sign in with apple后端校验(java)

  最近新开发的ios平台的app在提审的时候,被拒了,原因是app上如果有接第三方登陆(比如,微信,微博,facebook等),那就必须要接apple id登陆,坑爹~苹果霸权啊!然而没办法,靠他吃饭,他是爸爸,唯有顺从。下面我来说一下对接苹果登陆的后端验证模块,目前这一块网上资料比较少,而且说得不够完整。至于app端的对接,网上一搜,一大堆,很完善。

  这里先说一下apple id登陆的主要流程和涉及到的一些知识点。首先apple登陆的时序图如下:

sign in with apple后端校验(java)








public class AppleIdAccountValidationService {
    private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AppleIdAccountValidationService.class);
    private final static int APPLE_ID_PUBLIC_KEY_EXPIRE = 24; //24h

    private StringRedisUtils stringRedisUtils;

    public boolean isValid(String accessToken) {
        CusJws cusJws = this.getJws(accessToken);
        if (cusJws == null) {
            return false;
        long curTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        if (cusJws.getJwsPayload().getExp() * 1000 < curTime) {
            return false;
        if (!JwsPayload.ISS.equals(cusJws.getJwsPayload().getIss())) {
            return false;
        if (!this.verifySignature(accessToken)) {
            return false;
        return true;

     * verify signature
     * @param accessToken
     * @return
    private boolean verifySignature(String accessToken) {
        PublicKey publicKey = this.getAppleIdPublicKey();
        JsonWebSignature jsonWebSignature = new JsonWebSignature();
        try {
            return jsonWebSignature.verifySignature();
        } catch (JoseException e) {
            return false;

     * publicKey会本地缓存1天
     * @return
    private PublicKey getAppleIdPublicKey() {
        String publicKeyStr = stringRedisUtils.getString(Constants.REDIS_KEY_APPLE_ID_PUBLIC_KEY);
        if (publicKeyStr == null) {
            publicKeyStr = this.getAppleIdPublicKeyFromRemote();
            if (publicKeyStr == null) {
                return null;
            try {
                PublicKey publicKey = this.publicKeyAdapter(publicKeyStr);
                stringRedisUtils.setString(Constants.REDIS_KEY_APPLE_ID_PUBLIC_KEY, publicKeyStr, APPLE_ID_PUBLIC_KEY_EXPIRE, TimeUnit.HOURS);
                return publicKey;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                return null;
        return this.publicKeyAdapter(publicKeyStr);

     * 将appleServer返回的publicKey转换成PublicKey对象
     * @param publicKeyStr
     * @return
    private PublicKey publicKeyAdapter(String publicKeyStr) {
        if (!StringUtils.hasText(publicKeyStr)) {
            return null;
        Map maps = (Map)JSON.parse(publicKeyStr);
        List keys = (List<Map>)maps.get("keys");
        Map o = (Map) keys.get(0);
        Jwk jwa = Jwk.fromValues(o);
        try {
            PublicKey publicKey = jwa.getPublicKey();
            return publicKey;
        } catch (InvalidPublicKeyException e) {
            return null;

     * 从appleServer获取publicKey
     * @return
    private String getAppleIdPublicKeyFromRemote() {
        ResponseEntity<String> responseEntity = new RestTemplate().getForEntity("", String.class);
        if (responseEntity == null || responseEntity.getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.OK) {
            logger.error(String.format("getAppleIdPublicKeyFromRemote [%s] exception, detail:", appleIdPublicKeyUrl));
            return null;
        return responseEntity.getBody();

    private CusJws getJws(String identityToken) {
        String[] arrToken = identityToken.split("\\.");
        if (arrToken == null || arrToken.length != 3) {
            return null;
        Base64.Decoder decoder = Base64.getDecoder();
        JwsHeader jwsHeader = JSON.parseObject(new String(decoder.decode(arrToken[0])), JwsHeader.class);
        JwsPayload jwsPayload = JSON.parseObject(new String(decoder.decode(arrToken[1])), JwsPayload.class);
        return new CusJws(jwsHeader, jwsPayload, arrToken[2]);

    class CusJws {
        private JwsHeader jwsHeader;
        private JwsPayload jwsPayload;
        private String signature;

        public CusJws(JwsHeader jwsHeader, JwsPayload jwsPayload, String signature) {
            this.jwsHeader = jwsHeader;
            this.jwsPayload = jwsPayload;
            this.signature = signature;

        public JwsHeader getJwsHeader() {
            return jwsHeader;

        public void setJwsHeader(JwsHeader jwsHeader) {
            this.jwsHeader = jwsHeader;

        public JwsPayload getJwsPayload() {
            return jwsPayload;

        public void setJwsPayload(JwsPayload jwsPayload) {
            this.jwsPayload = jwsPayload;

        public String getSignature() {
            return signature;

        public void setSignature(String signature) {
            this.signature = signature;

    static class JwsHeader {
        private String kid;
        private String alg;

        public String getKid() {
            return kid;

        public void setKid(String kid) {
            this.kid = kid;

        public String getAlg() {
            return alg;

        public void setAlg(String alg) {
            this.alg = alg;

    static class JwsPayload {
        private String iss;
        private String sub;
        private String aud;
        private long exp;
        private long iat;
        private String nonce;
        private String email;
        private boolean email_verified;

        public final static String ISS = "";

        public String getIss() {
            return iss;

        public void setIss(String iss) {
            this.iss = iss;

        public String getSub() {
            return sub;

        public void setSub(String sub) {
            this.sub = sub;

        public String getAud() {
            return aud;

        public void setAud(String aud) {
            this.aud = aud;

        public long getExp() {
            return exp;

        public void setExp(long exp) {
            this.exp = exp;

        public long getIat() {
            return iat;

        public void setIat(long iat) {
            this.iat = iat;

        public String getNonce() {
            return nonce;

        public void setNonce(String nonce) {
            this.nonce = nonce;

        public String getEmail() {
            return email;

        public void setEmail(String email) {
   = email;

        public boolean isEmail_verified() {
            return email_verified;

        public void setEmail_verified(boolean email_verified) {
            this.email_verified = email_verified;







sign in with apple后端校验(java)


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