● 抽象主题(Subject)角色:抽象主题角色把所有对观察者对象的引用保存在一个聚集(比如ArrayList对象)里,每个主题都可以有任何数量的观察者。抽象主题提供一个接口,可以增加和删除观察者对象,抽象主题角色又叫做抽象被观察者(Observable)角色。
● 具体主题(ConcreteSubject)角色:将有关状态存入具体观察者对象;在具体主题的内部状态改变时,给所有登记过的观察者发出通知。具体主题角色又叫做具体被观察者(Concrete Observable)角色。
● 抽象观察者(Observer)角色:为所有的具体观察者定义一个接口,在得到主题的通知时更新自己,这个接口叫做更新接口。
● 具体观察者(ConcreteObserver)角色:存储与主题的状态自恰的状态。具体观察者角色实现抽象观察者角色所要求的更新接口,以便使本身的状态与主题的状态 像协调。如果需要,具体观察者角色可以保持一个指向具体主题对象的引用。
android4.4 InCallUI中,用一个类CallList来维护当前所有的Call信息,当某个call状态发生改变之后,要通知到UI进行界面更新;这个类似于一个被观察者:
public void addListener(Listener listener) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(listener); mListeners.add(listener); } public void removeListener(Listener listener) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(listener); mListeners.remove(listener); } private void notifyListenersOfChange() { for (Listener listener : mListeners) { listener.onCallListChange(this); } }
/** * Listener interface for any class that wants to be notified of changes * to the call list. */ public interface Listener { /** * Called when a new incoming call comes in. * This is the only method that gets called for incoming calls. Listeners * that want to perform an action on incoming call should respond in this method * because {@link #onCallListChange} does not automatically get called for * incoming calls. */ public void onIncomingCall(Call call); /** * Called anytime there are changes to the call list. The change can be switching call * states, updating information, etc. This method will NOT be called for new incoming * calls and for calls that switch to disconnected state. Listeners must add actions * to those method implementations if they want to deal with those actions. */ public void onCallListChange(CallList callList); /** * Called when a call switches to the disconnected state. This is the only method * that will get called upon disconnection. */ public void onDisconnect(Call call); }
class InCallPresenter implements CallList.Listener { /** * Called when a call becomes disconnected. Called everytime an existing call * changes from being connected (incoming/outgoing/active) to disconnected. */ @Override public void onDisconnect(Call call) { hideDialpadForDisconnect(); maybeShowErrorDialogOnDisconnect(call); // We need to do the run the same code as onCallListChange. onCallListChange(CallList.getInstance()); if (isActivityStarted()) { mInCallActivity.dismissKeyguard(false); } } }