



Name Type Description
Qto_BeamBaseQuantities L?nge Physikalische L?nge des Balkens ohne Berücksichtigung von Abschr?gungen, Ausklinkungen, und ?hnliches.
Qto_BeamBaseQuantities Length Total length of the beam, not taking into account any cut-out‘s or other processing features.
Qto_BeamBaseQuantities 長さ 梁の全体長。切断や他の処理の部分を考慮しない。
CrossSectionArea Q_AREA
Qto_BeamBaseQuantities Querschnittsfl?che Querschnittsfl?che des Balkens.
Qto_BeamBaseQuantities Cross Section Area Total area of the cross section (or profile) of the beam.
Qto_BeamBaseQuantities 断面面積 梁の断面形状の面積。
OuterSurfaceArea Q_AREA
Qto_BeamBaseQuantities Mantelfl?che Mantelfl?che des Balkens, die Querschnittsfl?che am Anfang und Ende des Balkens wird nicht berücksichtigt.
Qto_BeamBaseQuantities Outer Surface Area Total area of the extruded surfaces of the beam (not taking into account the end cap areas), normally generated as perimeter * length.
Qto_BeamBaseQuantities 外表面面積 梁の表面の面積。エンドキャップの部分を考慮しない。通常周辺長と長さの積として算出される。
GrossSurfaceArea Q_AREA
Qto_BeamBaseQuantities Gesamtoberfl?che Gesamte Oberfl?che als Summe von Mantelfl?che + (2 x Querschnittsfl?che). Es soll nur dann angegeben werden, wenn die Mantelfl?che und die Querschnittsfl?che nicht separat bestimmt werden k?nnen).
Qto_BeamBaseQuantities Gross Surface Area Total area of the beam, normally generated as perimeter * length + 2 * cross section area. It is the sum of OuterSurfaceArea + (2 x CrossSectionArea) and shall only be given, if the OuterSurfaceArea and CrossSectionArea cannot be established separately.
Qto_BeamBaseQuantities 表面面積 梁の面積。
NetSurfaceArea Q_AREA
Qto_BeamBaseQuantities Nettooberfl?che Nettooberfl?che des Balkens, alle ?ffnungen und Aussparungen werden von der Mantelfl?che abgezogen.
Qto_BeamBaseQuantities Net Surface Area Net surface area of the beam, normally generated as perimeter * length + 2 * cross section area taking into account possible processing features (cut-out‘s, etc.) or openings and recesses.
GrossVolume Q_VOLUME
Qto_BeamBaseQuantities Bruttovolumen Volumen des Balkens. Alle ?ffnungen und Aussparungen werden übermessen.
Qto_BeamBaseQuantities Gross Volume Total gross volume of the beam, not taking into account possible processing features (cut-out‘s, etc.) or openings and recesses.
Qto_BeamBaseQuantities 体積 梁の体積。切断や他の処理の部分を考慮しない。
NetVolume Q_VOLUME
Qto_BeamBaseQuantities Nettovolumen Volumen des Balkens. Alle ?ffnungen und Aussparungen werden abgezogen.
Qto_BeamBaseQuantities Net Volume Total net volume of the beam, taking into account possible processing features (cut-out‘s, etc.) or openings and recesses.
Qto_BeamBaseQuantities 正味体積 梁の体積。切断や他の処理の部分を考慮する。
GrossWeight Q_WEIGHT
Qto_BeamBaseQuantities Bruttogewicht Gewicht des Balkens. Alle ?ffnungen oder Aussparungen werden übermessen.
Qto_BeamBaseQuantities Gross Weight Total gross weight of the beam without add-on parts, not taking into account possible processing features (cut-out‘s, etc.) or openings and recesses.
Qto_BeamBaseQuantities 重量 梁の重量。付加されたパーツを除く。また、切断などの処理を考慮しない。
NetWeight Q_WEIGHT
Qto_BeamBaseQuantities Nettogewicht Gewicht des Balkens. Alle ?ffnungen oder Aussparungen werden abgezogen.
Qto_BeamBaseQuantities Net Weight Total net weight of the beam without add-on parts, taking into account possible processing features (cut-out‘s, etc.) or openings and recesses.
Qto_BeamBaseQuantities 正味重量 梁の重量。付加されたパーツを除く。また、切断などの処理を考慮する。







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