
   CenterNet是在2019年论文Objects as points中提出,相比yolo,ssd,faster_rcnn依靠大量anchor的检测网络,CenterNet是一种anchor-free的目标检测网络,在速度和精度上都比较有优势,值得学习下。


1. CenterNet网络结构

  除了检测任务外,CenterNet还可以用于肢体识别或者3D目标检测等,因此CenterNet论文中提出了三种backbone的网络结构,分别是Resnet-18, DLA-34和Hourglass-104, 三种backbone准确度和速度如下:

  1. Resnet-18 with up-convolutional layers : 28.1% coco and 142 FPS

  2. DLA-34 : 37.4% COCOAP and 52 FPS

  3. Hourglass-104 : 45.1% COCOAP and 1.4 FPS



  可以发现CenterNet网络比较简单,主要包括resnet50提取图片特征,然后是反卷积模块Deconv(三个反卷积)对特征图进行上采样,最后三个分支卷积网络用来预测heatmap, 目标的宽高和目标的中心点坐标。值得注意的是反卷积模块,其包括三个反卷积组,每个组都包括一个3*3的卷积和一个反卷积,每次反卷积都会将特征图尺寸放大一倍,有很多代码中会将反卷积前的3x3的卷积替换为DCNv2(Deformable ConvetNets V2)来提高模型拟合能力。

  关于DCN(Deformable ConvetNets)参见:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/37578271https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/53127011


  • 图片缩放到512x512尺寸(长边缩放到512,短边补0),随后将缩放后1x3x512x512的图片输入网络

  • 图片经过resnet50提取特征得到feature1尺寸为1x2048x16x16

  • feature1经过反卷积模块Deconv,三次上采样得到feature2尺寸为1x64x128x128

  • 将feature2分别送入三个分支进行预测,预测heatmap尺寸为1x80x128x128(表示80个类别),预测长宽尺寸为1x2x128x128(2表示长和宽),预测中心点偏移量尺寸为1x2x128x128(2表示x, y) 



    DLA-34网络即Deep Layer Aggregation, 其理解参见:https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/article/1676834


2. heatmap(热力图)理解和生成

2.1 heatmap生成






  • 1.将目标的box缩放到128x128的尺度上,然后求box的中心点坐标并取整,设为point

  • 2.根据目标box大小计算高斯圆的半径,设为R

  • 3.在heatmap图上,以point为圆心,半径为R填充高斯函数计算值。(point点处为最大值,沿着半径向外按高斯函数递减)



2.2 heatmap高斯函数半径的确定



  关于高斯圆的半径确定,主要还是依赖于目标box的宽高,其计算方法为下图所示。 实际情况中会取IOU=0.7,即下图中的overlap=0.7作为临界值,然后分别计算出三种情况的半径,取最小值作为高斯核的半径r



3. 数据增强






"""Transforms described in https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.07850."""
# pylint: disable=too-many-function-args
from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as np
import mxnet as mx
from gluoncv.data.transforms import bbox as tbbox
from gluoncv.data.transforms import image as timage
from gluoncv.data.transforms import experimental
from gluoncv.utils.filesystem import try_import_cv2
from mxnet import nd
from mxnet import gluon

class CenterNetTargetGenerator(gluon.Block):
    """Target generator for CenterNet.

    num_class : int
        Number of categories.
    output_width : int
        Width of the network output.
    output_height : int
        Height of the network output.

    def __init__(self, num_class, output_width, output_height):
        super(CenterNetTargetGenerator, self).__init__()
        self._num_class = num_class
        self._output_width = int(output_width)
        self._output_height = int(output_height)

