







HTTP协议:超文本传输协议(HyperText Transfer Protocol)是互联网上应用最为广泛的一种网络协议。主要被用于在Web浏览器和网站服务器之间传递信息。 HTTP 是基于 TCP/IP 协议的应用层协议。默认使用80端口。最新版本是HTTP 2.0,目前是用最广泛的是HTTP 1.1。




OPTIONS - 返回服务器针对特定资源所支持的HTTP请求方法。也可以利用向Web服务器发送'*'的请求来测试服务器的功能性。

HEAD- 向服务器索要与GET请求相一致的响应,只不过响应体将不会被返回。这一方法可以在不必传输整个响应内容的情况下,就可以获取包含在响应消息头中的元信息。该方法常用于测试超链接的有效性,是否可以访问,以及最近是否更新。

GET - 向特定的资源发出请求。注意:GET方法不应当被用于产生“副作用”的操作中,例如在web app.中。其中一个原因是GET可能会被网络蜘蛛等随意访问。

POST - 向指定资源提交数据进行处理请求(例如提交表单或者上传文件)。数据被包含在请求体中。POST请求可能会导致新的资源的建立和/或已有资源的修改。

PUT - 向指定资源位置上传其最新内容。

DELETE - 请求服务器删除Request-URI所标识的资源。

TRACE- 回显服务器收到的请求,主要用于测试或诊断。

CONNECT - HTTP/1.1协议中预留给能够将连接改为管道方式的代理服务器。

PATCH - 用来将局部修改应用于某一资源,添加于规范RFC5789。

方法名称是区分大小写的。当某个请求所针对的资源不支持对应的请求方法的时候,服务器应当返回状态码405(Method Not Allowed);当服务器不认识或者不支持对应的请求方法的时候,应当返回状态码501(Not Implemented)。




GET /books/?sex=man&name=Professional HTTP/1.1

Host: www.wrox.com

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.6)

Gecko/20050225 Firefox/1.0.1

Connection: Keep-Alive




Host: www.wrox.com

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.6)

Gecko/20050225 Firefox/1.0.1

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Content-Length: 40

Connection: Keep-Alive


1、GET提交:请求的数据会附在URL之后(就是把数据放置在HTTP协议头中),以?分割URL和传输数据,多个参数用&连接;例 如:login.action?name=hyddd&password=idontknow&verify=%E4%BD%A0 %E5%A5%BD。如果数据是英文字母/数字,原样发送,如果是空格,转换为+,如果是中文/其他字符,则直接把字符串用BASE64加密,得出如: %E4%BD%A0%E5%A5%BD,其中%XX中的XX为该符号以16进制表示的ASCII。




HttpRequest::HttpRequest() 通过传入Url构造HttpUrl类分离url域名及uri.

HttpRequest::connect() 通过gethostbyname()获取域名ip,与80端口组成远端地址建立链接.

HttpRequest::setRequestMethod() 设置请求方法,目前只添加了Get和Post请求.

HttpRequest::setRequestProperty() 设置属性.

HttpRequest::setRequestBody() 设置content.

HttpRequest::send() 将设置的请求流发送出去.


HttpRequest::handRead() 处理服务器应答头.

