Please run the following script on each node as "root" user to execute the fixups:
'/tmp/CVU_11.' 然后我根据提示去运行脚本 脚本运行提示如下:The value for shmmax in response file is not greater than value of shmmax for current session. Hence not changing it.
'/tmp/CVU_11.' 然后我根据提示去运行脚本 脚本运行提示如下:The value for shmmax in response file is not greater than value of shmmax for current session. Hence not changing it.
方法:设置为 >物理机的内存*1024*1024*1024*0.9
第一种是临时性的修改,操作十分简单在bash shell下敲下下面的命令:
# echo "xxxxxxx" > /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax
第二种是永久性的修改,修改 /etc/sysctl.conf 使更改永久化。在该文件内添加以下一行,这个更改在系统重新启动后生效kernel.shmmax = xxxxxxxxx 。