SELECT FROM module as a,rights as b where and b.sid='179' and a.pname like 'vip/member_order_manage.php%'
SELECT count(id) as cc,sum(cash) as total from morder_stat_all where (ymd BETWEEN '1312214400' and '1312336486') and depart_id=5 an
d order_class=2
select id,name from media where symd='0000-00-00'
select id,name from depart where s_flag=' ' and onoff=1 order by sno
select id,name from plank where depart_id=5 and onoff=1 order by no
select id,name from grp where plank_id=0 and onoff=1 order by no
select id,CONCAT(pname,'-',name) as name from pvc order by pname
select id,CONCAT(no,'-',name) as name from local where pvc_id=0 order by no
select id,name from product_breed
select color_name from product_color where id=5
select id,name from product where id = '0'
select * from morder_stat_all where (ymd BETWEEN '1312214400' and '1312336486') and depart_id=5 and order_class=2 order by ymd DESC
LIMIT 0,50
select urlkey from sys_config where id=1
select name from morder where id=7195793
select no,name from staff where id=5061
select product_id,amt,price0 from order_product where order_id = 7195793
select concat_ws('/',name,NULLIF((select color_name as cn from product_color where id=color_id),''),NULLIF((select style_name from p
roduct_style where id=style_id),'')) as name,spec,weight,price from product where id = 16938
select concat_ws('/',name,NULLIF((select color_name as cn from product_color where id=color_id),''),NULLIF((select style_name from p
roduct_style where id=style_id),'')) as name,spec,weight,price from product where id = 19005
select name from morder where id=7195768
select no,name from staff where id=221
select product_id,amt,price0 from order_product where order_id = 7195768
select concat_ws('/',name,NULLIF((select color_name as cn from product_color where id=color_id),''),NULLIF((select style_name from p
roduct_style where id=style_id),'')) as name,spec,weight,price from product where id = 18978
select concat_ws('/',name,NULLIF((select color_name as cn from product_color where id=color_id),''),NULLIF((select style_name from p
roduct_style where id=style_id),'')) as name,spec,weight,price from product where id = 18282
select concat_ws('/',name,NULLIF((select color_name as cn from product_color where id=color_id),''),NULLIF((select style_name from p
roduct_style where id=style_id),'')) as name,spec,weight,price from product where id = 19740