HttpRequest::getResponseCode() handRead()后可以获取到应答code

HttpRequest::getResponseProperty() handRead()后可以获取到对应的应答属性

HttpRequest::getResponseContent() handRead()后可以获取到应答content

#define _HTTP_REQUEST_HH #include <netdb.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <map>
#include "Logger.hh" const size_t kBufferSize = 4096; /// A buffer class modeled after org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffer
/// @code
/// +-------------------+------------------+------------------+
/// | prependable bytes | readable bytes | writable bytes |
/// | | (CONTENT) | |
/// +-------------------+------------------+------------------+
/// | | | |
/// 0 <= readerIndex <= writerIndex <= size
/// @endcode
class Buffer
public: static const size_t kCheapPrepend = 8;
static const size_t kInitialSize = 4096;
//public: explicit Buffer(size_t initialSize = kInitialSize)
: m_buffer(kCheapPrepend + initialSize),
assert(readableBytes() == 0);
assert(writableBytes() == initialSize);
assert(prependableBytes() == kCheapPrepend);
} size_t readableBytes() const
{ return m_writerIndex - m_readerIndex; } size_t writableBytes() const
{ return m_buffer.size() - m_writerIndex; } size_t prependableBytes() const
{ return m_readerIndex; } const char* peek() const
{ return begin() + m_readerIndex; } char* beginWrite()
{ return begin() + m_writerIndex; } void hasWritten(size_t len)
assert(len <= writableBytes());
m_writerIndex += len;
} void unwrite(size_t len)
assert(len <= readableBytes());
m_writerIndex -= len;
} // retrieve returns void, to prevent
// string str(retrieve(readableBytes()), readableBytes());
// the evaluation of two functions are unspecified
void retrieve(size_t len)
assert(len <= readableBytes());
if (len < readableBytes())
m_readerIndex += len;
} void retrieveAll()
m_readerIndex = kCheapPrepend;
m_writerIndex = kCheapPrepend;
} private:
char* begin()
{return &*m_buffer.begin(); } const char* begin() const
{return &*m_buffer.begin(); } private:
std::vector<char> m_buffer;
size_t m_readerIndex;
size_t m_writerIndex;
}; namespace sockets
{ /// Creates a non-blocking socket file descriptor,
/// abort if any error.
int createSocket(sa_family_t family); int connect(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr* addr);
ssize_t read(int sockfd, void *buf, size_t count);
ssize_t readv(int sockfd, const struct iovec *iov, int iovcnt);
ssize_t write(int sockfd, const void *buf, size_t count);
void close(int sockfd); void fromIpPort(const char* ip, uint16_t port,
struct sockaddr_in* addr); int getSocketError(int sockfd);
void delaySecond(int sec);
//const struct sockaddr* sockaddr_cast(const struct sockaddr_in* addr)
//const struct sockaddr_in* sockaddr_in_cast(const struct sockaddr* addr); } class InetAddress
/// Constructs an endpoint with given ip and port.
/// @c ip should be ""
InetAddress(std::string ip, uint16_t port); /// Constructs an endpoint with given struct @c sockaddr_in
/// Mostly used when accepting new connections
explicit InetAddress(const struct sockaddr_in& addr)
: m_addr(addr)
