paper 90:人脸检测研究2015最新进展



1.1 人脸检测测评


1:Face Detection Data Set and Benchmark(FDDB)


FDDB是由马萨诸塞大学计算机系维护的一套公开数据库,为来自全世界的研究者提供一个标准的人脸检测评测平台,其中涵盖在自然环境下的各种姿态的人脸;该校还维护了LFW等知名人脸数据库供研究者做人脸识别的研究。作为全世界最具权威的人脸检测评测平台之一,FDDB使用Faces in the Wild数据库中的包含5171张人脸的2845张图片作为测试集,而其公布的评测集也代表了人脸检测的世界最高水平。


2:Fine-grained evaluation of face detection in the wild



1.2 Suevey

1)2010年微软zhang cha和张正友撰写的人脸检测的综述报告

[MSR-TR-2010] A_survey_of_recent_advances_in_face_detection

2)Stefanos Zafeiriou, Cha Zhang和张正友撰写了最新的人脸检测的综述paper,将出版在2016年的《Computer Vision and Image Understanding》

[CVIU 2015] A Survey on Face Detection in the wild past, present and future


paper 90:人脸检测研究2015最新进展

       4)在这个Benchmark中,最好的基于boosting技术和最好的基于DPM的技术是比较接近的。当然最好的技术还是boosting和DPM组合在一起的性能。(这个就是指的[ECCV 2014] Joint Cascade Face Detection and Alignment

1.4 有关人脸检测指标


paper 90:人脸检测研究2015最新进展

2. 2014的进展

1:Joint Cascade Face Detection and Alignment. ECCV 2014. D. Chen, S. Ren, Y. Wei, X. Cao, J. Sun.
       Paper:[ECCV 2014] Joint Cascade Face Detection and Alignment


2:The fastest deformable part model for object detection J. Yan, Z. Lei, L. Wen, S. Z. Li,

paper:[CVPR 2014] The Fastest Deformable Part Model for Object Detection

3:Face detection without bells and whistles. ECCV 2014. M. Mathias, R. Benenson, M. Pedersoli and L. Van Gool.
        Paper:[ECCV 2014] Face detection without bells and whistles.



Talk:  (不错的报告)


paper 90:人脸检测研究2015最新进展

4:A Method for Object Detection Based on Pixel Intensity Comparisons Organized in Decision Trees. CoRR 2014. N. Markus, M. Frljak, I. S. Pandzic, J. Ahlberg and R. Forchheimer.

Paper:Object Detection with Pixel Intensity Comparisons Organized in Decision Trees


5:Aggregate channel features for multi-view face detection.. B. Yang, J. Yan, Z. Lei and S. Z. Li.

Paper:[IJCB 2014] Aggregate channel features for multi-view face detection

3. 2015的最新进展

6:A Convolutional Neural Network Cascade for Face Detection. H. Li , Z. Lin , X. Shen, J. Brandt and G. Hua. 
        paper:[CVPR2015] A Convolutional Neural Network Cascade for Face Detection

7:Multi-view Face Detection Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. S. S. Farfade, Md. Saberian and Li-Jia Li


Paper:[ICMR 2015] Multi-view Face Detection Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

News:The Face Detection Algorithm Set to Revolutionize Image Search

paper 90:人脸检测研究2015最新进展

8:Face Detection with a 3D Model.   A. Barbu, N. Lay, G. Gramajo.
       paper:Face Detection with a 3D Model

结论:The 3D proposals are not perfectly aligned with the face keypoints, which results in a reduced accuracy in the high precision/very low false positive regime compared to other state of the art methods. However, in the regime of at least 0.1 false positives per image, it outperforms the cascade-based state of the art methods.

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