false;
} private void mnuViewDayOfMonth_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
_mChart.TimeScaleDisplay = TimeScaleDisplay.DayOfMonth;
mnuViewDayOfWeek.Checked = false;
mnuViewDayOfMonth.Checked = true;
mnuViewWeekOfYear.Checked = false;
} private void mnuViewWeekOfYear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
_mChart.TimeScaleDisplay = TimeScaleDisplay.WeekOfYear;
mnuViewDayOfWeek.Checked = false;
mnuViewDayOfMonth.Checked = false;
mnuViewWeekOfYear.Checked = true;
#endregion Timescale Views #endregion Main Menu #region Sidebar private void _mDateTimePicker_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
_mManager.Start = _mStartDatePicker.Value;
var span = DateTime.Today - _mManager.Start;
_mManager.Now = (int)Math.Round(span.TotalDays);
if (_mManager.TimeScale == TimeScale.Week) _mManager.Now = (_mManager.Now % ) * ;
} private void _mPropertyGrid_SelectedGridItemChanged(object sender, SelectedGridItemChangedEventArgs e)
} private void _mNowDatePicker_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
TimeSpan span = _mNowDatePicker.Value - _mStartDatePicker.Value;
_mManager.Now = span.Days + ;
if (_mManager.TimeScale == TimeScale.Week) _mManager.Now = _mManager.Now / + (_mManager.Now % > ? : );
} private void _mScrollDatePicker_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
} private void _mTaskGridView_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (TaskGridView.SelectedRows.Count > )
var task = TaskGridView.SelectedRows[].DataBoundItem as Task;
} #endregion Sidebar #region Print private void _PrintDocument(float scale)
using (var dialog = new PrintDialog())
dialog.Document = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument();
if (dialog.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
// set the print mode for the custom overlay painter so that we skip printing instructions
dialog.Document.BeginPrint += (s, arg) => _mOverlay.PrintMode = true;
dialog.Document.EndPrint += (s, arg) => _mOverlay.PrintMode = false; // tell chart to print to the document at the specified scale
_mChart.Print(dialog.Document, scale);
} private void _PrintImage(float scale)
using (var dialog = new SaveFileDialog())
dialog.Filter = "Bitmap (*.bmp) | *.bmp";
if (dialog.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
// set the print mode for the custom overlay painter so that we skip printing instructions
_mOverlay.PrintMode = true;
// tell chart to print to the document at the specified scale var bitmap = _mChart.Print(scale);
_mOverlay.PrintMode = false; // restore printing overlays bitmap.Save(dialog.FileName, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp);
} #endregion Print } #region overlay painter
/// <summary>
/// An example of how to encapsulate a helper painter for painter additional features on Chart
/// </summary>
public class OverlayPainter
/// <summary>
/// Hook such a method to the chart paint event listeners
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
public void ChartOverlayPainter(object sender, ChartPaintEventArgs e)
// Don't want to print instructions to file
if (this.PrintMode) return; var g = e.Graphics;
var chart = e.Chart; // Demo: Static billboards begin -----------------------------------
// Demonstrate how to draw static billboards
// "push matrix" -- save our transformation matrix
e.Chart.BeginBillboardMode(e.Graphics); // draw mouse command instructions
int margin = ;
int left = ;
var color = chart.HeaderFormat.Color;
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.AppendLine("Left Click - Select task and display properties in PropertyGrid");
builder.AppendLine("Left Mouse Drag - Change task starting point");
builder.AppendLine("Right Mouse Drag - Change task duration");
builder.AppendLine("Middle Mouse Drag - Change task complete percentage");
builder.AppendLine("Left Doubleclick - Toggle collaspe on task group");
builder.AppendLine("Right Doubleclick - Split task into task parts");
builder.AppendLine("Left Mouse Dragdrop onto another task - Group drag task under drop task");
builder.AppendLine("Right Mouse Dragdrop onto another task part - Join task parts");
builder.AppendLine("SHIFT + Left Mouse Dragdrop onto another task - Make drop task precedent of drag task");
builder.AppendLine("ALT + Left Dragdrop onto another task - Ungroup drag task from drop task / Remove drop task from drag task precedent list");
builder.AppendLine("SHIFT + Left Mouse Dragdrop - Order tasks");
builder.AppendLine("SHIFT + Middle Click - Create new task");
builder.AppendLine("ALT + Middle Click - Delete task");
builder.AppendLine("Left Doubleclick - Toggle collaspe on task group");
var size = g.MeasureString(builder.ToString(), e.Chart.Font);
var background = new Rectangle(left, chart.Height - margin, (int)size.Width, (int)size.Height);
background.Inflate(, );
g.FillRectangle(new System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush(background, Color.LightYellow, Color.Transparent, System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientMode.Vertical), background);
g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Brown, background);
g.DrawString(builder.ToString(), chart.Font, color, new PointF(left, chart.Height - margin)); // "pop matrix" -- restore the previous matrix
// Demo: Static billboards end -----------------------------------
} public bool PrintMode { get; set; }
#endregion overlay painter #region custom task and resource
/// <summary>
/// A custom resource of your own type (optional)
/// </summary>
public class MyResource
public string Name { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// A custom task of your own type deriving from the Task interface (optional)
/// </summary>
public class MyTask : Task
public MyTask(ProjectManager manager)
: base()
Manager = manager;
} private ProjectManager Manager { get; set; } public new int Start { get { return base.Start; } set { Manager.SetStart(this, value); } }
public new int End { get { return base.End; } set { Manager.SetEnd(this, value); } }
public new int Duration { get { return base.Duration; } set { Manager.SetDuration(this, value); } }
public new float Complete { get { return base.Complete; } set { Manager.SetComplete(this, value); } }
#endregion custom task and resource


一款开源且功能强大的C#甘特图控件.NET Winforms Gantt Chart Control

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