{ } sa_family_t family() const { return m_addr.sin_family; }
//std::string toIp() const;
//std::string toIpPort() const; const struct sockaddr* getSockAddr() const { return (struct sockaddr*)(&m_addr); } uint32_t ipNetEndian() const; // resolve hostname to IP address, not changing port or sin_family
// return true on success.
// thread safe
// static bool resolve(StringArg hostname, StringArg* ip);
// static std::vector<InetAddress> resolveAll(const char* hostname, uint16_t port = 0); private:
struct sockaddr_in m_addr; }; class HttpUrl
HttpUrl(std::string& httpUrl)
LOG_DEBUG << "URL : " << m_httpUrl;
~HttpUrl(){}; enum HttpUrlMatch
URL = 0,
HOST = 1,
URI = 2
}; std::vector<std::string> detachHttpUrl() const
std::vector<std::string> v;
std::string::size_type pos1, pos2;
pos2 = m_httpUrl.find('/');
assert(std::string::npos != pos2);
pos1 = pos2 + 2;
pos2 = m_httpUrl.find('/', pos1);
assert(std::string::npos != pos2);
v.push_back(m_httpUrl.substr(pos1, pos2 - pos1));
v.push_back(m_httpUrl.substr(pos2 + 1));
LOG_DEBUG << "detachHttpUrl() url :" << v[0];
LOG_DEBUG << "detachHttpUrl() host :" << v[1];
LOG_DEBUG << "detachHttpUrl() uri :" << v[2];
return v;
} bool HttpUrlToIp(const std::string& host, char* ip) const
struct hostent* phost = NULL; phost = gethostbyname(host.c_str());
if (NULL == phost)
LOG_ERROR << "HttpUrlToIp(): gethostbyname error : " << errno << " : "<< strerror(errno);
return false;
//LOG_SYSERR << "urlToIp(): gethostbyname error";
} inet_ntop(phost->h_addrtype, phost->h_addr, ip, 17); return true;
} std::string domain() const
return getHttpUrlSubSeg(HOST);
} std::string getHttpUrlSubSeg(HttpUrlMatch sub = HOST) const{ return m_smatch[sub]; } private:
std::string m_httpUrl;
std::vector<std::string> m_smatch;
}; class HttpRequest
enum HttpRequestMethod{
GET = 0,
HttpRequest(std::string httpUrl);
~HttpRequest(); void connect();
//void TEST(const std::string path,const std::string content);
void setRequestMethod(const std::string &method);
void setRequestProperty(const std::string &key, const std::string &value);
void setRequestBody(const std::string &content); //void clear() { clearStream(); m_buffer.retrieveAll(); }
void clearStream() {m_stream.str("");}
std::string strStream() const { return m_stream.str(); }; int getResponseCode() const {
return m_code;
} std::string getResponseProperty(const std::string& key) const {
return m_ackProperty.at(key);
} std::string getResponseContent() {
return std::string(m_buffer.peek(), m_buffer.readableBytes());
} void handleRead();
void uploadFile(const std::string& file, const std::string& contentEnd);
void downloadFile(const std::string& file); void send(){
sockets::write(m_sockfd, strStream().c_str(), strStream().size());
} void close(){ sockets::close(m_sockfd); } private:
void SplitString(const std::string& s, std::vector<std::string>& v, const std::string& c); Buffer m_buffer;
HttpUrl m_httpUrl;
std::stringstream m_stream;
int m_code;
int m_sockfd;
bool m_haveHandleHead;
std::map<std::string, std::string> m_ackProperty;
}; #endif