    def forward(self, gt_boxes, gt_ids):
        """Target generation"""
        # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
        h_scale = 1.0  # already scaled in affinetransform
        w_scale = 1.0  # already scaled in affinetransform
        heatmap = np.zeros((self._num_class, self._output_height, self._output_width),
        wh_target = np.zeros((2, self._output_height, self._output_width), dtype=np.float32)
        wh_mask = np.zeros((2, self._output_height, self._output_width), dtype=np.float32)
        center_reg = np.zeros((2, self._output_height, self._output_width), dtype=np.float32)
        center_reg_mask = np.zeros((2, self._output_height, self._output_width), dtype=np.float32)
        for bbox, cid in zip(gt_boxes, gt_ids):
            cid = int(cid)
            box_h, box_w = bbox[3] - bbox[1], bbox[2] - bbox[0]
            if box_h > 0 and box_w > 0:
                radius = _gaussian_radius((np.ceil(box_h), np.ceil(box_w)))
                radius = max(0, int(radius))
                center = np.array(
                    [(bbox[0] + bbox[2]) / 2 * w_scale, (bbox[1] + bbox[3]) / 2 * h_scale],
                center_int = center.astype(np.int32)   #浮点数变为整数
                center_x, center_y = center_int
                assert center_x < self._output_width,                     center_x: {} > output_width: {}.format(center_x, self._output_width)
                assert center_y < self._output_height,                     center_y: {} > output_height: {}.format(center_y, self._output_height)
                _draw_umich_gaussian(heatmap[cid], center_int, radius)
                wh_target[0, center_y, center_x] = box_w * w_scale
                wh_target[1, center_y, center_x] = box_h * h_scale
                wh_mask[:, center_y, center_x] = 1.0
                center_reg[:, center_y, center_x] = center - center_int   #偏移量为浮点数相对于整数坐标的偏移量
                center_reg_mask[:, center_y, center_x] = 1.0
        return tuple([nd.array(x) for x in             (heatmap, wh_target, wh_mask, center_reg, center_reg_mask)])

def _gaussian_radius(det_size, min_overlap=0.7):
    """Calculate gaussian radius for foreground objects.

    det_size : tuple of int
        Object size (h, w).
    min_overlap : float
        Minimal overlap between objects.

        Gaussian radius.

    height, width = det_size

    a1 = 1
    b1 = (height + width)
    c1 = width * height * (1 - min_overlap) / (1 + min_overlap)
    sq1 = np.sqrt(b1 ** 2 - 4 * a1 * c1)
    r1 = (b1 + sq1) / 2

    a2 = 4
    b2 = 2 * (height + width)
    c2 = (1 - min_overlap) * width * height
    sq2 = np.sqrt(b2 ** 2 - 4 * a2 * c2)
    r2 = (b2 + sq2) / 2

    a3 = 4 * min_overlap
    b3 = -2 * min_overlap * (height + width)
    c3 = (min_overlap - 1) * width * height
    sq3 = np.sqrt(b3 ** 2 - 4 * a3 * c3)
    r3 = (b3 + sq3) / 2
    return min(r1, r2, r3)

def _gaussian_2d(shape, sigma=1):
    """Generate 2d gaussian.

    shape : tuple of int
        The shape of the gaussian.
    sigma : float
        Sigma for gaussian.

        2D gaussian kernel.

    m, n = [(ss - 1.) / 2. for ss in shape]
    y, x = np.ogrid[-m:m+1, -n:n+1]

    h = np.exp(-(x * x + y * y) / (2 * sigma * sigma))
    h[h < np.finfo(h.dtype).eps * h.max()] = 0
    return h

def _draw_umich_gaussian(heatmap, center, radius, k=1):
    """Draw a 2D gaussian heatmap.

    heatmap : numpy.ndarray
        Heatmap to be write inplace.
    center : tuple of int
        Center of object (h, w).
    radius : type
        The radius of gaussian.

        Drawn gaussian heatmap.

    diameter = 2 * radius + 1
    gaussian = _gaussian_2d((diameter, diameter), sigma=diameter / 6)

    x, y = int(center[0]), int(center[1])

    height, width = heatmap.shape[0:2]

    left, right = min(x, radius), min(width - x, radius + 1)
    top, bottom = min(y, radius), min(height - y, radius + 1)

    masked_heatmap = heatmap[y - top:y + bottom, x - left:x + right]
    masked_gaussian = gaussian[radius - top:radius + bottom, radius - left:radius + right]
    if min(masked_gaussian.shape) > 0 and min(masked_heatmap.shape) > 0:
        np.maximum(masked_heatmap, masked_gaussian * k, out=masked_heatmap)
    return heatmap

def transform_test(imgs, short, max_size=1024, mean=(0.485, 0.456, 0.406),
                   std=(0.229, 0.224, 0.225)):
    """A util function to transform all images to tensors as network input by applying
    normalizations. This function support 1 NDArray or iterable of NDArrays.

    imgs : NDArray or iterable of NDArray
        Image(s) to be transformed.
    short : int
        Resize image short side to this `short` and keep aspect ratio.
    max_size : int, optional
        Maximum longer side length to fit image.
        This is to limit the input image shape. Aspect ratio is intact because we
        support arbitrary input size in our SSD implementation.
    mean : iterable of float
        Mean pixel values.
    std : iterable of float
        Standard deviations of pixel values.

