windows下Visual Studio Code 1.9安装

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   windows下Visual Studio Code 1.9安装


windows下Visual Studio Code 1.9安装

windows下Visual Studio Code 1.9安装

windows下Visual Studio Code 1.9安装

windows下Visual Studio Code 1.9安装

windows下Visual Studio Code 1.9安装

windows下Visual Studio Code 1.9安装

windows下Visual Studio Code 1.9安装


windows下Visual Studio Code 1.9安装


Note: .NET Framework 4.5.2 is required for VS Code. If you are using Windows 7, please make sure .NET Framework 4.5.2 is installed.

Tip: Setup will optionally add Visual Studio Code to your %PATH%, so from the console you can simply type code . to open VS Code on that folder. You will need to restart your console after the installation for the change to the %PATH% environmental variable to take effect.


  第一,安装.NET Framework 4.5.2及以上,如果使用win7,请安装 .NET Framework 4.5.2

  第二,添加PATH(安装过程选这一项),就可以在终端(命令提示符)下面键入code,回车,就可以打开vs code了

  windows下Visual Studio Code 1.9安装

上一篇:蜗牛历险记(二) Web框架(下)
