
【我的翻译】There is no killing you makes you stronger.
【标准答案】What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
         - 内部关系:动作关系
         - 句子类型:主语从句
         - 句子时态:一般现在时
         - 句子成分:What doesn’t kill you 主语从句 makes 谓语 you宾语 stronger 宾补.
【我的翻译】Getting up early is a good habit.
【标准答案】Getting up early is a good habit.
         - 内部关系:描述关系
         - 句子类型:动名词坐主语
         - 句子时态:一般现在时
         - 句子成分:Getting up early 主语 is 系动词a good habit 表语
【我的翻译】Don’t wait! There is no using wait hare.
【标准答案】Don’t wait any more. It’s no use waiting here.
【对比分析】Don’t wait没有体现出“了”,题目是说“别等了”,说明已经等了一段时间了。any more:often used at the end of negative sentences and at the end of questions, to mean ‘any longer’ (常用于否定句和疑问句末)再也(不),(不)再。eg. She doesn't live here any more. 她已经不在这里住了。Why doesn't he speak to me any more? 他为啥不再理我了? Now she won't have to go out to work any more. 现在她不必再出去工作了。
         - 内部关系:Don’t wait any more 动作 It’s no use waiting here.描述
         - 句子类型:动名词作表语
         - 句子时态:一般现在时
         - 句子成分:Don’t wait any more 谓语. It 主语 is 系动词 no use waiting here 动名词作表语.
【我的翻译】What I like most is accompanying family
【标准答案】What I enjoy most is spending time with my family.
【对比分析】喜欢用词不一致 enjoy :to get pleasure from sth 享受 … 的乐趣;欣赏;喜爱 eg. Thanks for a great evening. I really enjoyed it. 非常感谢你,我今晚玩得很开心。like:  to find sb/sth pleasant, attractive or of a good enough standard; to enjoy sth 喜欢;喜爱 Which tie do you like best? 你最喜欢哪条领带?陪伴家人用词不一致
         - 内部关系:描述关系
         - 句子类型:主语从句 + 动名词作表语
         - 句子时态:一般现在时
         - 句子成分:What I enjoy most 主语 is 系动词 spending time with my family.动名词作表语

【我的翻译】I don’t like my wife/husband working too late.
【标准答案】I don’t like my wife/ husband working so late.
【对比分析】so late是很晚,只是单纯的表达好晚,而 too late指太晚,经常用在too...to 结构中,这个短语表示太怎么样以至于不能...
         - 内部关系:动作关系
         - 句子类型:动名词的复合结构
         - 句子时态:一般现在时
         - 句子成分:I 主语don’t like 谓语 my wife/ husband working so late. 宾语(其中my wife/ husband 是非谓语动词working的逻辑主语)
【我的翻译】The top policy is being honest.
【标准答案】The best policy is being honest.
【对比分析】上策意为最好的政策用best policy,我的是完全的直译,没有查到这种用法
         - 内部关系:描述关系
         - 句子类型:动名词作表语
         - 句子时态:一般现在时
         - 句子成分:The best policy 主语 is 系动词being honest.动名词作表语
【我的翻译】She regretted having expend him a lot.
【标准答案】She regretted having done so much for him.
【对比分析】为他付出这么多可以理解为为他做了很多do so much for him。我的翻译expend him a lot是他花了很多钱的意思
         - 内部关系:动作关系
         - 句子类型:动名词的完成时--- having + done(过去分词) 动名词的动作,在谓语动作之前发生
         - 句子时态:一般过去时
         - 句子成分:She主语 regretted谓语 having done so much for him.宾语(为他做很多发生在她后悔之前用完成时)
【我的翻译】I can’t help laughing at him.
【标准答案】He’s so funny that I can’t help laughing.
         - 内部关系:描述关系
         - 句子类型:状语从句
         - 句子时态:一般现在时
         - 句子成分:He’s 主系 so funny 表语 that I can’t help laughing. 状语从句can’t help doing情不自禁
【我的翻译】I’m affried that you drinking too much.
【标准答案】I’m afraid of your/ you drinking too much.
         - 内部关系:描述关系
         - 句子类型:动名词作宾语
         - 句子时态:一般现在时
         - 句子成分:I’m主系 afraid of your/ you drinking too much.表语(其中your/ you drinking too much动名词的复合结构作介词of的宾语)
【我的翻译】Would you mind my/me smoking here?
【标准答案】Would you mind my/me smoking here?
         - 内部关系:动作关系
         - 句子类型:动名词作宾语
         - 句子时态:一般现在时
         - 句子成分:Would you 主语 mind 谓语 my/me smoking here动名词复合结构作宾语

❶ 「怕你喝太多酒」加不加「你」的区别,你注意到了吗?

