Mount NAS Storage in Linux Overview 转载

Mount NAS Storage in Linux


your NAS Storage to a device that runs on a Linux-based Operating
System can be done using a series of simple commands in the shell or
terminal within the OS.  This procedure outlines the steps required to
mount NAS Storage on any of the following operating systems:

  • RedHat Enterprise Linux
  • CentOS
  • CloudLinux
  • Debian
  • Ubuntu

Please note that while the majority of steps apply to all of the
operating systems listed above, the commands required to determine if
your CIFS utility is installed on Debian and Ubuntu are unique.  Follow
the steps below to mount NAS Storage to your Linux-based OS.

Mount NAS Storage

    1. Determine if the OS on your device is RedHat Enterprise Linux, CentOS or CloudLinux -OR- Debian or Ubuntu.

If your device is running…


RedHat Enterprise Linux, CentOS or CloudLinux

Determine if the cifs-utils utility is installed by running the
following command:

root@slnastest [~]# rpm -q cifs-utils

Note: If
cifs-utils is not installed, the following message will appear:

package cifs-utils is  not installed

  • If
    cifs-utils is installed, proceed to the next step.
  • If
    cifs-utils is not installed, install the utility using the following command:

root@slnastest [~]# yum
install cifs-utils

Debian or Ubuntu

Determine if the cifs-utils utility is installed by running the
following command:

root@slnastest:~# dpkg-query -S cifs-utils

Note: If cifs-utils is not installed,
the following message will appear:

dpkg-query: no path found matching   pattern *cifs-utils*.

  • If cifs-utils is installed, proceed to the
    next step.
  • If cifs-utils is not installed, install the
    utility using the following command:

root@slnastest [~]# apt-get install
root@slnastest:~# dpkg-query -S cifs-utils
cifs-utils: /usr/share/doc/cifs-utils
cifs-utils: /usr/share/doc/cifs-utils/changelog.gz
cifs-utils: /usr/share/doc/cifs-utils/NEWS.Debian.gz
cifs-utils: /usr/share/doc/cifs-utils/changelog.Debian.gz
cifs-utils: /usr/share/doc/cifs-utils/copyright

    1. Create the directory and mount the device using the following commands:

      mkdir /local/mountpoint
      -t cifs //Hostname/Username -o


      root@slnastest [~]# mkdir /mnt/nas
      root@slnastest [~]# mount -t cifs
      // -o
      rw,nounix,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0644,dir_mode=0755 /mnt/nas
          root@slnastest [~]# df -Th /mnt/nas/
      Filesystem    Type    Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                    cifs     54T   49T  5.3T  91% /mnt/nas

    2. Determine if the NAS should mount on reboot.

If the NAS should…


Mount on reboot

Add the following command to the /etc/fstab file:

//        /mnt/nas         cifs
defaults,username=SL12345-1,password=NASPASSWORD 0 0

Not mount on reboot

Proceed to the next step.

    1. Unmount and mount the NAS to verify that the fstab was edited
      correctly.  Refer to the table below for the unmount and mount commands.



Unmount the NAS

root@slnastest [~]# umount

root@slnastest [~]# df -Th

Filesystem    Type   
Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on

/dev/xvda2    ext3    
25G  4.6G   19G 
20% /

Mount the NAS

root@slnastest [~]# mount

root@slnastest [~]# df -Th

Filesystem    Type   
Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on


cifs     54T  
49T  5.3T  91% /mnt/nas