HttpRequest::downloadFile(const std::string& file);

下载直接在 handRead() 处理完应答头后 , 调用downloadFile() 存储在本地.

HttpRequest::uploadFile(const std::string& file, const std::string& contentEnd)

上传部分复杂一点,需要根据kBoundary 设置边界,如下.

	off_t fileSize = FileSize(uploadFile);
LOG_DEBUG << "fileSize : " << fileSize;
std::stringstream content;
content << "--" + kBoundary << "\r\n";
content << "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"upload\"; filename=\"test.file\"\r\n";
content << "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"; std::string contentEnd = "\r\n--" + kBoundary + "--\r\n"; HttpClient upload("http://xxxxx/upload");
upload.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + kBoundary);
upload.setRequestProperty("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
upload.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", std::to_string(fileSize + content.str().size() + contentEnd.size()));
upload.setRequestProperty("Connection", "close\r\n");


#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/uio.h> // readv
#include <stdint.h>
#include <endian.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <map>
#include <fstream> #include "HttpRequest.hh" const std::map<std::string, int>::value_type init_value[] =
std::map<std::string, int>::value_type( "GET", HttpRequest::GET), std::map<std::string, int>::value_type( "POST", HttpRequest::POST)
}; const static std::map<std::string, int> kRequestMethodMap(init_value, init_value + (sizeof init_value / sizeof init_value[0])); static inline uint16_t hostToNetwork16(uint16_t host16)
return htobe16(host16);
} int sockets::createSocket(sa_family_t family){
// Call "socket()" to create a (family) socket of the specified type.
// But also set it to have the 'close on exec' property (if we can) int sock; //CLOEXEC,即当调用exec()函数成功后,文件描述符会自动关闭。
//在以往的内核版本(2.6.23以前)中,需要调用 fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) 来设置这个属性。
//而新版本(2.6.23开始)中,可以在调用open函数的时候,通过 flags 参数设置 CLOEXEC 功能,
sock = socket(family, SOCK_STREAM|SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0);
if (sock != -1 || errno != EINVAL) return sock;
// An "errno" of EINVAL likely means that the system wasn't happy with the SOCK_CLOEXEC; fall through and try again without it:
#endif sock = socket(family, SOCK_STREAM, 0); #ifdef FD_CLOEXEC
if (sock != -1) fcntl(sock, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
return sock;
} int sockets::connect(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr* addr)
return ::connect(sockfd, addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr));
} void sockets::fromIpPort(const char* ip, uint16_t port,
struct sockaddr_in* addr)
addr->sin_family = AF_INET;
addr->sin_port = hostToNetwork16(port);
if (::inet_pton(AF_INET, ip, &addr->sin_addr) <= 0)
LOG_SYSERR << "sockets::fromIpPort";
} ssize_t sockets::read(int sockfd, void *buf, size_t count)
return ::read(sockfd, buf, count);
} ssize_t sockets::readv(int sockfd, const struct iovec *iov, int iovcnt)
return ::readv(sockfd, iov, iovcnt);
} ssize_t sockets::write(int sockfd, const void *buf, size_t count)
return ::write(sockfd, buf, count);
} void sockets::close(int sockfd)
if (::close(sockfd) < 0)
LOG_SYSERR << "sockets::close";
