
arise, arouse /əˈrauz/, raise, rise, rouse /rauz/长得比较像。

可以认为arouse和rouse是同义词。唤醒/唤起emotion, feeling等时一般用arouse. 从沉睡中唤醒时一般用rouse: wake sb who is sleeping deeply. arouse和rouse都是规则变化,如rouses rousing roused.

rise和raise的不同学过了,记住sunrise不容易把它们搞混,moonrise也是词。arise多用于抽象概念,rise多用于具体食物。可以说加个a就抽象了. 动词变化:arises arising arose arisen /ə'rizən/; rises rising rose risen/ˈrizən/. reason的音标是/ˈriːzən/. rise的过去式和玫瑰méi guī一样。


  • Can we begin by discussing matters arising from the last meeting?
  • Monica and Chandler's strange behavior aroused suspicions.
  • Phoebe was aroused from her sleep by the doorbell.
  • Raise your hand if you know the answer.
  • Penny raised her eyes and stared at Leonard.
  • Many shops have raised their prices.
  • They are raising funds to help the poor. [collect money]
  • The rebels quickly raised an army. [collect people]
  • Bernie and Howie settled down and raise a family. [bring up]
  • Please don't raise the subject again. [start a subject]
  • The banging roused the neighbors.