    (mxnet.NDArray, numpy.ndarray) or list of such tuple
        A (1, 3, H, W) mxnet NDArray as input to network, and a numpy ndarray as
        original un-normalized color image for display.
        If multiple image names are supplied, return two lists. You can use
        `zip()`` to collapse it.

    if isinstance(imgs, mx.nd.NDArray):
        imgs = [imgs]
    for im in imgs:
        assert isinstance(im, mx.nd.NDArray), "Expect NDArray, got {}".format(type(im))

    tensors = []
    origs = []
    for img in imgs:
        img = timage.resize_short_within(img, short, max_size)
        orig_img = img.asnumpy().astype(uint8)
        img = mx.nd.image.to_tensor(img)
        img = mx.nd.image.normalize(img, mean=mean, std=std)
    if len(tensors) == 1:
        return tensors[0], origs[0]
    return tensors, origs

def load_test(filenames, short, max_size=1024, mean=(0.485, 0.456, 0.406),
              std=(0.229, 0.224, 0.225)):
    """A util function to load all images, transform them to tensor by applying
    normalizations. This function support 1 filename or iterable of filenames.

    filenames : str or list of str
        Image filename(s) to be loaded.
    short : int
        Resize image short side to this `short` and keep aspect ratio.
    max_size : int, optional
        Maximum longer side length to fit image.
        This is to limit the input image shape. Aspect ratio is intact because we
        support arbitrary input size in our SSD implementation.
    mean : iterable of float
        Mean pixel values.
    std : iterable of float
        Standard deviations of pixel values.

    (mxnet.NDArray, numpy.ndarray) or list of such tuple
        A (1, 3, H, W) mxnet NDArray as input to network, and a numpy ndarray as
        original un-normalized color image for display.
        If multiple image names are supplied, return two lists. You can use
        `zip()`` to collapse it.

    if isinstance(filenames, str):
        filenames = [filenames]
    imgs = [mx.image.imread(f) for f in filenames]
    return transform_test(imgs, short, max_size, mean, std)

class CenterNetDefaultTrainTransform(object):
    """Default SSD training transform which includes tons of image augmentations.

    width : int
        Image width.
    height : int
        Image height.
    num_class : int
        Number of categories
    scale_factor : int, default is 4
        The downsampling scale factor between input image and output heatmap
    mean : array-like of size 3
        Mean pixel values to be subtracted from image tensor. Default is [0.485, 0.456, 0.406].
    std : array-like of size 3
        Standard deviation to be divided from image. Default is [0.229, 0.224, 0.225].
    def __init__(self, width, height, num_class, scale_factor=4, mean=(0.485, 0.456, 0.406),
                 std=(0.229, 0.224, 0.225), **kwargs):
        self._kwargs = kwargs
        self._width = width
        self._height = height
        self._num_class = num_class
        self._scale_factor = scale_factor
        self._mean = np.array(mean, dtype=np.float32).reshape(1, 1, 3)
        self._std = np.array(std, dtype=np.float32).reshape(1, 1, 3)
        self._data_rng = np.random.RandomState(123)
        self._eig_val = np.array([0.2141788, 0.01817699, 0.00341571],
        self._eig_vec = np.array([
            [-0.58752847, -0.69563484, 0.41340352],
            [-0.5832747, 0.00994535, -0.81221408],
            [-0.56089297, 0.71832671, 0.41158938]
        ], dtype=np.float32)

        self._target_generator = CenterNetTargetGenerator(
            num_class, width // scale_factor, height // scale_factor)

    def __call__(self, src, label):
        """Apply transform to training image/label."""
        # random color jittering
        img = src
        bbox = label

        # random horizontal flip
        h, w, _ = img.shape
        # img, flips = timage.random_flip(img, px=0.5)
        # bbox = tbbox.flip(bbox, (w, h), flip_x=flips[0])

        cv2 = try_import_cv2()
        input_h, input_w = self._height, self._width
        s = max(h, w) * 1.0
        c = np.array([w / 2., h / 2.], dtype=np.float32)
        sf = 0.4
        w_border = _get_border(128, img.shape[1])
        h_border = _get_border(128, img.shape[0])
        c[0] = np.random.randint(low=w_border, high=img.shape[1] - w_border)  # 裁剪后目标的中心点
        c[1] = np.random.randint(low=h_border, high=img.shape[0] - h_border)
        s = s * np.clip(np.random.randn() * sf + 1, 1 - sf, 1 + sf)  # 裁剪后图片的长宽
        # a = random.randint(-10, 10)                                         #裁剪后图片的旋转角度
        # trans_input = tbbox.get_affine_transform(c, s, a, [input_w, input_h])
        trans_input = tbbox.get_affine_transform(c, s, 0, [input_w, input_h])  #根据中心点和长宽,计算变换矩阵
        inp = cv2.warpAffine(img.asnumpy(), trans_input, (input_w, input_h), flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) #对图片进行仿射变换(主要是裁剪和resize)