} void sockets::delaySecond(int sec)
struct timeval tv;
tv.tv_sec = sec;
tv.tv_usec = 0;
select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tv);
} InetAddress::InetAddress(std::string ip, uint16_t port)
::bzero(&m_addr, sizeof m_addr);
sockets::fromIpPort(ip.c_str(), port, &m_addr);
} uint32_t InetAddress::ipNetEndian() const
assert(family() == AF_INET);
return m_addr.sin_addr.s_addr;
} HttpRequest::HttpRequest(std::string httpUrl)
{ } HttpRequest::~HttpRequest()
{ } void HttpRequest::connect()
char ip[32] = {0};
struct hostent* phost = NULL; phost = gethostbyname(m_httpUrl.domain().c_str());
if (NULL == phost)
LOG_ERROR << "HttpUrlToIp(): gethostbyname error : " << errno << " : "<< strerror(errno) << " continue.";
} inet_ntop(phost->h_addrtype, phost->h_addr, ip, sizeof ip); LOG_DEBUG << "HttpRequest::Connector() gethostbyname Successful"; InetAddress serverAddr = InetAddress(ip, 80); m_sockfd = sockets::createSocket(serverAddr.family());
if(m_sockfd < 0) LOG_SYSERR << "HttpRequest::connect() : createSocket error";
int ret = sockets::connect(m_sockfd, serverAddr.getSockAddr());
LOG_DEBUG << "sockfd : " << m_sockfd << "sockets::connect ret : " << ret ;
int savedErrno = (ret == 0) ? 0 : errno; switch (savedErrno)
case 0:
case EINTR:
LOG_INFO << "HttpRequest::connect() sockfd : " << m_sockfd << " Successful";
default :
LOG_ERROR << "Connect Error ";
} break;
} LOG_DEBUG << "HttpRequest::Connector() end";
} void HttpRequest::setRequestMethod(const std::string &method)
case HttpRequest::GET :
m_stream << "GET " << "/" << m_httpUrl.getHttpUrlSubSeg(HttpUrl::URI) << " HTTP/1.1\r\n";
LOG_DEBUG << m_stream.str().c_str();
case HttpRequest::POST :
m_stream << "POST " << "/" << m_httpUrl.getHttpUrlSubSeg(HttpUrl::URI) << " HTTP/1.1\r\n";
LOG_DEBUG << m_stream.str().c_str();
default :
LOG_ERROR << "No such Method : " << method.c_str();
} m_stream << "Host: " << m_httpUrl.getHttpUrlSubSeg(HttpUrl::HOST) << "\r\n";
} void HttpRequest::setRequestProperty(const std::string &key, const std::string &value)
m_stream << key << ": " << value << "\r\n";
} void HttpRequest::setRequestBody(const std::string &content)
m_stream << content;
} void HttpRequest::handleRead()
ssize_t nread = 0;
ssize_t writtenBytes = 0; nread = sockets::read(m_sockfd, m_buffer.beginWrite(), kBufferSize);
if(nread < 0) LOG_SYSFATAL << "sockets::read";
LOG_TRACE << "sockets::read(): nread: " << nread << " remain: " << m_buffer.writableBytes();
size_t remain = kBufferSize - nread;
while(remain > 0)
size_t n = sockets::read(m_sockfd, m_buffer.beginWrite(), remain);
if(n < 0) LOG_SYSFATAL << "sockets::read";
if(0 == n)
LOG_DEBUG << "sockets::read finish";
remain = remain - n;
//std::cout << m_buffer.peek(); //for(int i = 0; i < nread; i++) printf("%02x%c",(unsigned char)buffer[i],i==nread - 1 ?'\n':' ');
//LOG_DEBUG << "handleRead Recv Response : \n" << m_buffer.peek();
int headsize = 0;
std::string line;
std::stringstream ss(m_buffer.peek());
std::vector<std::string> v;
getline(ss, line);
//LOG_DEBUG << line;
headsize += line.size() + 1;
SplitString(line, v, " ");
//for(int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) std::cout << v[i] << std::endl;
m_code = std::stoi(v[1]);
if(v[1] != "200")
