oracle 序列如何建同义词

create user lych0001 indentified 123456;
create user lych0002 indentified 123456;
grant connect,resource to lych0001;
grant connect,resource to lych0002;
grant create create synonym to lych0001;
grant create public create synonym to lych0001;

login on lych0001

create sequence seq001
start with 1
increment by 1
maxvalue 300
cache 10;

         create public  synonym  seq001 for lych0001.seq001;
         grant select on  seq001 to lych0002;


oracle 序列如何建同义词

上一篇:mysql 进阶

下一篇:Oracle APEX 修改工作区域、用户名后程序无法使用