static void Main(string[] args)
- {
decimal costCEO = 0.0M;
decimal costVPD = 0.0M;
//Create CEO Node
IComponent compCEO = new Composite("CEO", 500000);
//Create VP-Development and Developer nodes
IComponent compVPDev = new Composite("VP-Development", 250000);
IComponent compDev1 = new Component("Developer1", 75000);
IComponent compDev2 = new Component("Developer2", 50000);
- compVPDev.Add(compDev1);
- compVPDev.Add(compDev2);
//Create VP-Sales node
IComponent compVPSales = new Component("VP-Sales", 300000);
- compCEO.Add(compVPDev);
- compCEO.Add(compVPSales);
//Get the cost incurred at the CEO level
compCEO.GetCost(ref costCEO);
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("The Cost incurred at the CEO level is {0:c} ", costCEO));
//Get the cost incurred at the VP-Development level
compVPDev.GetCost(ref costVPD);
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("The Cost incurred at the VP-Development level is {0:c} ", costVPD));
- }
本文转自 灵动生活 51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/smartlife/267507,如需转载请自行联系原作者