

 php 文件创建连接

$src = __DIR__.‘\upload‘;
$target = __DIR__.‘\backend\web\upload‘;
$res = exec("mklink /d ".$target." ".$src);
先目标的目录 后是源目录

Without any extra options, mklink creates a symbolic link to a file. The below command creates a symbolic, or “soft”, link at Link pointing to the file Target :

mklink Link Target

Use /D when you want to create a soft link pointing to a directory. like so:

mklink /D Link Target

Use /H when you want to create a hard link pointing to a file:

mklink /H Link Target

Use /J to create a hard link pointing to a directory, also known as a directory junction:

mklink /J Link Target




下一篇:windows10 消除噪音的方法。我终于找到原因了!啊哈哈