js面向对象编程,一个具有各种方法,字段 完整的类

var Book = (function() {
  // 私有静态成员变量
  var numOfBooks = 0;

  // 私有静态成员方法
  function checkIsbn(isbn) {

  // Return the constructor.
  return function(newIsbn, newTitle, newAuthor) { // implements Publication

    // 私有成员变量
    var isbn, title, author;

    // 私有方法
    this.getIsbn = function() {
      return isbn;
    this.setIsbn = function(newIsbn) {
      if(!checkIsbn(newIsbn)) throw new Error(‘Book: Invalid ISBN.‘);
      isbn = newIsbn;

    this.getTitle = function() {
      return title;
    this.setTitle = function(newTitle) {
      title = newTitle || ‘No title specified‘;

    this.getAuthor = function() {
      return author;
    this.setAuthor = function(newAuthor) {
      author = newAuthor || ‘No author specified‘;

    // Constructor code.
    numOfBooks++; // Keep track of how many Books have been instantiated
                  // with the private static attribute.
    if(numOfBooks > 50) throw new Error(‘Book: Only 50 instances of Book can be ‘
        + ‘created.‘);


// 共有静态方法
Book.convertToTitleCase = function(inputString) {

// 共有方法
Book.prototype = {
  display: function() {

js面向对象编程,一个具有各种方法,字段 完整的类,布布扣,bubuko.com

js面向对象编程,一个具有各种方法,字段 完整的类

