使用 pullToRefresh.js和iscroll.js
<script src="../../../js/jquery-2.1.3.min.js"></script> <script src="../../../js/pullToRefresh.js"></script> <script src="../../../js/iscroll.js"></script> <link href="../../../scrollcss/reset.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="../../../scrollcss/pullToRefresh.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<div id="wrapper" class="wrapper page-home"> <div><%--这个div标签必写因为在iscrool.js中取id为wrapper下的第一个元素为滑动对象--%> <div class="couponList"> </div> <i id="onloadMore">点击加载更多...</i> </div> </div>
var system = {}; var p = navigator.platform; system.win = p.indexOf("Win") == 0; system.mac = p.indexOf("Mac") == 0; system.x11 = (p == "X11") || (p.indexOf("Linux") == 0); var isPC = system.win || system.mac || system.xll;
function judgeIsPC() { //debugger; var height = $(window).height(); var width = $(‘#device_group‘).innerWidth(); var width = $(‘#device_group‘).outerWidth(); isPC = false; if (isPC) {//PC端 // debugger; $(‘html‘).css({ "height": "100%", "overflow": "hidden" }); $(‘body‘).css({ "height": "100%", "overflow": "hidden" }); $(".couponList").css({ "height": height - 122, "overflow-y": "auto" });//$(".couponList")为需要分页显示数据的元素 $(".pullUp").hide(); $("#onloadMore").show(); } else { refresher.init({ id: "wrapper", pullDownAction: Refresh,//下拉刷新时调用的方法 pullUpAction: Load//上拉加载更多时调用的方法 }); $("#wrapper").css({ "height": height-46, "min-height":0}); wrapper.refresh();/****remember to refresh after action completed!!! ---id.refresh(); --- ****/ $("#onloadMore").hide(); setTimeout(function () { var el, li, i; el = document.querySelector("#wrapper div"); $(".pullUpLabel").text("上拉进行翻页...").show(); wrapper.refresh();/****remember to refresh after action completed!!! ---id.refresh(); --- ****/ $(".pullUp").removeClass("loading").show(); $(".loader").hide(); }, 1000); } }
$(function () { $("#onloadMore").hide(); judgeIsPC(); fillPage();//加载分页数据的方法 $("#onloadMore").click(function () { debugger; if ($(this).text() == "没有数据了...") { return true; } fillPage(); }); });
function fillPage(callback) { var html = ‘‘; $.ajax({ type: ‘get‘, url: ‘/Admin/Ajax/Coupon.ashx‘, dataType: ‘json‘, async: false, data: { act: ‘GetCouponPlanPage‘, PageIndex: pageIndex ? pageIndex : 1, PageSize: 5, BeginDate: 0, EndDate: 0, ShopID: ‘<%=_AdminUserInfo.ShopID%>‘, Keyword: ‘‘ }, success: function (result) { if ((result == null || !result.success) || (result.data == null || result.data.length == 0)) { if (!isPC) { $(".pullUpLabel").text("没有更多数据了...").show(); $(".pullUp").removeClass("loading").show(); $(".loader").hide(); wrapper.refresh(); } else { $("#onloadMore").text("没有数据了...").show(); } return; } if (result && result.success && result.data) { var couponList = result.data; pageIndex++; for(let i=0;i<couponList.length;i++){ html+=‘<div class="couponItem">‘; html+=‘ <div class="row">‘; html+=‘ <span class="partTitle">名称:</span>‘; html+=‘ <span>‘+couponList[i].Name+‘</span>‘; html+=‘ </div>‘; html+=‘<div class="row">‘; html += ‘ <span class="partTitle">参与商品:</span>‘; html += ‘<div style="display:inline-block;width:77%">‘; html += ‘<span class="oneElem" style="width:100%">‘ + couponList[i].GoodsNames + ‘</span>‘; html += ‘</div>‘; html+=‘ </div>‘; html+=‘ <div class="row">‘; html += ‘ <span class="partTitle">参与设备:</span>‘; html += ‘<div style="display:inline-block;width:77%">‘; html += ‘<span class="oneElem" style="width:100%">‘ + couponList[i].MachineIDs + ‘</span>‘; html += ‘</div>‘; html+=‘</div>‘; html+=‘ <div class="row">‘; html += ‘<span class="partTitle">参与群体:</span>‘; html += ‘<span>‘ + transformUsertype(couponList[i].UserType) + ‘</span>‘; html+=‘</div>‘; html+=‘<div class="row">‘; html+=‘ <span class="partTitle">领取限制:</span>‘; html += ‘<span>‘ + couponList[i].CycleDay + "天最多领取" + couponList[i].ReceiveCount +"个" + ‘</span>‘; html+=‘</div>‘; html+=‘<div class="row">‘; html+=‘<span class="partTitle">有效期限:</span>‘; html+=‘<span>‘+couponList[i].CreateDate+" - "+couponList[i].EndDate+‘</span>‘; html+=‘</div>‘; html+=‘<div class="plainRow">‘; html+=‘<span class="partTitle">临期规则:</span>‘; for (let j = 0; j < couponList[i].PlanList.length; j++) { var plan = couponList[i].PlanList[j]; var style = j == 0 ? ‘‘ : ‘style = "margin-left:70px;"‘; html += ‘<div class="plain" ‘ + style + ‘>临期‘ + plan.DateSpan + "天," + (plan.Amount == 0 ? ("享受" + plan.Discount + "折") : ("一律" + plan.Amount + "元")) + ‘</div>‘; } html+=‘ </div>‘; html+=‘<div class="row editButtons">‘; html += ‘ <input type="button" value="编辑" onclick="editCoupon(this)" data-id="‘ + couponList[i].CouponPlanID + ‘" class="button-solid edit_button"/>‘; html += ‘<input type="button" class="button-white edit_button" onclick="deleteCoupon(this)" data-id="‘ + couponList[i].CouponPlanID + ‘" value="删除" />‘; html+=‘</div>‘; html+=‘<div class="sspace2"></div>‘; html += ‘</div>‘; } if (!isPC) $(".pullUpLabel").text("上拉进行翻页...").show(); else $("#onloadMore").text("点击加载更多...").show(); if (callback != undefined) callback(); } }, error: function (result) { //layer.msg((result && result.message) ? result.message : ‘请稍后重试‘); if (!isPC) $(".pullUpLabel").text("没有更多数据了...").show(); else $("#onloadMore").text("没有数据了...").show(); } }); $(‘.couponList‘).append(html); } function Load() { //下拉要加载的代码 var el, li, i; el = document.querySelector("#wrapper div"); fillPage(function () { // debugger; wrapper.refresh();/****remember to refresh after action completed!!! ---id.refresh(); --- ****/ if (!isPC) { $(".pullUp").removeClass("loading").show(); $(".loader").hide(); } }); } function Refresh() { //上拉要执行的代码 setTimeout(function () { // <-- Simulate network congestion, remove setTimeout from production! var el, li, i; el = document.querySelector("#wrapper div"); el.innerHTML = ‘‘; wrapper.refresh();/****remember to refresh after action completed! ---yourId.refresh(); ----| ****/ location.reload(); }, 1000); }
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