使用Chrome开发者工具分析JavaScript garbage collector(垃圾回收器)的实现原理

使用Chrome开发者工具分析JavaScript garbage collector(垃圾回收器)的实现原理使用Chrome开发者工具分析JavaScript garbage collector(垃圾回收器)的实现原理使用Chrome开发者工具分析JavaScript garbage collector(垃圾回收器)的实现原理使用Chrome开发者工具分析JavaScript garbage collector(垃圾回收器)的实现原理Since these nodes are not appended to document node so they are invisible to end user, so displayed as “Detached DOM”. The JerryTestArray still holds the reference to each div node so Garbage collector will not touch these nodes.

In order to make Garbage collector recycle the memory occupied by these nodes, just assign another value to JerryTestArray in console:

使用Chrome开发者工具分析JavaScript garbage collector(垃圾回收器)的实现原理使用Chrome开发者工具分析JavaScript garbage collector(垃圾回收器)的实现原理使用Chrome开发者工具分析JavaScript garbage collector(垃圾回收器)的实现原理使用Chrome开发者工具分析JavaScript garbage collector(垃圾回收器)的实现原理使用Chrome开发者工具分析JavaScript garbage collector(垃圾回收器)的实现原理With this gained knowledge now we can check the memory allocation and destruction in some real application. For example click tile “My Tasks” to enter this application, make the first snapshot and click back button within application to return to launchpad, and make the second snapshot and review the comparison result.

使用Chrome开发者工具分析JavaScript garbage collector(垃圾回收器)的实现原理使用Chrome开发者工具分析JavaScript garbage collector(垃圾回收器)的实现原理

上一篇:java 删除目录、 文件