LOG_ERROR << "Error Http Server Response : " << v[1].c_str();
} do{
getline(ss, line);
headsize += line.size() + 1; // + 1('\n')
if(!line.empty()) line.erase(line.end()-1); // remove '/r'
//LOG_DEBUG << line;
SplitString(line, v, ":");
if(v.size() == 2){
m_ackProperty[v[0]] = v[1].erase(0,v[1].find_first_not_of(" "));
}while(!line.empty()); LOG_DEBUG << "Http Head Size is " << headsize;
std::string res(m_buffer.peek(), headsize);
LOG_DEBUG << "Http Response :\n" << res;
m_buffer.retrieve(headsize); m_haveHandleHead = true; } void HttpRequest::uploadFile(const std::string& file, const std::string& contentEnd)
{ FILE* fp = fopen(file.c_str(), "rb");
if(fp == NULL)
LOG_SYSFATAL << "fopen() File :" << file.c_str() << " Errno";
} bool isEnd = false;
ssize_t writtenBytes = 0; assert(m_buffer.writableBytes() == Buffer::kInitialSize); while(!isEnd)
ssize_t nread = fread(m_buffer.beginWrite(), 1, kBufferSize, fp);
while(m_buffer.writableBytes() > 0)
LOG_TRACE << "file read(): nread: " << nread << " remain: " << m_buffer.writableBytes();
size_t n = fread(m_buffer.beginWrite(), 1, m_buffer.writableBytes(), fp);
if(0 == n)
{ int err = ferror(fp);
fprintf(stderr, "fread failed : %s\n", strerror(err));
LOG_DEBUG << "sockets::read finish";
isEnd = true;
} ssize_t nwrite = sockets::write(m_sockfd, m_buffer.peek(), m_buffer.readableBytes());
if(nwrite < 0) LOG_SYSFATAL << "sockets::write";
writtenBytes += nwrite;
LOG_TRACE << "sockets::write nread " << m_buffer.readableBytes() << " nwrite " << nwrite << " writtenBytes " << writtenBytes;
} fclose(fp); m_buffer.retrieveAll(); ssize_t n = sockets::write(m_sockfd, contentEnd.c_str(), contentEnd.size());
if(n < 0) LOG_SYSFATAL << "sockets::write";
} void HttpRequest::downloadFile(const std::string& file)
assert(m_haveHandleHead); bool isEnd = false;
ssize_t nread = 0;
ssize_t writtenBytes = 0;
bool haveHandleHead = false;
bool isDownFile = false; std::ofstream output(file, std::ios::binary);
if (!output.is_open()){ // 检查文件是否成功打开
LOG_SYSFATAL << "open file error" << file;
} output.write(m_buffer.peek(), m_buffer.readableBytes());
writtenBytes += m_buffer.readableBytes();
m_buffer.retrieve(m_buffer.readableBytes()); LOG_DEBUG << "Content-Length : " << getResponseProperty("Content-Length"); while(!isEnd)
nread = sockets::read(m_sockfd, m_buffer.beginWrite(), kBufferSize);
if(nread < 0) LOG_SYSFATAL << "sockets::read";
LOG_TRACE << "sockets::read(): nread: " << nread << " remain: " << m_buffer.writableBytes() << " writtenBytes: " << writtenBytes;
size_t remain = kBufferSize - nread;
while(remain > 0)
size_t n = sockets::read(m_sockfd, m_buffer.beginWrite(), remain);
if(n < 0) LOG_SYSFATAL << "sockets::read";
if(0 == n)
LOG_DEBUG << "sockets::read finish";
isEnd = true;
remain = remain - n;
} output.write(m_buffer.peek(), m_buffer.readableBytes());
writtenBytes += m_buffer.readableBytes();
LOG_DEBUG << " writtenBytes " << writtenBytes; output.close();
} void HttpRequest::SplitString(const std::string& s, std::vector<std::string>& v, const std::string& c)
std::string::size_type pos1, pos2;
pos2 = s.find(c);
pos1 = 0;
while(std::string::npos != pos2)
v.push_back(s.substr(pos1, pos2-pos1)); pos1 = pos2 + c.size();
pos2 = s.find(c, pos1);
if(pos1 != s.length())





