Everything search syntax

space AND
| OR
< > Grouping
" " Search for an exact phrase. Wildcards:
* Matches zero or more characters.
? Matches one character.
*.* Same as * Macros:
quot: Literal double quote (")
apos: Literal apostrophe (')
amp: Literal ampersand (&)
lt: Literal less than (<)
gt: Literal greater than (>)
#x: Literal unicode character x code. Modifiers:
ascii: Enable fast ASCII case comparisons.
case: Match case.
diacritics: Match diacritical marks.
file: Match files only.
folder: Match folders only.
noascii: Disable fast ASCII case comparisons.
nocase: Do not match case.
nodiacritics: Do not match diacritical marks.
nofileonly: Do not allow files only.
nofolderonly: Do not allow folders only.
nopath: Do not match path.
noregex: Disable regex.
nowfn: Do not match the whole filename.
nowholefilename: Do not match the whole filename.
nowholeword: Do not match whole words only.
nowildcards: Disable wildcards.
noww: Do not match whole words only.
path: Match path and file name.
regex: Enable regex.
utf8: Disable fast ASCII case comparisons.
wfn: Match the whole filename.
wholefilename: Match the whole filename.
wholeword: Match whole words only.
wildcards: Enable wildcards.
ww: Match whole words only. Functions:
attrib:<attributes> Search for files and folders with the specified file attributes.
attributes:<attributes> Search for files and folders with the specified file attributes.
child:<filename> Search for folders that contain a child with a matching filename.
dateaccessed:<date> Search for files and folders with the specified date accessed.
datecreated:<date> Search for files and folders with the specified date created.
datemodified:<date> Search for files and folders with the specified date modified.
daterun:<date> Search for files and folders with the specified date run.
da:<date> Search for files and folders with the specified date accessed.
dc:<date> Search for files and folders with the specified date created.
dm:<date> Search for files and folders with the specified date modified.
dr:<date> Search for files and folders with the specified date run.
dupe: Search for duplicated filenames.
empty: Search for empty folders.
ext:<list> Search for files with a matching extension in the specified semi-colon delimited extension list.
fsi:<index> Search for files and folders in the specified zero based internal file system index.
len:<length> Search for files and folders that match the specified filename length.
parents:<count> Search for files and folders with the specified number of parent folders.
rc:<date> Search for files and folders with the specified recently changed date.
recentchange:<date> Search for files and folders with the specified recently changed date.
root: Search for files and folders with no parent folders.
runcount:<count> Search for files and folders with the specified run count.
size:<size> Search for files with the specified size in bytes.
type:<type> Search for files and folders with the specified type. Function Syntax:
function:value Equal to value.
function:<=value Less than or equal to value.
function:<value Less than value.
function:=value Equal to value.
function:>value Greater than value.
function:>=value Greater than or equal to value.
function:start..end Is in the range of values from start to end.
function:start-end Is in the range of values from start to end. Size Syntax:
size[kb|mb|gb] Size Constants:
tiny KB < size <= KB
small KB < size <= KB
medium KB < size <= MB
large MB < size <= MB
huge MB < size <= MB
gigantic size > MB
unknown Date Syntax:
month/year or year/month depending on locale settings
day/month/year, month/day/year or year/month/day depending on locale settings Date Constants:
unknown Attribute Constants:
A Archive
C Compressed
D Directory
E Encrypted
H Hidden
I Not content indexed
L Reparse point
N Normal
O Offline
P Sparse file
R Read only
S System
T Temporary
V Device
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