Mybatis单个参数的if判断(针对异常:There is no getter for property..)------mybatis的内置对象

int deleteByPrimaryKey(Integer id);
<delete id="deleteByPrimaryKey" parameterType="java.lang.Integer" >
  delete from tablename
  where id = #{id,jdbcType=INTEGER}
但是如果我下面的同样也是单个参数,但是且报错了:There is no getter for property..!!
List<Article> recommandList( Integer siteid);
<select  id="recommandList" resultMap="BaseResultMap">

  SELECT a.*  from article a where in
  (SELECT atr.article_id from article_tags_relation atr where isdelete =0)
  <if test="siteid !=0">
  and a.article_type_id = #{siteid,jdbcType=INTEGER}
  ORDER BY a.publish_time desc

 <if test="siteid !=0">

List<Article> recommandList(@Param("siteid") Integer siteid);

如上修改,给siteid @Param注入getter 即可。

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Mybatis单个参数的if判断(针对异常:There is no getter for property..)------mybatis的内置对象 Mybatis单个参数的if判断(针对异常:There is no getter for property..)------mybatis的内置对象 Mybatis单个参数的if判断(针对异常:There is no getter for property..)------mybatis的内置对象 Mybatis单个参数的if判断(针对异常:There is no getter for property..)------mybatis的内置对象   TRANSLATE with Mybatis单个参数的if判断(针对异常:There is no getter for property..)------mybatis的内置对象 COPY THE URL BELOW Mybatis单个参数的if判断(针对异常:There is no getter for property..)------mybatis的内置对象 Mybatis单个参数的if判断(针对异常:There is no getter for property..)------mybatis的内置对象 Back EMBED THE SNIPPET BELOW IN YOUR SITE Mybatis单个参数的if判断(针对异常:There is no getter for property..)------mybatis的内置对象 Enable collaborative features and customize widget: Bing Webmaster Portal Back
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