PalDB 读数据过程


PalDB reader的多级缓存


  • 一级缓存是StorageCache对象,里面是用LinkedHashMap实现的缓存
  • 二级缓存是StorageReader对象,通过mmap实现的文件到内存的映射。
public final class ReaderImpl implements StoreReader {
  // Logger
  private final static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(ReaderImpl.class.getName());
  // Configuration
  private final Configuration config;
  // Buffer
  private final DataInputOutput dataInputOutput = new DataInputOutput();
  // Storage
  private final StorageReader storage;
  // Serialization
  private final StorageSerialization serialization;
  // Cache
  private final StorageCache cache;
  // File
  private final File file;
  // Opened?
  private boolean opened;

private StorageCache(Configuration config) {
    cache = new LinkedHashMap(config.getInt(Configuration.CACHE_INITIAL_CAPACITY),
        config.getFloat(Configuration.CACHE_LOAD_FACTOR), true) {
      protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry eldest) {
        boolean res = currentWeight > maxWeight;
        if (res) {
          Object key = eldest.getKey();
          Object value = eldest.getValue();
          currentWeight -= getWeight(key) + getWeight(value) + OVERHEAD;
        return res;

PalDB 的读取过程



  • 判断缓存是否有数据,有则直接从cache中取出返回
  • 通过storage.get从mmap的文件中读取数据
  • 将数据放到缓存后直接返回数据
public <K> K get(Object key, K defaultValue) {
    if (key == null) {
      throw new NullPointerException("The key can't be null");
    K value = cache.get(key);
    if (value == null) {
      try {
        byte[] valueBytes = storage.get(serialization.serializeKey(key));
        if (valueBytes != null) {

          Object v = serialization.deserialize(dataInputOutput.reset(valueBytes));
          cache.put(key, v);
          return (K) v;
        } else {
          return defaultValue;
      } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new RuntimeException(ex);
    } else if (value == StorageCache.NULL_VALUE) {
      return null;
    return value;



  • 对key进行hash的得到hash值,获取key下的slot的数量
  • 在key的mmap内容中定位到key在PalDB中的位置,得到对应的value的偏移量
  • 通过value的偏移量在value的mmap内容中定位到value对应的值并返回


public byte[] get(byte[] key)
      throws IOException {
    int keyLength = key.length;
    if (keyLength >= slots.length || keyCounts[keyLength] == 0) {
      return null;
    long hash = (long) hashUtils.hash(key);
    int numSlots = slots[keyLength];
    int slotSize = slotSizes[keyLength];
    int indexOffset = indexOffsets[keyLength];
    long dataOffset = dataOffsets[keyLength];

    for (int probe = 0; probe < numSlots; probe++) {
      int slot = (int) ((hash + probe) % numSlots);
      indexBuffer.position(indexOffset + slot * slotSize);
      indexBuffer.get(slotBuffer, 0, slotSize);

      long offset = LongPacker.unpackLong(slotBuffer, keyLength);
      if (offset == 0) {
        return null;
      if (isKey(slotBuffer, key)) {
        byte[] value = mMapData ? getMMapBytes(dataOffset + offset) : getDiskBytes(dataOffset + offset);
        return value;
    return null;

//Read the data at the given offset, the data can be spread over multiple data buffers
  private byte[] getMMapBytes(long offset)
      throws IOException {
    //Read the first 4 bytes to get the size of the data
    ByteBuffer buf = getDataBuffer(offset);
    int maxLen = (int) Math.min(5, dataSize - offset);

    int size;
    if (buf.remaining() >= maxLen) {
      //Continuous read
      int pos = buf.position();
      size = LongPacker.unpackInt(buf);

      // Used in case of data is spread over multiple buffers
      offset += buf.position() - pos;
    } else {
      //The size of the data is spread over multiple buffers
      int len = maxLen;
      int off = 0;
      while (len > 0) {
        buf = getDataBuffer(offset + off);
        int count = Math.min(len, buf.remaining());
        buf.get(sizeBuffer.getBuf(), off, count);
        off += count;
        len -= count;
      size = LongPacker.unpackInt(sizeBuffer);
      offset += sizeBuffer.getPos();
      buf = getDataBuffer(offset);

    //Create output bytes
    byte[] res = new byte[size];

    //Check if the data is one buffer
    if (buf.remaining() >= size) {
      //Continuous read
      buf.get(res, 0, size);
    } else {
      int len = size;
      int off = 0;
      while (len > 0) {
        buf = getDataBuffer(offset);
        int count = Math.min(len, buf.remaining());
        buf.get(res, off, count);
        offset += count;
        off += count;
        len -= count;

    return res;

private ByteBuffer getDataBuffer(long index) {
    ByteBuffer buf = dataBuffers[(int) (index / segmentSize)];
    buf.position((int) (index % segmentSize));
    return buf;



