robot framework接口测试之一-完整的测试用例

robot framework接口测试之一-完整的测试用例

 *** Settings ***
Library Collections
Library json
Library requests
Library RequestsLibrary
Library HttpLibrary.HTTP *** Variables ***
&{hosts} dfc= crm= *** Keywords ***
新建客户 登录xxxxx
[Arguments] ${apiurl} ${jpushid} ${loginName} ${password}
${top} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Create Session api ${apiurl} ${top}
${data} Create Dictionary jpushid=${jpushid} loginName=${loginName} password=${password}
${req} Post Request api /rest/account/login data=${data}
log ${req.status_code}
${reqj} To Json ${req.content}
log ${reqj}
${reqjdata} Get From Dictionary ${reqj} data
${TT} Get From Dictionary ${reqjdata} token
${store} Get From Dictionary ${reqjdata} store
${citycode} Get From Dictionary ${reqjdata} cityCode
set global variable ${TT}
Set Suite Variable ${store}
Set Suite Variable ${citycode}
${form} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Set Global Variable ${form}
${json} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json TT=${TT}
Set Global Variable ${json}
#Set Suite Variable $ MoGet
[Arguments] ${apiurl} ${type}==json ${params}==${EMPTY}
${proxy} set variable
: FOR ${tag} IN @{TEST TAGS}
\ ${host} Evaluate ${hosts}.get($tag,"")
\ Run Keyword If "${host}"!="" Exit For Loop
log ${host}
${top} Run Keyword If "${type}"=="form" Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded TT=${TT}
... ELSE Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json TT=${TT}
Create Session api ${host} ${top}
${resget} Get Request api ${apiurl} params=${params}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resget.status_code} 200
log ${resget.status_code}
${resj} To Json ${resget.content}
log ${resj} MoPost
[Arguments] ${apiurl} ${type}==json ${params}==${EMPTY}
${proxy} Set Variable
: FOR ${tag} IN @{TEST TAGS}
\ ${host} Evaluate ${hosts}.get($tag,"")
\ Run Keyword If "${host}"!="" Exit For Loop
log ${host}
${top} Run Keyword If "${type}"=="json" Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json TT=${TT}
... ELSE IF "${type}"=="form" Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded TT=${TT}
Create Session api ${host} ${top}
${respost} Post Request api ${apiurl} params=${params}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${respost.status_code} 200
${resj} To Json ${respost.content}
log ${resj}