#include "HttpRequest.hh"

int main()
{ HttpRequest ImageReq("http://img.zcool.cn/community/01ddc256eb71586ac7257d209712b7.jpg@1280w_1l_2o_100sh.jpg");
ImageReq.setRequestProperty("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
ImageReq.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream");
ImageReq.setRequestProperty("Connection", "close\r\n"); ImageReq.connect();
ImageReq.downloadFile("./test.jpg"); return 0;
2018-10-23 20:24:07.257167 [DEBUG] [HttpRequest.hh:194] [detachHttpUrl] detachHttpUrl() url :http://img.zcool.cn/community/01ddc256eb71586ac7257d209712b7.jpg@1280w_1l_2o_100sh.jpg
2018-10-23 20:24:07.257411 [DEBUG] [HttpRequest.hh:195] [detachHttpUrl] detachHttpUrl() host :img.zcool.cn
2018-10-23 20:24:07.257561 [DEBUG] [HttpRequest.hh:196] [detachHttpUrl] detachHttpUrl() uri :community/01ddc256eb71586ac7257d209712b7.jpg@1280w_1l_2o_100sh.jpg
2018-10-23 20:24:07.257661 [DEBUG] [HttpRequest.hh:171] [HttpUrl] URL : http://img.zcool.cn/community/01ddc256eb71586ac7257d209712b7.jpg@1280w_1l_2o_100sh.jpg
2018-10-23 20:24:07.257734 [DEBUG] [HttpRequest.cpp:178] [setRequestMethod] GET /community/01ddc256eb71586ac7257d209712b7.jpg@1280w_1l_2o_100sh.jpg HTTP/1.1 2018-10-23 20:24:08.192206 [DEBUG] [HttpRequest.cpp:142] [connect] HttpRequest::Connector() gethostbyname Successful
2018-10-23 20:24:08.232474 [DEBUG] [HttpRequest.cpp:149] [connect] sockfd : 3sockets::connect ret : 0
2018-10-23 20:24:08.233236 [INFO ] [HttpRequest.cpp:158] HttpRequest::connect() sockfd : 3 Successful
2018-10-23 20:24:08.233453 [DEBUG] [HttpRequest.cpp:169] [connect] HttpRequest::Connector() end
2018-10-23 20:24:08.257666 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:212] [handleRead] sockets::read(): nread: 4096 remain: 0
2018-10-23 20:24:08.258490 [DEBUG] [HttpRequest.cpp:257] [handleRead] Http Head Size is 798
2018-10-23 20:24:08.259139 [DEBUG] [HttpRequest.cpp:259] [handleRead] Http Response :
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Tengine
Content-Type: image/jpeg
Content-Length: 155984
Connection: close
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2018 10:05:56 GMT
x-oss-request-id: 5BCEF284EA872628A4BA7B32
ETag: "3D2EABCF4B0809B38A154C5087E5ECD4"
Last-Modified: Fri, 18 Mar 2016 03:09:12 GMT
x-oss-object-type: Normal
x-oss-hash-crc64ecma: 17069884749112719525
x-oss-storage-class: Standard
Expires: Thu, 18 Mar 2021 03:09:12 GMT
Cache-Control: max-age=86400
Via: cache10.l2cm9[0,304-0,H], cache35.l2cm9[37,0], cache1.cn683[0,200-0,H], cache1.cn683[2,0]
Age: 8479
Ali-Swift-Global-Savetime: 1538030855
X-Cache: HIT TCP_HIT dirn:6:15817583
X-Swift-SaveTime: Tue, 23 Oct 2018 10:18:38 GMT
X-Swift-CacheTime: 85638
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Timing-Allow-Origin: *
EagleId: 71db884115402976359511426e 2018-10-23 20:24:08.263882 [DEBUG] [HttpRequest.cpp:335] [downloadFile] Content-Length : 155984
2018-10-23 20:24:08.264447 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:342] [downloadFile] sockets::read(): nread: 4096 remain: 0 writtenBytes: 3298
2018-10-23 20:24:08.264569 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:342] [downloadFile] sockets::read(): nread: 4096 remain: 0 writtenBytes: 7394
2018-10-23 20:24:08.264978 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:342] [downloadFile] sockets::read(): nread: 4096 remain: 0 writtenBytes: 11490
2018-10-23 20:24:08.265032 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:342] [downloadFile] sockets::read(): nread: 4096 remain: 0 writtenBytes: 15586
2018-10-23 20:24:08.265073 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:342] [downloadFile] sockets::read(): nread: 4096 remain: 0 writtenBytes: 19682
2018-10-23 20:24:08.265112 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:342] [downloadFile] sockets::read(): nread: 4096 remain: 0 writtenBytes: 23778
2018-10-23 20:24:08.265151 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:342] [downloadFile] sockets::read(): nread: 288 remain: 3808 writtenBytes: 27874
2018-10-23 20:24:08.277661 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:342] [downloadFile] sockets::read(): nread: 3432 remain: 664 writtenBytes: 31970
2018-10-23 20:24:08.278022 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:342] [downloadFile] sockets::read(): nread: 784 remain: 3312 writtenBytes: 36066
2018-10-23 20:24:08.278264 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:342] [downloadFile] sockets::read(): nread: 2480 remain: 1616 writtenBytes: 40162
2018-10-23 20:24:08.278580 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:342] [downloadFile] sockets::read(): nread: 1280 remain: 2816 writtenBytes: 44258