  • 读取metaData的PalDB信息,包括key起始位移,value起始位移
  • 将key对应的内容映射到内存的mmap当中,不超过2GB。
  • 将value对应的内容映射到内存的mmap当中,根据segment大小进行切分
StorageReader(Configuration configuration, File file)
      throws IOException {
    path = file;
    config = configuration;
    segmentSize = config.getLong(Configuration.MMAP_SEGMENT_SIZE);

    hashUtils = new HashUtils();

    // Check valid segmentSize
    if (segmentSize > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "The `" + Configuration.MMAP_SEGMENT_SIZE + "` setting can't be larger than 2GB");

    //Open file and read metadata
    long createdAt = 0;
    FormatVersion formatVersion = null;
    FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(path);
    DataInputStream dataInputStream = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(inputStream));
    try {
      int ignoredBytes = -2;

      //Byte mark
      byte[] mark = FormatVersion.getPrefixBytes();
      int found = 0;
      while (found != mark.length) {
        byte b = dataInputStream.readByte();
        if (b == mark[found]) {
        } else {
          ignoredBytes += found + 1;
          found = 0;

      byte[] versionFound = Arrays.copyOf(mark, FormatVersion.getLatestVersion().getBytes().length);
      dataInputStream.readFully(versionFound, mark.length, versionFound.length - mark.length);

      formatVersion = FormatVersion.fromBytes(versionFound);
      if (formatVersion == null || ! {
        throw new RuntimeException(
                "Version mismatch, expected was '" + FormatVersion.getLatestVersion() + "' and found '" + formatVersion
                        + "'");

      createdAt = dataInputStream.readLong();

      //Metadata counters
      keyCount = dataInputStream.readInt();
      keyLengthCount = dataInputStream.readInt();
      maxKeyLength = dataInputStream.readInt();

      //Read offset counts and keys
      indexOffsets = new int[maxKeyLength + 1];
      dataOffsets = new long[maxKeyLength + 1];
      keyCounts = new int[maxKeyLength + 1];
      slots = new int[maxKeyLength + 1];
      slotSizes = new int[maxKeyLength + 1];

      int maxSlotSize = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < keyLengthCount; i++) {
        int keyLength = dataInputStream.readInt();

        keyCounts[keyLength] = dataInputStream.readInt();
        slots[keyLength] = dataInputStream.readInt();
        slotSizes[keyLength] = dataInputStream.readInt();
        indexOffsets[keyLength] = dataInputStream.readInt();
        dataOffsets[keyLength] = dataInputStream.readLong();

        maxSlotSize = Math.max(maxSlotSize, slotSizes[keyLength]);

      slotBuffer = new byte[maxSlotSize];

      //Read serializers
      try {
        Serializers.deserialize(dataInputStream, config.getSerializers());
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException();

      //Read index and data offset
      indexOffset = dataInputStream.readInt() + ignoredBytes;
      dataOffset = dataInputStream.readLong() + ignoredBytes;
    } finally {
      //Close metadata

    //Create Mapped file in read-only mode
    mappedFile = new RandomAccessFile(path, "r");
    channel = mappedFile.getChannel();
    long fileSize = path.length();

    //Create index buffer
    indexBuffer =, indexOffset, dataOffset - indexOffset);

    //Create data buffers
    dataSize = fileSize - dataOffset;

    //Check if data size fits in memory map limit
    if (!config.getBoolean(Configuration.MMAP_DATA_ENABLED)) {
      //Use classical disk read
      mMapData = false;
      dataBuffers = null;
    } else {
      //Use Mmap
      mMapData = true;

      //Build data buffers
      int bufArraySize = (int) (dataSize / segmentSize) + ((dataSize % segmentSize != 0) ? 1 : 0);
      dataBuffers = new MappedByteBuffer[bufArraySize];
      int bufIdx = 0;
      for (long offset = 0; offset < dataSize; offset += segmentSize) {
        long remainingFileSize = dataSize - offset;
        long thisSegmentSize = Math.min(segmentSize, remainingFileSize);
        dataBuffers[bufIdx++] =, dataOffset + offset, thisSegmentSize);
上一篇:基于DotNet构件技术的企业级敏捷软件开发平台 - AgileEAS.NET平台开发指南 - 数据层开发

下一篇:基于DotNet构件技术的企业级敏捷软件开发平台 - AgileEAS.NET平台开发指南 - 配置文件