[TT]-Trustonic acronyms

缩写 解释
TEE (Trusted Execution Environment)
REE (Rich Execution Environment)
NWd (Normal World)
SWd (Secure World)
MCI (Mobicore Control Interface)
MCP (Mobicore Control Protocol)
TCI (Trustlet Connector Interface)
TLC (Trustlet Connector)
WSM (World Shared Memory)
TLBIN (Trustlet Bin File)
DRBIN (t-Driver Bin File)
McDaemon (MobiCore Daemon)
N-SIQ (A signal for SWd to do something with IRQ/FIQ disabled)
S-SIQ (A signal comes from SWd by using dedicated GIC interrupt ID)
TT Trustonic
TEE Trusted Execution Environment (The hardware capability provided by TrustZone + a secure OS running inside it)
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
SoC System on a Chip
TSP Trusted Secured Platform (The generic name for our product for OEMs – Kinibi + KPH etc. Also covers IoT)
TAP Trustonic Application Protection (The name for our product for app developers / service providers.)
TAM Trusted Application Manager (The name for a 3rd party that deploys our pre-TAP solution (TAMv1))
AD Advanced Development (A group in Trustonic under OCTO)
ALPS Asset Lifecycle Protection Service
API Application Programming Interface
AWS Amazon Web Services
BSP Board Support Package (The software provided by a SIP to an OEM)
CGBE Commercial Grade Back End (The name for our hosted web services running at Orange to support KPH, TAMv1,etc)
CPU Central Processing Unit
DRM Digital Right Management
DRV Driver
GP GlobalPlatform (The standards body we are most closely aligned to)
GTO Gemalto
HW Hardware
IoT Internet of Things
KPH Key Provisioning Host (Software / Hardware we put in OEM factories to do key injection)
MNO Mobile Network Operator
MPOS Mobile Point of Sales
MTK Mediatek
NWd Normal World (The OS that runs on the device alongside our Kinbi OS. E.g. Android)
OBS Orange Business Services (The company that runs CGBE)
OCTO Office of CTO (A group in Trustonic consisting of AD and Architects)
ODM Original Design Manufacturer (A company that builds devices for OEMs)
OS Operating System
OTA Over The Air (installing apps after they leave the factory). OTAv1==TAMv1, OTAv2 === TAP
PoC Proof of Concept
QC or QLC Qualcomm
QSEE Qualcomm Secure Execution Environment
RoT Root of Trust (injecting a unique key into device to enable device trust)
RSU Remote SIM Unlock
SDK Software Development Kit
SE Secure Element
SFS Secure File System (A feature of Kinibi that stores keys/data in an encrypted partition)
SiP Silicon Provider(A company that makes chips and sells to OEMs. E.g. Samsung LSi or Mediatek)
S.LSI Samsung System LSI
SP Service Provider (Someone who deploys apps via google play/app store)
SS or SSG Samsung
SVP Secure Video Path
SW Software
SWd Secure World (See NWd. == TEE)
SWP Software Protection (Techniques to protect software if no TEE is available. Part of TAP)
TA Trusted Application (A secure subroutine that runs as a process in TEE, or as a library in NWD if using SWP)
TUI Trusted User Interface (A capability for TEE on some devices to drive display & touch)
VoIP Voice over IP