        output_w = input_w // self._scale_factor
        output_h = input_h // self._scale_factor
        trans_output = tbbox.get_affine_transform(c, s, 0, [output_w, output_h])
        for i in range(bbox.shape[0]):
            bbox[i, :2] = tbbox.affine_transform(bbox[i, :2], trans_output)
            bbox[i, 2:4] = tbbox.affine_transform(bbox[i, 2:4], trans_output)
        bbox[:, :2] = np.clip(bbox[:, :2], 0, output_w - 1)
        bbox[:, 2:4] = np.clip(bbox[:, 2:4], 0, output_h - 1)
        img = inp
        # to tensor
        img = img.astype(np.float32) / 255.
        experimental.image.np_random_color_distort(img, data_rng=self._data_rng)
        img = (img - self._mean) / self._std
        img = img.transpose(2, 0, 1).astype(np.float32)
        img = mx.nd.array(img)

        # generate training target so cpu workers can help reduce the workload on gpu
        gt_bboxes = bbox[:, :4]
        gt_ids = bbox[:, 4:5]
        heatmap, wh_target, wh_mask, center_reg, center_reg_mask = self._target_generator(
            gt_bboxes, gt_ids)

        return img, heatmap, wh_target, wh_mask, center_reg, center_reg_mask

        # img=cv2.cvtColor(inp, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
        # for i in range(bbox.shape[0]):
        #     bbox[i, :2] = tbbox.affine_transform(bbox[i, :2], trans_input)
        #     bbox[i, 2:4] = tbbox.affine_transform(bbox[i, 2:4], trans_input)
        # bbox[:, :2] = np.clip(bbox[:, :2], 0, input_w - 1)
        # bbox[:, 2:4] = np.clip(bbox[:, 2:4], 0, input_h - 1)
        # # print(bbox, c, s, a, img.shape)
        # for i in range(len(bbox)):
        #     cv2.rectangle(img, tuple(bbox[i][:2]), tuple(bbox[i][2:4]), (0, 255, 0), 2)
        # cv2.imshow("img", img)
        # cv2.waitKey(0)
        # cv2.destroyAllWindows()

def _get_border(border, size):
    """Get the border size of the image"""
    i = 1
    while size - border // i <= border // i:
        i *= 2
    return border // i

if __name__ == "__main__":
    img_path = r"E:\two_cats.jpg"
    transform = CenterNetDefaultTrainTransform(
        512, 512, num_class=3, scale_factor=4)
    img = mx.image.imread(img_path)
    label = np.array([[112, 335, 1360, 980, 1], [1140, 151, 1509, 774, 1]]).reshape(-1, 5)
    transform(img, label)

4. loss函数理解

  center_net的loss包括三部分,heatmap的loss,目标长宽预测loss,目标中心点偏移值loss。其中heatmap的LK采用改进的focal loss,长宽预测的Lsize和目标中心点偏移Loff都采用L1Loss, 而且Lsize加上了0.1的权重。


heatmap loss

  heatmap loss的计算公式如下,对focal loss进行了改写,α和β是超参数,用来均衡难易样本和正负样本。N是图像的关键点数量(正样本个数),用于将所有的positive focal loss标准化为1,求和符号的下标xyc表示所有heatmap上的所有坐标点(c表示目标类别,每个类别一张heatmap),目标检测网络CenterNet(四)为预测值,Yxyc为标注真实值。

  关于focal loss的理解参考:https://www.cnblogs.com/silence-cho/p/12987476.html , https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/66048276

  相比focal loss,负样本的loss里面多了一个(1-Yxyc)β?, 是为了抑制0<Yxyc?<1的负样本的loss(heatmap高斯中心点附近那些点)



  Loff损失函数公式如下, 其只对正样本的偏移值损失进行计算。其中 目标检测网络CenterNet(四)表示预测的偏移值,p为图片中目标中心点坐标,R为缩放尺度,目标检测网络CenterNet(四)为缩放后中心点的近似整数坐标

假设图片实际中心点p为(125, 63),由于图片的尺寸为512*512,缩放尺度R=4,因此缩放后的128x128尺寸下中心点坐标为p\R(31.25, 15.75), 相对于整数坐标目标检测网络CenterNet(四)(31, 15)的偏移值即为(0.25, 0.75), 即(p/R - 目标检测网络CenterNet(四))




?  损失函数公式如下,也是只对正样本的损失值计算,Spk为预测尺寸,?Sk为真实尺寸








上一篇:js 实现红绿灯变换
