Netty 4.0.48.Final 和 4.1.12.Final 发布

Netty 4.0.48.Final 和 4.1.12.Final 发布了,包含一些错误修复,性能增强和新功能,建议用户升级。
Netty 4.0.48.Final 和 4.1.12.Final 有如下重要的更新:
Allow to access memoryAddress of wrapped ByteBuf for ReadOnlyByteBuf (#6826)
Correctly exclude netty-tcnative classes from the all jar (#6793)
Netty force encodes already encoded responses (#6785)
Fix the encode bug in SctpOutboundByteStreamHandler (#6775)
Fix handle of ByteBuf with multi nioBuffer in EpollDatagramChannel (#6764)
Ensure SslUtils and so SslHandler works when using with Little-Endian buffers (#6713)
4.1.12.Final 最重要的更改包括:
HttpObjectEncoder#isContentAlwaysEmpty cannot be overridden by subclasses (#6788)
RedisDecoder infinite loop (#6787)
UnixResolverDnsServerAddressStreamProvider default name server selection and ordering bug (#6748)
KQueueSocket#setTrafficClass exceptions (#6749)
更多内容可查看发行说明和 4.0.48.Final 、4.1.12.Final 的详细更新日志

文章转载自 开源中国社区 []

