- 不喜欢的人
- 魅力一般的人
- 极具魅力的人
- 每年获得的飞行常客里程数
- 玩视频游戏所耗时间百分比
- 每周消费的冰淇淋公升数
- KNN.py
import numpy as np
import operator
from distlib.compat import raw_input
def createDataSet():
group = np.array([[1.0, 1.1], [1.0, 1.0], [0, 0], [0, 0.1]])
labels = ['A', 'A', 'B', 'B']
return group, labels
# 程序清单2-1: K-近邻算法
def classify0(inx, dataSet, labels, k): #原始KNN分类器函数
dataSetSize = dataSet.shape[0] # shape(0):读取矩阵第一维度的长度
difMat = np.tile(inx, (dataSetSize, 1)) - dataSet # title()
sqDiffMax = difMat ** 2
sqDistances = sqDiffMax.sum(axis=1) # sum(axis=1):将矩阵的每一行相加
distances = sqDistances ** 0.5
sortedDistIndices = distances.argsort() # argsort():数值从小到大的索引值
classCount = {}
for i in range(k):
voteIlabel = labels[sortedDistIndices[i]]
classCount[voteIlabel] = classCount.get(voteIlabel, 0) + 1 # classCount.get(voteIlabel,0)返回字典中votrIlabel元素对应的值
sortedClassCount = sorted(classCount.items(),
key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) # operator.itrmgettrt(1):获取对象指定区域中的值
return sortedClassCount[0][0]
# 程序清单2-2: 将文本记录准换位NumPy的解析程序
def file2matrix(filename):
fr = open(filename) # 打开i一个文件
arrayOLines = fr.readlines() # 读取文件的行数
numberOfLines = len(arrayOLines) # len:计算对象的长度
returnMat = np.zeros((numberOfLines, 3)) # 创建一个numberOfLines行3列的0填充的数组
classLabelVector = []
index = 0
for line in arrayOLines: # 循环处理文件中的每行数据
line = line.strip() # strip():截取掉所有的回车字符
listFromLine = line.split('\t') # split('\t'):使用'\t'将整行数据分割成一个元素列表
returnMat[index, :] = listFromLine[0:3] # 选取前三个元素
classLabelVector.append(int(listFromLine[-1])) # 将最后一列存储到向量classLabrlVextor
index += 1
return returnMat, classLabelVector
#程序清单2-3 归一化特征值
归一化公式: newValue = (oldValue-min)/(max-min)
def autoNorm(dataSet):
minVals = dataSet.min(0) #从列中选取最小值
maxVals = dataSet.max(0)
ranges = maxVals - minVals #函数计算可能选取的取值范围
normDataSet = np.zeros(np.shape(dataSet)) #创建新的返回矩阵
m = dataSet.shape[0]
normDataSet = dataSet - np.tile(minVals, (m,1)) #minVal和ranges都为1*3 而特征矩阵为1000*3
normDataSet = normDataSet/np.tile(ranges,(m,1)) #title()将变量内容赋值成输入矩阵同样大小的矩阵
return normDataSet, ranges, minVals
#程序清单 2-4 分类器针对约会网站的测试代码
def datingClassTest():
hoRatio = 0.10
datingDataMat, datingLabels = file2matrix('datingTestSet2.txt') #读取数据
normMat, ranges, minVals = autoNorm(datingDataMat) #将其转换成归一化模式
m = normMat.shape[0]
numTestVecs = int(m*hoRatio) #计算测试向量的数量
errorCount = 0.0
for i in range(numTestVecs):
classifierResult = classify0(normMat[i,:],normMat[numTestVecs:m,:],
datingLabels[numTestVecs:m],3 ) #将测试数据和巡礼那样本数据输入到KNN分类器classify0函数
print ("the classifier came back with: %d, thr real answer is: %d"%(classifierResult,datingLabels[i]))
if (classifierResult != datingLabels[i]): errorCount += 1.0 #计算错误列表并输出结果
print ("the total erroe rate is: %f"%(errorCount/float(numTestVecs)))
#程序清单2-5 约会网站预测函数
def classifyPerson():
resultList = ['not at all','in small doses','in large doses'] #结果类型
percentTats = float(raw_input("percentage of time spent playing video games?")) #raw_input:允许用户输入文本行命令并返回用户所输入的命令
ffMiles = float(raw_input("frequent flier miles earned per year?"))
iceCream = float(raw_input("liters of ice cream consumed per year?"))
datingDataMat, datingLabels = file2matrix('datingTestSet2.txt') #读取文件数据
normMat, ranges, minVals = autoNorm(datingDataMat) #归一化
inArr = np.array([ffMiles, percentTats, iceCream]) #创建数组
classifierResult = classify0((inArr-minVals)/ranges,normMat,datingLabels,3) #使用原始KNN分类器
print("You will probably like this person:",resultList[classifierResult -1]) #输入结果
- text_KNN.py
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from importlib import reload
import KNN
group ,labels = KNN.createDataSet()
print(KNN.classify0([0,0], group, labels, 3))
2.2 示例:使用K-近邻算法改进约会网站
#2.2.1 准备数据:从文本文件中解析数据
reload(KNN) #重新加载
datingDataMat, datingLabels = KNN.file2matrix('datingTestSet2.txt')
#2.2.2 分析数据:使用Matplotlib创建散点图
# import matplotlib
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(2,2,1)
ax = fig.add_subplot(2,2,2)
#2.2.3 准备数据:归一化数值
normMat, ranges, minVals = KNN.autoNorm(datingDataMat)
print (normMat)
print (ranges)
print (minVals)
#2.2.4 测试算法: 作为完成程序验证分类器
#2.2.5 使用算法:构建完整可用系统
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[1. 1. ]
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the classifier came back with: 3, thr real answer is: 1
the total erroe rate is: 0.050000
percentage of time spent playing video games?10
frequent flier miles earned per year?10000
liters of ice cream consumed per year?0.5
You will probably like this person: in small doses