#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; bool cmp(int a,int b) { return a>b; } struct cmp1 { bool operator() (const int&a,const int&b) { return a>b; } }; int main() { vector<int> tmp={1,1,3,12,32,213,7,1,2}; sort(tmp.begin(),tmp.end(),cmp); priority_queue<int,vector<int>,greater<int>> p; p.push(1); cout<<; return 0; }
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; //STL special case template <class T> void print(T a) { for(auto i:a) { cout<<i<<endl; } } template <class T> void p(T a) { cout<<a<<endl; } /* 1.set size clear */ bool cmp(int a,int b) { return a>b; } int main() { priority_queue<int,vector<int>,cmp> p={1,21,242,14,34,13,241,3124,21}; //set part set<int> exp1={1,3}; multiset<int> exp2={2,2,3,3,4,4,8}; p("SET PART:tree most logn"); print(exp1); //size O(1) p("size part"); p(exp1.size()); //count O(logn+an) p("count part"); p(exp1.count(3)); //clear p("clear part"); exp1.clear(); print(exp1); p("\ninsert part O(logn)"); exp1.insert(3); exp1.insert(4); print(exp1); p("iterator part O(1)"); auto it=exp1.begin(); p(*it); it++; p(*it); //begin end p("\nbegin() end() O(1)"); p(*(--exp1.end())); p("\nerase(para:val/iter) O(logn)"); exp1.erase(3); print(exp1); p("\nmultiset will erase all val equals to para,so if only delete one,use combine find\n"); print(exp2); exp2.erase(exp2.find(2)); print(exp2); p("find() return iterator"); if(exp1.find(7)==exp1.end()) { p("not find 7 in exp1"); exp1.insert(7); if(exp1.find(7)!=exp1.end()) p("7 now exist in exp1"); } p("lower_bound & upper_bound & equal_range"); auto it1=lower_bound(exp1.begin(),exp1.end(),7); auto it2=exp1.upper_bound(7); p("set base on tree,so no order/rank,only can insert in begin/end"); exp1.insert(exp1.begin(),8); exp1.insert(exp1.end(),10); print(exp1); if(it2==exp1.end()) p("no val in exp1 big than 7"); p(*it1); p("\nequal_range== .first:lower_bound .second:upper_bound"); auto it3=exp1.equal_range(7); p("\nfirst"); p(*it3.first); p("\nsecond"); p(*it3.second); p("\nbinary_search part"); bool ans=binary_search(exp1.begin(),exp1.end(),7); p(ans); p("\n min_element & big_element"); p("min"); auto it4=min_element(exp1.begin(),exp1.end()); p(*it4); auto it5=max_element(exp1.begin(),exp1.end()); p("max:"); p(*it5); p("struct cmp self-define"); //self-define cmp part p("self-define cmp part"); //struct part p("struct part class part:aim to reality problem virtualization"); struct Worker { int id; int cash; string name; }; // bool cmp(Worker& a,Worker& b) // { // if( // return false; // return>; // }; p("\nstruct initial method"); /*first initial method:(initial list) initial in order,is former no ini,latter cannot */ Worker wk1={0,4000,"Bill"}; Worker wk2={1,3500}; /*second initial method:(initial function) need ; in the last. except for main always need ; to tell compiler end msg. */ struct hope { int num; vector<string> actual; hope(int num,vector<string> actual) { this->num=num; this->actual=actual; } }; struct Worker2 { int id; int val; string name; // hope hp1; Worker2(int id,int val,string name,hope hp1) { this->id=id; this->val=val; this->name=name; // this->hp1=hp1; } }; vector<Worker2> store1; vector<string> wk3hl={"money","house","car"}; hope wk3h(3,wk3hl); //**************************************Question:how to initialize nested struct********************** // Worker2 wk3(3,4500,"Julio"); // store1.push_back(wk3); //struct & rank method usage set<Worker2> store2; vector<int> test1={1,9,3,4,5,20,4,53,7}; sort(test1.begin(),test1.end()); print(test1); sort(test1.begin(),test1.end(),cmp); print(test1); return 0; }