2018-10-23 20:24:08.278913 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:342] [downloadFile] sockets::read(): nread: 1528 remain: 2568 writtenBytes: 48354
2018-10-23 20:24:08.279254 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:342] [downloadFile] sockets::read(): nread: 1776 remain: 2320 writtenBytes: 52450
2018-10-23 20:24:08.279402 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:342] [downloadFile] sockets::read(): nread: 576 remain: 3520 writtenBytes: 56546
2018-10-23 20:24:08.279920 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:342] [downloadFile] sockets::read(): nread: 824 remain: 3272 writtenBytes: 60642
2018-10-23 20:24:08.280905 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:342] [downloadFile] sockets::read(): nread: 4096 remain: 0 writtenBytes: 64738
2018-10-23 20:24:08.280948 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:342] [downloadFile] sockets::read(): nread: 2768 remain: 1328 writtenBytes: 68834
2018-10-23 20:24:08.281217 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:342] [downloadFile] sockets::read(): nread: 3016 remain: 1080 writtenBytes: 72930
2018-10-23 20:24:08.281506 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:342] [downloadFile] sockets::read(): nread: 3264 remain: 832 writtenBytes: 77026
2018-10-23 20:24:08.281948 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:342] [downloadFile] sockets::read(): nread: 2064 remain: 2032 writtenBytes: 81122
2018-10-23 20:24:08.297685 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:342] [downloadFile] sockets::read(): nread: 3760 remain: 336 writtenBytes: 85218
2018-10-23 20:24:08.298170 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:342] [downloadFile] sockets::read(): nread: 4008 remain: 88 writtenBytes: 89314
2018-10-23 20:24:08.298362 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:342] [downloadFile] sockets::read(): nread: 2808 remain: 1288 writtenBytes: 93410
2018-10-23 20:24:08.298919 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:342] [downloadFile] sockets::read(): nread: 3056 remain: 1040 writtenBytes: 97506
2018-10-23 20:24:08.299576 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:342] [downloadFile] sockets::read(): nread: 4096 remain: 0 writtenBytes: 101602
2018-10-23 20:24:08.299641 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:342] [downloadFile] sockets::read(): nread: 656 remain: 3440 writtenBytes: 105698
2018-10-23 20:24:08.300041 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:342] [downloadFile] sockets::read(): nread: 2352 remain: 1744 writtenBytes: 109794
2018-10-23 20:24:08.300479 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:342] [downloadFile] sockets::read(): nread: 2600 remain: 1496 writtenBytes: 113890
2018-10-23 20:24:08.301340 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:342] [downloadFile] sockets::read(): nread: 2848 remain: 1248 writtenBytes: 117986
2018-10-23 20:24:08.303384 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:342] [downloadFile] sockets::read(): nread: 4096 remain: 0 writtenBytes: 122082
2018-10-23 20:24:08.303646 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:342] [downloadFile] sockets::read(): nread: 1920 remain: 2176 writtenBytes: 126178
2018-10-23 20:24:08.303926 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:342] [downloadFile] sockets::read(): nread: 4096 remain: 0 writtenBytes: 130274
2018-10-23 20:24:08.304004 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:342] [downloadFile] sockets::read(): nread: 4096 remain: 0 writtenBytes: 134370
2018-10-23 20:24:08.304376 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:342] [downloadFile] sockets::read(): nread: 4096 remain: 0 writtenBytes: 138466
2018-10-23 20:24:08.304540 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:342] [downloadFile] sockets::read(): nread: 4096 remain: 0 writtenBytes: 142562
2018-10-23 20:24:08.304737 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:342] [downloadFile] sockets::read(): nread: 768 remain: 3328 writtenBytes: 146658
2018-10-23 20:24:08.318544 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:342] [downloadFile] sockets::read(): nread: 2464 remain: 1632 writtenBytes: 150754
2018-10-23 20:24:08.320273 [TRACE] [HttpRequest.cpp:342] [downloadFile] sockets::read(): nread: 1134 remain: 2962 writtenBytes: 154850
2018-10-23 20:24:08.320374 [DEBUG] [HttpRequest.cpp:351] [downloadFile] sockets::read finish
2018-10-23 20:24:08.320460 [DEBUG] [HttpRequest.cpp:362] [downloadFile] writtenBytes 155984



下一篇:Linux下的C Socket编程 -- 简介与client端的处理