Find the two repeating elements in a given array

There is an array of 1001 elements which range from 1 to 1000. Only one element is repeated in the array while the others exist only once in the array. Which of the following algorithms is the fastest?


A. Enumerate all the paris in the array, find the pair with same values (枚举1001个元素中所有的正整数对,找到值相同的那一对) C(n,2)

B. XOR all the numbers in the array together, then XOR number from 1 to 1000 (现将数组中所有数异或在一起,再与1-1000各异或一次) O(n)

C. Sort the array and then make sequential search(将数组进行排序,再线性搜索) O(nlogn)

D. Sort the array and then make binary search(将数组进行排序,再二分搜索) O(nlogn)

Correct Answer : C


上一篇:SZTUOJ 1001. A+B (I)
