some tips learn from work experience can't avoid office politics'll never have a job which you "can't quit"

- if you are being mistreated,exploited or under-appreciated...LEAVE.You'll eventuslly find another job(although it may not be a better one) learn by listening,not talking

4.ALWAYS look for another job

5.don't tell your co-worker about your personal business

6.if you are genuinely sick -DON'T COME TO WORK

7.always say "Thank You" and "Please" when it is appropriate to do so

8.Think before you speak

9.Avoid people with bad attitudes unless you need their help

-They will just  bring you down or make you cynical

10.Remember that a job is an inanimate object

-Never love it ,cuz it will never love you,i f you have to "love" the work that you do;not where you do it


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